Information provided by National Administrations (regularly updated)
Website of the Project: here
In defining recidivism the authors refer to the definition of Re-entry Policy Study Report, Indiana City, 2013, « re-arrest, re-conviction, or re-detention of former prisoners within a period of 3 years from the release or the end of the previous sentence ».
Methodology: Intertwining empirical evidences with theoretical approaches. Main data of the research were collected and evidenced through gathering information and analyzing the personal files of the persons deprived of their liberty, who benefited from the amnesty.
Results: The data collected about people who benefited from the amnesty, show that out of 813 persons deprived of their liberty who benefited from the amnesty, 234 of them were recidivists, of which 132 specific recidivists and 102 general recidivists. The data of year 2014 show that there is a growing trend of people who return to prison for committing the same offense. As a result of limited opportunities for successful rehabilitation into society of persons deprived of their liberty, their socio-economic conditions, as well as the negative stereotypes and stigmatization by society of this category, the opportunities of re-involvement in criminal behavior poses a higher risk.
The report can be found here
In 2012 an annual ratio analysis report on mentally disordered offenders was introduced. Beside other ratio comparisons this annual report figures out the ratio of recidivism of mentally disordered law breakers. The report 2014 contains the actual figures of 2 different groups: offenders with mental incapacity and offenders with diminished responsibility for their actions. For both groups can be figured out, that the ratio of recidivism is reducing in the last couple of years regarding a time at risk of 3 years and 5 years.
The prison population presents an especially selected group of criminal offenders with respect to the seriousness of their crimes, rate of offenses and high levels of recidivism. Substantial research shows that criminal recidivism in prisoners is determined by several groups of factors including their socialization context while growing up, individual circumstances and habits before the start of the prison sentence, personality traits as well as effectiveness of prison sentence and the quality of post-release support upon re-entry into society.
The goal of this study was to determine which factors related to the socialization context of growing up and individual characteristics of the prisoner which preceded the prison sentence can best predict the continuation of criminal activities and their return to prison.
During the diagnostics intake procedure on the prisoner at the beginning of the prison sentence, groups of sociodemographic variables were collected which describe the prisoner and his family circumstances while growing up, education, involvement in criminal activities, substance abuse and personality traits measured with Eysenck’s personality questionnaires- EPQ RA and EPQ IVE. The participants in this study were prisoners (N=1082) who were serving their first prison sentence. Data on the reincareration rates of prisoners involved in this study was collected over the course of many years.
The results of regression analysis showed that out of 28 variables the strongest predictors of criminal recidivism are substance abuse and juvenile criminal offenses. Other significant predictors are: completion of schooling out of the regular school system, higher venturesomeness , lower empathy, shorter prison sentence and lower age at the start of the first prison sentence. The results are discussed within the frame of developmental theories of criminal behavior and with consideration to their practical implications for preventing criminal behavior and the resocialization of prisoners.
More information here
1. Rozum, J., Tomášek, J., Vlach, J., & Háková, L. (2016). Efektivita trestní politiky z pohledu recidivy. Praha: Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci. (The effectiveness of criminal policy from the perspective of recidivism. Prague: Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention). Available. (Link).
2. Tomášek, J., Diblíková, S., & Scheinost, M. (2016). Probace jako efektivní nástroj snižování recidivy. Praha: Institut pro kriminologii a sociální prevenci. (Probation as an Effective Tool for Reducing Recidivism. Prague: Institute of Criminology and Social Prevention). (Link).
3. Drahý, F., H?rka, J., & Petras, M. (2018). SARPO: charakteristiky odsouzených v ?eských v?znicích : deskriptivní studie. Praha: V?ze?ská služba ?eské republiky (SARPO: Characteristics of Inmates in Czech Prisons: Descriptive Study. Prague: Prison Service of the Czech Republic).
2. Ragnar Kristoffersen et al. (2010). « Retur » (Relapse study in the correctional services of the Nordic countries: The Nordic relapse study “Retur. En nordisk undersøgelse af recidiv blandt klienter i kriminal-forsorgen” published May 2010 is a product of a yearlong collaboration between a group of researchers and statisticians from the correctional services in the Nordic countries.
- Reoffending figures are reported based on a common definition of re-offending, equally long observation period and a shared classification of offender groups, i.e. the correctional clientele in the Nordic countries divided into five offender groups: Prisoners, community service, conditional sentence with supervision, conditional sentence with treatment and electronic monitoring. The latter four groups are for simplistic reasons lumped into one category labelled “probation”. The object of the study is to present and discuss re-offending rates among those released from prison sentences and those who started serving a community sanction in the probation services in 2005. Relapse is defined as a new prison sentence or community sanction that became legally binding within two years of release from prison or from commencement of the community sanction in 2005.
