Author: Kimberley Perrenoud
A Strange Autumn
When I see the sun, I go out for some fun
When I see the rain, I stay inside and fill my brain
When there is thunder, I start using a highlighter
And when the weather is cloudy, I feel like writing poetry
When arrives the second lockdown
We all have a reason to feel down
But I will lie down on the lawn
And look at the stars all alone
Maybe till dawn

Tough Time
At the moment Life is hard
But not so much
When you are lucky enough
To have a yard
Listen to the birds outside your window
Try not to be overwhelmed by sorrow
Have a look! Somewhere might appear a rainbow
Which will lift up your spirits, I know

One for All and All for One
We are having online courses – To alleviate the work of nurses
As a community we should be stronger than ever
But instead of struggling together – It turned out that people don’t care about one another
While people are dying from that virus every day – Nobody in the streets seems to care today
All people do is complain about the new sanitary measure – They don’t understand that these rules were not made for pleasure
But that we need to follow the rules today – If tomorrow we want to be able to say
“The pandemic is now behind us! – It is no longer risky to take the bus!
We survived as a community – We have not let down the elderly
Nor all the young, and so-called ‘healthy’ – Who could also have died in our country
We took the matter seriously – And we can, once again, be happy!”
It is today that efforts should be made – If tomorrow we want this crisis to fade
Every single person in this country has to make a sacrifice – Because as we saw the rules don’t suffice
Be careful now more than ever – If you want all of this to be over
If you want to see your favorite festivals again – Please, please now use your brain
And understand that if today you don’t care – You are going to send your grandma to the intensive care
Or maybe your asthmatic friend – Or maybe your healthy boy/girlfriend
Remember that you are only a human – An ordinary woman or man, not Superman or Wonder Woman
And that the virus kills as it pleases
So now do your bit for your neighbor – For your grandparents, your cousins and many more
‘cause who you infect on Monday – Can infect your brother on Friday
There is nothing magical that will save us – If you continue to let spread the virus
Half of the population is not enough – To stop this dangerous cough
If tonight you don’t listen up – If you don’t act as a grown-up
Please please you all know someone – Who could die from it and maybe not only one
So wake up immediately – And start acting responsibly
For no one can resurrect your sister
When she will have to suffer the consequences of you, DANGER !