Share your doctoral expertise through Wikipedia !

Do you want to improve your vulgarization skills ? Do you want to share your doctoral expertise to the community ?

If it is the case, the ADAS is happy to invite you for a workshop entitled : Share your doctoral expertise through Wikipedia”  !

This workshop, given by Dr. Fédéric Schutz (vulgarization specialist and Wikipedia curator) will consist in a 3-hour-session where it is planned to:

  • provide a general introduction on Wikipedia
  • give you tips on the best ways to vulgarize science
  • identify Wikipedia pages where your contribution would be the most needed (linked to the topic of your thesis).
Then, your contributions will be followed over a 1-month period by Frédéric Schutz with an expected personal work of ~10h. After the evaluation of your contributions, you will be able to validate 0.5 ECTS credits to the doctoral school.
This workshop, sponsored by the Graduate Campus, will take place on Monday January 28 between 9h and 12h30 (coffee and croissants provided) in Amphimax room 412. 

Registration is mandatory and places are limited, so please respond back to our e-mail ( in order to subscribe to the event !