- The survey comprises a total of almost 60 000 offenders in the Nordic countries. The study represents an important pioneering effort as there are no previous relapse studies that report and analyses re-offending in the correctional services in a Nordic comparative perspective. The study shows that Norway has the lowest overall re-offending rate among correctional clients in the Nordic countries.
- Within two years a fifth of all released from prison and among those who began serving a sentence in the community in Norway incurred a new conviction that had to be served in the correctional services. In the other Nordic countries the overall re-offending rate varies from 24 % to 31 %. The authors emphasize that the results cannot be used to predict the effects of various measures delivered to the offenders while serving their sentences, but on the other hand it cannot be ruled out that such national differences may have contributed to the overall re-offending rates, though the effect is probably marginal compared to the effect on recidivism caused by national differences in the distribution of offender groups with dissimilar risk profiles. The authors also point out that other external factors undoubtedly may have contributed to the differences in re-offending rates between the Nordic countries, such as clear up rates for criminal cases and the capacity to deal with them in the police and the courts, as well as changes in the lives of the offenders.
3. Andersen, Signe Hald (2012). « Serving time or serving the community? Exploiting a policy reform to assess the causal effects of community service on income, social benefit dependency and recidivism ». University Press of Southern Denmark.
Abstract: There is a widespread belief among criminologists, judges and the like that criminals are better off serving non-custodial sentences instead of going to prison. However, empirical evidence of the effects of community service is scarce. This paper exploits a policy reform that implemented the use of community service as punishment among specific groups of criminals, Danish administrative data, and difference-in difference matching in order to assess the causal effect of community service on post-sentence income, dependency on social benefits, and crime. The results show that community service participants have higher long-run income levels and lower long-run levels of social benefit dependency compared to offenders who serve custodial sentences. However, while community service lowers recidivism among offenders convicted of violent crime and misdemeanour, there are no overall effects of community service on crime committed after the serving of a sentence. (link)
4. Clausen, Susanne (2007). « Samfundstjeneste – virker det? ». Jurist- og Økonomforbundets forlag (« Community Service – does it work? »)
5. Clausen, Susanne (2009). « Recidivundersøgelse vedrørende personer dømt for sædelighedskriminalitet ». Direktoratet for Kriminalforsorgen. (« A study of recidivism among persons convicted of a sexual crime ». Danish Prisons and Probation Service) (link)
6. Graunbøl, Hans et al. (2010). « Retur. En nordisk undersøgelse af recidiv blandt klienter i Kriminalforsorgen ». Kriminalforsorgen i Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge og Sverige. (« Return. A Nordic study of recidivism among clients in prison and probation service ») (link)
7. Jørgensen, Tanja Tambour (2011). « Afsoning i hjemmet. En effektevaluering af fodlænkeordningen ». Justitsministeriets Forskningskontor (« Imprisonment at home. An evaluation of the effect of electronic monitoring ») (link)
8. Klement, Christian (2011). « Samfundstjeneste. En effektevaluering ». Justitsministeriets Forskningskontor (« Community Service. An evaluation of the effects ») (link)
9. Kriminalforsorgens recidivstatistik 2012. Kriminalforsorgen 2013. Link. Department of Prison and Probation. Yearly statistics on relapse rates within the Prison and Probation Service. Relapse is defined as a new prison sentence or community sanction that became legally binding within two years of release from prison or from commencement of the community sanction.
10. Kriminalforsorgens recidivstatistik 2011. Kriminalforsorgen 2012. Link. Department of Prison and Probation.Yearly statistics on relapse rates within the Prison and Probation Service. Relapse is defined as a new prison sentence or community sanction that became legally binding within two years of release from prison or from commencement of the community sanction.
11. Kriminalforsorgens recidivstatistik 2010. Kriminalforsorgen 2011. Link. Department of Prison and Probation.Yearly statistics on relapse rates within the Prison and Probation Service. Relapse is defined as a new prison sentence or community sanction that became legally binding within two years of release from prison or from commencement of the community sanction.
12. Kriminalforsorgens recidivstatistik 2009. Kriminalforsorgen 2010. Link. Department of Prison and Probation.Yearly statistics on relapse rates within the Prison and Probation Service. Relapse is defined as a new prison sentence or community sanction that became legally binding within two years of release from prison or from commencement of the community sanction.
13. Klement, Christian & Pedersen, Anne-Julie Boesen. 2014. Samfundstjeneste – en udvidet effektevaluering. Link. An evaluation of the effects of community sanction.
14. Klement, Christian & Pedersen, Anne-Julie Boesen. 2014. Samfundstjeneste – en udvidet effektevaluering. Link. An evaluation of the effects of community sanction.
