We research technology that can improve people’s lives
We focus on techniques that can help people adopt healthy behaviours (e.g. exercising, having quality time, meditating, etc.) and getting rid of negative behaviours (e.g., smoking, procrastinating essential tasks, etc.).

- Reflections on DIS 2024While it can be a pleasure to present one’s work to the broader research community, undoubtedly, attending these conferences in person can be supremely beneficial for researchers of any level. …
- Presentation at DIS’24This year’s Designing Interactive Systems conference (DIS’24), which took place in Copenhagen, included a presentation on a PET Lab experiment by James Arnéra entitled “Digital, Analog, or Hybrid: Comparing Strategies …
- DIS24′ A presentation on Participatory Design to Address Disclosure-Based CyberbullyingClose to 525 participants, including academics, industries, and practitioners, attended the ACM’s Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2024. They gathered to discuss the role of design in creating universal solutions that …
- Our Medium article on supporting collaboration in introductory programming classroomsWe are delighted to share our Medium blog post on our recently published paper at ACM CSCW 2023. The article presents ways to support novices’ programming learning in the social …
- A research Blog about MediationBot for PrivacyWe’re excited to share our latest Medium blog on how MediationBot is changing the landscape of digital privacy. This article explores how this innovative chatbot mediator addresses multiparty privacy conflicts …