Christine Burkhardt

Christine Burkhardt (M.Law) is a research fellow and PhD candidate in Criminology at the School of Criminal Justice of the University of Lausanne. For her PhD, she received a 4-years research grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for a study on the effectiveness of policing strategies in reducing crime and insecurity. Her main research interests are crime prevention and fear of crime, policing, drug trafficking and cybercrime.

Scientific articles on COVID-19
• Jaccoud, L., Burkhardt, C., & Caneppele, S. (2021). COVID-19, Crime and Policing: A first snapshot of academic publishing on crime trends and police activity during COVID-19 academic. Research Briefs, Series UNILCRIM, (5) 2021.
• Ribeiro, S., Burkhardt, C., & Caneppele, S. (2021). COVID-19, Crime and Criminal Justice: Mapping Criminological Research Projects around the World. Research Briefs, Series UNILCRIM, (7) 2021.