Abstract: the author uses the re-imprisonment as an indicator of recidivism. Methodology: The total data collected from the central prisoner register include 30 000 separate persons and their 100 000 prison terms. Foreigners and the dead during the follow-up time have been taken into account when calculating the share of the recidivists. Results: Over a half of all the released returned to prison during five years after release. The majority of those for the first time in prison did not return in prison. 80-90 percent of the young offenders returned to prison at least once. Men re-offend more often than women. Persons sentenced for homicides and sexual offences re-offend more rarely than others. One in four of those returned to prison did not commit a new cirime after release. Under 10 out of 100 of the first-timers ended up in prison vortex and they are the most socially excluded part of the Finnish adult population. Summary of the report can be found here.
2. Tyni Sasu (2015), Vankeinhoidon vaikuttavuus. Onko kuntoutukselle tilastollisia perusteita?
Helsinki: Rikosseuraamuslaitos. (Effectiveness of prison sentences. Is there a statistical basis for treatment? Helsinki: Criminal Sanctions Agency).
Abstract: the study is a doctoral dissertation consisting of four substudies. In the study the recidivism of prisoners basically means that a released prisoner commits at least one new offence, which later leads to a new unconditional prison sentence or community service. The primary data of the study consisted of information received from the national prisoner data system and it was possible to use over 5 000 variables and study the recidivism and related factors of over 56 000 prisoners.
3. Ahven, Andri, Ave Roots and Mari-Liis Sööt (2018) « Retsidiivsus Eestis 2017 », Ministry of Justice. Title in English: recdivism in Estonia 2017. Only avaliable in Estonian.
Abstract: the authors view recidivism as a new criminal conviction within two years after release (or other punishments). Data is also presented about individuals who are detained as suspects in a criminal case within 1, 2 and 5 years. The report gives a statistical overview about recidivism in Estonia (Link).
Abstract: The aim of the study is to try and examine the success rate of the German criminal justice system as concerns criminal relapses and reconvictions. The first wave of the study was comprised of all individuals who had either received a non-custodial sentence (fine, probation, conviction or other corrective measures based on criminal law concerning young offenders) during 2004 or who had been released from a custodial sentence during that year (custodial sentence, youth custody, remainder of a custodial sentence in the case of a revoked probation, placement in a psychiatric hospital, detoxification clinic or preventive detention). These individuals where monitored over a three year period to determine whether they subsequently appeared again in the Federal Register of Judicial Convictions. Based on this data, a comprehensive overview on recidivism dependent on type of sanction, type of offences, previous convictions, age and gender of the convicted person was obtained. The project is conducted in cooperation with the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice at the University of Göttingen and has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Justice.
2. Jörg-Martin Jehle, Hans-Jörg Albrecht, Sabine Hohmann-Fricke und Carina Tetal: Legalbewährung nach strafrechtlichen Sanktionen. Eine bundesweite Rückfalluntersuchung 2004 bis 2007, 2007 bis 2010 und 2004 bis 2010, Berlin: Bundesministerium der Justiz (2013) Criminal Sanction and Recidivism. A nation wide study on recidivism from 2004 to 2007, from 2007 to 2010 and from 2004 to 2010. The study is available here.
The study concerning the base year 2004 laid the foundation for a periodical recidivism study. It is planed that criminal records will be collected every three years and will be merged with the existing database (link).
3. 1. Kensey A., De Bruyn F., (2017). 50 ans d’études quantitatives sur les récidives enregistrées (« 50 years of quantitative studies on recidivism« ), DAP.
Abstract: Abstract: this publication includes qualitative studies on recidivism conducted in France in the last 50 years ( cette publication présente, sous forme de fiches synthétiques et récapitulatives, les recherches quantitatives réalisées en France depuis 50 ans en matière de récidives délictuelle et criminelle, officiellement enregistrées et judiciairement sanctionnées, ainsi que quelques recherches menées à l’étranger qui se distinguent par leur originalité. Cependant, présenter ces études ne peut aller sans évoquer à minima le contexte dans lequel elles ont pu être produites. Ainsi, après avoir décrit la genèse de l’objet « récidive » dans le domaine politique et dans celui de la recherche, et envisagé les liens possiblement dépendants entre récidive et politique pénale, les auteures fournissent des clés de lecture et de compréhension commune à l’ensemble des recherches quantitatives présentées dans les fiches de résumés en fin de document).
