ADAS Committee members
Co-Presidents: | Hammam Antar, Ophélie Gosselin, Sedreh Nassirnia |
Secretaries: | Roberto Avendaño, Ali Hallaj |
Treasurer: | Evgeniya Trofimenko |
Webmasters: | Afonso Bravo, Nicholay Diaz Ardila |
Moderators: | Ludivine Brandt, Philipp Walch |
Graphic Designer: | Irina Terekhova |
Active member: | Bevika Sewgoolam |
Active member: | Erfan Heidari |
Active member: | Marta Vilademunt |
Active member: | Maya Houmel |
Active member: | Mélissa Frund |
Active member: | Natalia Gonzalez Gaarslev |
Active member: | Nicholay Diaz Ardila |
Active member: | Shivali Dongre |
Active member: | Tiberiu Nita |
List of committees with ADAS representation
School of Biology council: | Evgeniya Trofimenko, Natalia Gonzalez Gaarslev |
Doctoral School council: | Maya Houmel, Roberto Avendaño |
Faculty council: | Sedreh Nassirnia, Hammam Antar, Evgeniya Trofimenko |
University council: | No one |
Appeal committee: | Ludivine Brandt, Mélissa Frund |
Research committee | Maya Houmel, Philipp Walch |
Fundamental Sciences section council: | Erfan Heidari, Hammam Antar |
Masters’ Prize Committee: | Ludivine Brandt |
“Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles” representative: | Ophélie Gosselin, Philipp Walch |
Equal chance, diversity, and integration committee: | Natalia Gonzalez Gaarslev |
Commission on Scientific Succession: | Ophélie Gosselin |

Hammam Antar
Hammam is currently a third year PhD student at the department of fundamental microbiology DMF-UNIL. He is interested in studying proteins and factors involved in chromosome organization and maintenance in bacteria.
Ophélie Gosselin
Ophélie is a third year PhD student at the department of fundamental microbiology DMF-UNIL. She is studying proteins involved in chromosome organization and maintenance in the bacterial model Bacillus subtillis.

Sedreh Nassirnia
I’m a bioinformatician and third year PhD student at the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV) specializing in clinical metagenomics. I work with large-scale genomic data to identify and analyze microbial communities in clinical samples and their association with diseases.
Roberto Avendaño
Roberto is a PhD in the Schaerli group (DMF, UNIL). He works on synthetic circuits for engineering bacterial living materials.

Ali Hallaj
Ali is a first year PhD candidate at the Department of Biomedical Sciences. His PhD project revolves around finding new molecules and methods that allow cell penetrating peptides to escape endosomes.
Evgeniya Trofimenko
Evgeniya is a Postdoc in the Department of Biomedical Sciences-UNIL.
Her research is focused on deciphering the cellular membrane trafficking of small peptide vectors.

Afonso Bravo
Afonso is currently pursuing a PhD position at the Veening Lab (DMF – UNIL). He is a microbiologist working with CRISPRi-Seq on Streptococcus pneumoniae, with a deep passion for Python programing.

Nicholay Diaz Ardila
Nicholay is a second-year Ph.D. student at the Department of Plant Molecular Biology at UNIL. He is studying the pH effects on CLE peptide perception in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Ludivine Brandt
Ludivine is a fourth year PhD student at the institute of microbiology, at CHUV. She is interested in finding cellular determinants of permissiveness to HIV.

Philipp Walch
Philipp is a Postdoc in the Department of Immunobiology DIB-UNIL. His research centers around host-pathogen interactions, specifically the impact of enteric bacterial-viral co-infections on the host innate immune response.
Irina Terekhova
Graphic Designer
3d year PhD candidate UNIL/ IHM (CHUV). Working on an interdisciplinary thesis in the intersection of History of Psychiatry and History of Art

Bevika Sewgoolam
Active Member
Bevika is currently a second year PhD candidate at the Department of Fundamental Microbiology at UNIL. Her PhD research focuses on understanding antibiotic resistance in the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae.
Erfan Heidari
Active member
Erfan is a second year Ph.D. student at the Centre for Integrative Genomics. For his Ph.D. thesis, he works on functional genomics approaches, to map the genetic interaction of human genes at mutation level.

Marta Vilademunt
Active member
I am a first year PhD student at the Toni Lab in the Center for Psychiatric Neurosciences (CHUV-UNIL). I am a neuroscientist interested in the role of microglia-astrocyte crosstalk in the regulation of adult hipocampal neurogenesis.
Maya Houmel
Active member
PhD candidate, predoctoral researcher at FBM, UNIL.

Mélissa Frund
Active member
Mélissa is currently a first year PhD candidate at the Microbiology institute of the CHUV. Her thesis is focused on the bacterial cell membrane and cell division mechanism of Acinetobacter baumannii.
Natalia Gaarslev
Active member
Natalia is a Ph.D. student in the lab of Sebastian Soyk (CIG, UNIL). She works on developmental plant genetics with a focus on natural genetic variation and transcriptome dynamics in the inflorescences of the model crop tomato

Shivali Dongre
Active member
Shivali is a second year PhD student at the Centre for Integrative Genomics at UNIL. She focuses on Transcription Factor clusters in the nucleus of zebrafish embryos, to dissect the molecular requirements of clustering.
Tiberiu Nita
Active member