
As a global phenomenon, researchers from around the world are interested in the impact of Covid-19 on crime and the justice system. This international perspective is also present in the working group; the founding members come from England & Wales, Italy, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

We look forward to welcoming further members and expanding the geographical scope.

List of members (in alphabetical order)

Marcelo F. Aebi, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Lenneke Alink, Leiden University, Netherlands

Alberto Aziani, Catholic University of Milan, Italy

Stéphanie Baggio, Geneva University Hospitals, Switzerland

David Buil-Gil, University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Christine Burkhardt, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Gian Maria Campedelli, University of Trento, Italy

Stefano Caneppele, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Veroni Eichelsheim, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement, Netherlands

Serena Favarin, Catholic University of Milan, Italy

Daniel Fink, University of Lucerne / University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Jenny Fleming, University of Southampton, United Kingdom

Laura Garius, Release, United Kingdom

Natalie Gehringer, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Germany

Manne Gerell, Malmö University, Sweden

Christine Guillain, Université Saint-Louis, Belgium

Lachlan Jaccoud, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Maria Jofre, Transcrime, Catholic University of Milan, Italy

Alexia Jonckeere, National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology, Belgium

Nora Katona, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Fundamental and Human Rights, Austria

Steven Kemp, University of Girona / University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain

Arkadiusz Lach, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland

Anita Lavorgna, University of Bologna, Italy

Michael Levi, Cardiff University, United Kingdom

Yi-Jing Li, Centre for Urban Science and Progress London, United Kingdom

Lesley McAra, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

Fernando Miró-Llinares, University Miguel Hernández of Elche, Spain

Lorena Molnar, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Olivia Nederlandt, Université Libre de Bruxelles / Université Saint-Louis Bruxelles, Belgium

Dietrich Oberwittler, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Germany

Katalin Parti, Virginia Tech, United States

Cátia Pontedeira, University Institute of Maia / University of Porto, Portugal

Sandra Ribeiro, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Elodie Schils, National Institute of Criminalistics and Criminology, Belgium

Silvia Staubli, University of Fribourg / University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

Diletta Tatti, Université Saint-Louis, Belgium

Guido Travaini, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Italy

Marina Tsaloupi, University of Essex, United Kingdom

Jasper van der Kemp, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands

Gunda Wössner, Protestant University of Applied Sciences Freiburg, Germany