Prisoners, community service, conditional sentence with supervision, conditional sentence with treatment and electronic monitoring. The object of the study is to present and discuss re-offending rates among those released from prison sentences and those who started serving a community sanction in the probation services in 2005. Relapse is defined as a new prison sentence or community sanction that became legally binding within two years of release from prison or from commencement of the community sanction in 2005. The survey comprises a total of almost 60 000 offenders in the Nordic countries. (link1; link2)
2. Probation Service Recidivism Study (2008 – 2013). The report is available here.
3. Drug and Alcohol Misuse Among Young Offenders on Probation Supervision in Ireland (2013). Findings from the Drugs and Alcohol Survey 2012. The study available here.
4. The Irish Prison Service facilitated a major study of prisoner re-offending by the UCD Institute of Criminology and the findings were published in May 2008. The study found that after 4 years over 50% of prisoners released had not re-offended. The rate is in the mid to lower range of recidivism rates when compared to similar countries internationally. Recidivism related reports (e.g. Recidivism Report (2007 – 2012) and the Drug and Alcohol Misuse Among Adult Offenders) are available here.
5. Also, of interest would be the Irish Probation Journal an annual publication with articles related to Probation and related activities. The journal usually includes some research reports. It is accessible through the following link: here
6. The Irish Prison Service & Central Statistics Office Recidivism Study 2015. The report is available here.
1. L. Baccaro, G. Mosconi, The Circle of Damned Souls, in Rassegna Penitenziaria e Criminologica, 2004, vol. 2, pages 212-237
Abstract: This article sets out the main results of a survey carried out in 2003 among the prisoners held in the Padova prison; the object of said survey were the reasons for recidivism, by reconstructing, on the one hand, the objective conditions characterising the status of former prisoner; on the other hand, the subjective experiences of the offenders and, in general, of their imprisonment experience. Eighty-five questionnaires were administered to prisoners with previous detention experiences, gathered in a sample stratified for different variables (age, origin, type of crime).
Consistently with the starting hypothesis, the problems arisen concern: the offenders’ arrival and their reception in prison, the social networks, employment, relations with family, the offenders’ know-how, their economic resources; their life experiences and the subjective images.
Beyond the objective difficulties arisen concerning various aspects, easily predictable, our survey highlighted, on the one hand, the poor prisoners’ awareness of those difficulties, as if the deprivations imposed by their detention experience inspired distorting idealizations and projections, with respect to a possible fruitful sense of reality; on the other hand, the survey showed a series of inconsistencies and simplifications, which, in turn, alter the reference framework of prisoners, with easily predictable effects. The prisoners really seem to live “nowhere” and out of time, in a place where the rules are different and everything is so possible as to become impossible. The sharp suspension of time in prison is evident, since prison is considered as a space where a different self is living; moreover, detention is felt as a situation which is not a consequence of offender’s behaviour and choices. Imprisonment is not felt as a time of justice, it is not a time for justice at the subjects’ disposal, it is not a time to be lived. This one seems to be the core of their recidivism experience, inspired by the same meaning of punishment.
2. F. Leonardi, The measures alternative to detention between social reinsertion and the knocking down of recidivism, in Rassegna Penitenziaria e Criminologica, 2007, vol. 2, pages 7-26
Abstract: Between 1975 and 2005, in Italy the percentage of convicted persons who served their sentences out of prisons grew up, but imprisonment is commonly considered as the best solution to limit the criminality rate.
The recidivism rate has been chosen as a parameter to assess the efficiency of the measures alternative to detention. A case study was carried out, through a quantitative longitudinal research, among those who ended their assignment to the probation service in 1998, verifying whether they perpetrated new crimes until 2005. The result was that only 19% of those who were assigned to the probation service re-offended in that period, while 68% of those who were in prison re-offended.
Therefore, the assignment to the probation service can be considered as a valid solution to solve the problems of prison overcrowding, while guaranteeing, at the same time, good results in terms of offenders’ social reinsertion.
3. F. Leonardi, Drug-addiction and measures alternatives to detention: the recidivism risk among the persons assigned to the probation service, in Rassegna Penitenziaria e Criminologica, 2009, vol. 1, pages 5-30
Abstract: Assuming that drug-addiction may affect people’s criminal behaviours, the addiction to alcohol or to drugs was surveyed for a sample of persons assigned to the probation service who ended that measure alternative to detention in 1998. For all of them, the recidivism rate was calculated by ascertaining the perpetration of further crimes until 2005. The result was compared with the result of convicted people who were granted the assignment to the probation service in special cases, a measure dedicated to drug-addicts and alcohol-addicts who accept to undergo a therapeutic rehabilitation programme.
The recidivism rate found among drug-addicts is the same, whether when they are granted the normal measure of assignment to the probation service or when they undergo the measure of assignment in special cases (31%) and that rate is higher than the recidivism rate of those ones who do not show any addiction status (16%), thus confirming that addiction is one of the reasons for a higher inclination to offend.
