Webinar: Resident permit attainment and job search in Switzerland

Is your working contract at the University about to finish? Your Swiss residence permit is expiring, and you are not familiar with all the procedures to prolong your stay in Switzerland? Are you feeling too overwhelmed with your work to spend some extra time searching side information on the Swiss administration system outside the University?

ADAS organizes a 1h webinar on immigration rights and unemployment: “Resident permit attainment and job search in Switzerland,” Wednesday, 10th of November 2021 at 18:00h. This event is brought in collaboration with Skills for Scientistsand with financial support from the Graduate Campus. The trainers are from the Suter Howald’s attorney at law team and the unemployment office

You can finally learn more about the administration outside the University and benefit from legal advice on the following administrative steps you need to take. There is no need to randomly informing yourself on which offices you have to visit, forms to fill, and documents to submit to prolong your stay in Switzerland. You will find out if attending our webinar.

If you are the one in the urge to know the answers to the questions mentioned above and more – please register here:”https://conference.unil.ch/cours/fbm“, and join us online! Registered participants will receive more information close to the event.