4. L. Brunori, C, Raggi (edited by), Never Again – recidivism and responsibility starting from the group. Project Hippokrates. Department of Penitentiary Administration, Ministry of Justice of Italy and Bologna University – Department of Psychology, 2004, pp. 200. (link)
Abstract: Project Hippokrates was funded by the European Social funds as an initiative for exchanges, research and training aimed at crime prevention throughout Europe. Its main aim was the research on recidivism, carried out by the instrument of the group-analysis.
5. A. Paloscia (1986), Problematica relativa al metodo di rilevazione statistica per la categoria dei recidivi, (Problems concerning the method of statistic survey for the category of recidivists)., in Rassegna Penitenziaria e Criminologica, 1-3, 1986, pages 21-31. (link)
Abstract: After considering the various meanings of the term « recidivism » (from the legal and the criminological points of view), the author points out that the ambiguity of the institution foreseen by article 99 of the Italian Penal Code affects the criteria of the official statistics survey. Indeed, the category of « recidivists » which the ISTAT – the National Statistics Institute in Italy – includes under the category of « sentenced persons with previous convictions » is difficult to interpret since no definition of the term « recidivist » is provided by the ISTAT itself. In other words, considering the commont element of previous final sentences, there is no way of explaining the quantitative difference between these two categories of statistics. Given that gap, preventing a clear analysis of the quantitative and qualitative dimension of the phenomenon of « recidivism » in its legal meanings, the author attempts a possible interpretation of the category of ISTAT « recidivists » in Italy as subjects to whom Article 99 of the Penal Code is concretely applied, thus ascribing a particular status although apart fom any increase in the punishment. Finally, the authos points out the need to bridge this gap with the proposal to set up a joint Commission to reconsider all the pertinent material, among other things in the light of the 1974 Reform.
Definition: Authors of the study used two definitions of recidivism: a) new sentence against person released after serving of the sentence in prison/community or b) new sentence or criminal procedure against person released after serving of the sentence in prison/community.
Methodology: Study included analyses of 1767 cases of persons released from prison and probation in definite period. Results shows significant difference in reoffending by gender and age as well as give evidence that serving of full prison sentence are related to highest recidivism level.
Abstract: Short abstract of the main results is available here.
The publication can be accessed here.
a) The new factsheet (2012) is only available in Dutch and can be found here. A brochure that explains how the Dutch Recidivism Monitor works is available here. The English version of the WODC-website:
b) Since the 70s a lot of studies (150 to 200) on recidivism have been carried out to look at the effectiveness of judiciary interventions (effect evaluations). Most of the time these are small-scale studies which have not led to a lot of general knowledge on the enforcement of sanctions and measures in the Netherlands. This study from the WODC can be seen as a systematic summary of the results of several studies, that might give more general knowledge. The publication can be found here. On the webpage can also be found the English summary as a separate document.
1. Zebel, S., Alberda, D.L., Wartna, B.S.J. (2014). Recidivism following probation or a community service order. Overview of the relapse into crime of adult offenders dealt with by the Dutch Probation Services in 2002-2009 (link). The English version of the summary is available too: O&B312_Summary.
2. Alberda, D., Wartna, B.S.J. (2013). Recidive na huiselijk geweldOntwikkelingen in de strafrechtelijke recidive van plegers van huiselijk geweld vervolgd in de periode 2007-2009. (link)
Summary & Main results: A study on recidivism after domestic violence: development of the criminal recidivism of perpetrators of domestic violence who have been prosecuted in the period of 2007-2009:
Of all perpetrators with a criminal case closed in 2009 concerning domestic violence, one out of three was prosecuted again for another crime within two years; one out of four for a serious crime (maximum possible punishment of 4 years); 4% for a very serious crime (maximum possible punishment of 8 years)
Recidivism of perpetrators of domestic violence is comparable to the recidivism of the total group of prosecuted people who committed an act of violence.
Recidivism is higher if a perpetrator besides the domestic violence committed another type of crime in the same period.
Recidivism amongst the prosecuted perpetrators for an act of (domestic) violence has slightly dropped between 2007 and 2009. The ones punished in 2007: 37,5% within 2 years another contact with the law. The ones punished in 2009: 33,4% within 2 years another contact with the law.
3. Weijters, G., Noordhuizen, S., Verweij, S., Wartna, B.S.J., Vergouw, S.J. (2013). Effect of participation in ESF programmes on work/education and criminal recidivism (link). The English version of the summary is available too: Cahier 2013-7_Summary.
The Nordic relapse study “Retur. En nordisk undersøgelse af recidiv blandt klienter i kriminalforsorgen” published in May 2010 is based on a common definition of reoffending, equally long observation period and a shared classification of offender groups, i.e. the correctional clientele in the Nordic countries divided into five offender groups: Prisoners, community service, conditional sentence with supervision, conditional sentence with treatment and electronic monitoring. The latter four groups are for simplistic reasons lumped into one category labeled “probation”. The object of the study is to present and discuss reoffending rates among those released from prison sentences and those who started serving a community sanction in the probation services in 2005. Relapse is defined as a new prison sentence or community sanction that became legally binding within two years of release from prison or from commencement of the community sanction in 2005. The survey comprises a total of almost 60 000 offenders in the Nordic countries. The study shows that Norway has the lowest overall reoffending rate among correctional clients in the Nordic countries, 20 %. In the other Nordic countries the overall reoffending rate varies from 24 % to 31 %. The report is written in Danish and Norwegian and can be downloaded here.
1. Kaluzhina ?.?. (2016). The role of gender factor on crime prevention. Modern problems of law, economics
and management. Electronic journal. – 2016. – ? 1(2). – 42–46. (link)
Abstract: The article presents the author’s view on the prevention of crime, taking into account gender factor.
2. Utkin V.?. (2016). Assignment of punishment and penal system. Kuzbass Institute of the FPS of Russia. – 2016. – ? 4(29) – 104–109 ?. (link)
Abstract: In article the analysis of general statistics of a criminal record in the Russian Federation for 2008-2015 is provided. The general tendency to reducing specific weight (share) punishment in the form of real imprisonment is available. Courts of Russia began to approach more differentially purpose of real imprisonment, applying it, as a rule, when making heavy and especially serious crimes or in case of a repeated or numerous criminal record.
3. Gabaraev ?.S., & Durova ?.?. (2016). Place and role of electronic monitoring system of persons under control (SEMPL) in the mechanism for the execution of non-custodial sentences in the prevention of recidivism. Penal system at the present stage: interaction of science and practice, materials of the International scientific and practical interdepartmental conference. (link)
Abstract:The article deals with the problems of legal regulation and the practice of using electronic surveillance and control in the mechanism of the execution of sentences, not related to deprivation of liberty, in the prevention of recidivism. In order to improve the efficiency of operation and using the SEMPL equipment, proposals are made for its technical modernization and improvement of the regulatory framework governing the organization of using electronic and other technical means in the activity of inspections (corrective services).
4. Babayan S.L., Burmakin G.?., & Gabaraev ?.Sh. (2016). Successful post-penitentiary re-socialization as a factor in reducing the level of recidivism among persons released from prison. International Scientific and Practical Conference « New Science: Theoretical and Practical View »,?. 2. ?. 169-172. (link)
Abstract: It is known that the resocialization of convicts consists of two stages – penitentiary (in the period of serving the sentence) and post-penitentiary (in the period after the release from serving the sentence). The content of the resocialization of convicts is multifaceted organizational activities of correctional institutions, which it is aimed at the realization of the goals of criminal punishment in the process of its execution by the labor device, the protection of the rights and legal interests of convicts. In accordance with the concept of the development of the Federal Penal Service of Russia until 2020 one of the main activities of the penal system is to reduce the level of recidivism committed by persons who have served a sentence of deprivation of liberty by increasing the effectiveness of social and psychological work in correctional institutions, holding events in correctional institutions in order to adapt convicted prisoners to society, including with the participation of civil society.
5. Dvoryanskov I.V. (2017). The Criminological Basis of Preventing Repeat Crimes in the Places of Confinement. All-Russian Criminological Journal, 2017. ?. 11, ? 4. ?. 748-760. (link)
Abstract: The number of repeat crimes in penal colonies is steadily growing at present, which can be explained by both general social and by special determining factors connected with specific relationships among inmates and a number of criminogenic factors typical of places of confinement. It is not easy to gain realistic information about the situation with penitentiary repeat crimes because they are highly latent, so this phenomenon requires objective criminological research that could be used as a basis for the development of complex prevention measures. Prevention of penitentiary repeat crimes should be understood as an integrated complex of general, specific and individual measures to eliminate (neutralize) the factors determining crimes of inmates in the short term.
6. Fedorova ?.?. (2017). The main directions of psychological work in prisons to reduce the recidive of crimes of persons serving sentences. Problems of determination and crime prevention. Problems of determination and crime prevention. All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Criminological Association” (Moscow). (link)
Abstract: The article raises an important penitentiary problem – the prevention and recurrence of crime among those serving a sentence. The author suggests that this issue be addressed in the framework of psychological work carried out in correctional institutions of the penal system. The article identifies the main problem points in the implementation of this activity, outlines directions for improving its efficiency.
7. Dvoryanskov I.V. (2017). Prevention of recidivism in institutions that carry out criminal penalties in the form of imprisonment. Problems of determination and crime prevention. Problems of determination and crime prevention. All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Criminological Association” (Moscow). (link)
Abstract: Prison crime prevention in correctional facilities is a targeted, multi-step work that should include employees of all services and departments of the correctional institution who work with convicts. The article reveals some aspects of the problem of determination and crime prevention in the framework of recidive prevention among convicts.
8. Anfinogenov V.?. (2018). Criminal punishment and its general preventional impact on recurrent crime. Humanities, socio-economic and social sciences. ? 10, 2018. (link)
Abstract: The article discusses the role of criminal punishment in the general preventive effect on recidivism.
9. Smirnov ?.?. (2018). Causes and conditions of recidivism in Russia. Avenue of science. ? 7 (23) (book 2) (july, 2018). ?. 569-572. (link)
Abstract: The article describes the main causes and conditions of recidivism in Russia, whose knowledge will allow a more in-depth understanding of the social and criminological nature of recidivism, on the basis of which to develop the most effective measures to prevent it.
10. Zhilyaev R.M., Pervozvansky V.B., & Strogovich Y. N. (2018). The criminological characteristic of the foreign condemned recognized by a court as repeat offenders. Penalties of the penitentiary system. 2018. ? 7 (194). ?. 33-44. (link)
Abstract: On the basis of research of statistical data, the analysis of results of the survey carried out among convicts the authors present criminological characteristic of the foreign citizens recognized by the court as repeat offenders.
11. Zhilyaev R.M., Pervozvansky V.B., & Strogovich Y. N. (2018). Criminal law characteristic of persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty for foreign female citizens. Legislative gaps. 2018. ? 2. ?. 101-104. (link)
Abstract: This article is based on the results of the research the whole female convicted aliens serving sentences of deprivation of liberty. During the analysis of a number of indicators-category and type of offence, complicity, recidivist, the term of sentence, the motive of the Act, relevant to victim-identified trends and some particular characteristics.
12. Zhilyaev R.M., Pervozvansky V.B., Strogovich Y. N. (2018). Criminal-executive characteristic of persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty for foreign female citizens. Legislative gaps. 2018. ? 2. ?. 97-100. (link)
Abstract: This article is based on the results of the research the whole female convicted aliens serving sentences of deprivation of liberty. On the basis of departmental statistical observation of the Federal Penal Correction Service, statistical data of the territorial bodies of criminally-Executive system, opinion polls, including a special census of convicts, Executive convicted of criminal characteristics of this category. During the analysis of a number of indicators identifies trends and some peculiarities of the prison portrait of identity condemned by women of foreign nationality.
13. Maletina ?.?. (2018). Concepts and definitions of repeat violation. Problems and ways to improve the criminal and penal legislation. Collection of materials of the round table in the framework of the IX Perm Congress of legal scholars. 2018. – 150–155 ?. (link)
Abstract: The article describes the types and methods of prevention of first-time crimes and relapses. The stages of penitentiary and post penitentiary resocialization are considered. And the need for socio-psychological prevention of disruptions post-penitentiary re-socialization of those released from places of deprivation will be determined.
14. Zhilyaev R.M., Pervozvansky V.B., Strogovich Y. N. (2018). Socio-demographic characteristics of persons sentenced to deprivation of liberty for foreign female citizens. Politico-social sciences. 2018. ? 2. ?. 183-186. (link)
Abstract: The article deals with the resulting research on the socio-demographic characteristics of convicted women foreign nationals, presented the specific features and peculiarities of social portrait modern female criminals punitive sentence of deprivation of liberty.
15. Drozdova ?.?., & Volkova ?.V. (2018). Recidivism among foreign citizens and persons without citizenship. Actual problems of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of suspects, accused and convicted persons held in penitentiary institutions. Collection of materials of the round table. 2018. 44-48. (link)
Abstract: The article discusses some issues of types of recidivism among foreign citizens and persons without citizenship. Analyzed the basis for the classification of types of crimes, including recurrent, among foreign citizens and stateless persons. Denotes the types of crimes that are committed by foreign citizens and stateless persons who have been recognized by the court as a recidivism of crimes..
16. Drozdova ?.?. (2018). Criminological characteristics of convicted foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who have a recidivism recognized by the court. Actual problems of protecting the rights and legitimate interests of suspects, accused and convicted persons held in penitentiary institutions. Collection of materials of the round table. 2018. ?. 95-100. (link)
Abstract: The article deals with the prevention of convicted foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who have a recidivism recognized by the court. A detailed analysis of the personality of a foreign citizen and stateless person is given in the criminological aspect, in terms of prevention..
17. Drozdova?.?., & Kudryashov ?.V. (2018). Prevention of recidivism among convicted foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship. Legislative gaps. 2018. ? 2. ?. 84-86. (link)
Abstract: The article considers the questions of recidivism among this category of convicts as foreign citizens and persons without citizenship. The aim of this work is to identify the types of crimes committed by foreign citizens and persons without citizenship, which the court found recidivism. To achieve the objectives was the analysis of specific types of recidivism perfect foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship men and women. Revealed their specificity and the relevance of the topic of the article. Proposed solutions to the problem of recidivism in relation to this category of citizens.
18. Drozdova ?.?. (2018). The social role of a convicted foreign citizen and stateless person in the context of comparative law in the prevention of recidivism. Politico-social sciences. 2018. ? 4. ?. 165-167. (link)
19. Afanaseva ?.R., & Goncharova ?.V. (2018). Repeated crime as one of the possible negative consequences of conviction. Legislative gaps. – 2018. – ? 3. – ?. 273–276. (link)
Abstract: The article is devoted to topical problems of repeated crime and low efficiency of criminal punishment both in theoretical and practical aspects. On the basis of official judicial statistics and the results of the study of criminal cases, a list of the causes of the negative consequences resulting from the execution and serving of criminal sentences for mercenary and violent crimes is presented.
20. Shvirev B.?. (2018). Education in prisons as a social projector from recidivism. As examplified by the penitentiary system of the United States. Research institute of the Federal Penal Service of Russia 2018.
Abstract: The monograph discusses the multifaceted influence of secondary-level of education and academic education, received in prison on recidivism. It is shown that the education received in prison and claimed at liberty can completely eliminate recidivism. Zero recidivism is reliably detected in prisoners who have received a master’s degree while in prison. Convincing examples and reliable research are given.
- Kozo? Antonín (2006), Penal prognosis of recidivists before release from imprisonment. In. Justi?ná revue . Third edition.
Abstract: The contribution focuses on the penological forecasts of recidivists and perpetrators with such serious criminal offenses as well as on the possibilities of their positive personal change in the final stage of the long-term execution of the sentence of imprisonment. For these imprisoned persons, criminal behavior is a major, rooted process that is triggered by the right incentive. After being released, they are still latently dangerous. In the outlined strategy of specific treatment and its content focusing on the identified personality characteristics of the criminal, attention is drawn to the possible more favorable socialization without criminal expressions for the post-penitentiary area of probation. - Šimunová Lucia – Uhrovi?, Filip (2012), Predictors of delinquent behavior in the lifestyle of youth. In. Justi?ná revue ?. 11thAbstract: The paper informs the reader of life-style pilot research of delinquent and non-deliquent youth. Pilot research was realized on a sample of juvenile delinquent placed in reeducation centers in Hlohovec and Trstín and on samples of students from selected primary and secondary schools in the Trnava region. The authors of the contribution tried to find out which aspects of the lifestyle of youth can be considered as a predictor of delinquency.
- Benkovi? Jozef (2004), Causes of recidivism of treated pathological players. In. Psychiatry for practice, Medica.Abstract: Author followed a set of 120 institutional treatment of pathological players in the years 1999-2001 and evaluated their recidivism after 6 of 12 and 24 months after termination of treatment. The results compared with the study of recidivism of pathological players in the United States. He also analyzed the most common causes of recidivism of pathological players in the monitored file. The most common causes of recidivism were the violation of the financial discipline of abstaining gambling, problems related to abstinent’s lifestyle change, alcohol – as a trigger, but also the problem of neglect of treatment. Finally, the author points out the importance of such monitoring as a necessary feedback on the effectiveness of the therapist’s work.
Penal justice and recidivism. Analysis of the inmate population of Catalonia. Long-term follow-up study of a sampling of persons imprisoned in 1987. The penal and penitentiary variables studied are associated with readmission and other personal variables (link).
2. Luque,M.E; Ferrer, M; Capdevila. M (2004), La reincidència penitenciària a Catalunya. Barcelona: Centre of Legal Studies, CEJFE.
Reconviction in Catalonia. This paper updates the rate of reconviction in Catalonia, presented at a paper of 10 years ago (Redondo, Funes, Luque, 1993) and it analyses the personal, penal and penitentiary variables of the population from 1997 released, based on an average of 5 years for knowing if he was reconvicted again. It offers a profile of the person relapsing and like an aspect newest of the research, it shows a predictive model of the reconviction, based on the most current studies about the models of formality of the risk (link)
3. Capdevila, M. Ferrer, M (2009), Taxa de reincidència penitenciària 2008. Barcelona, Centre of Legal Studies, CEJFE
Recidivism rate of prison 2008. The study updates the data from two previous investigations conducted on the same topic. In this study people were released in 2002, which is tracking them until December 31, 2007 to find out if they returned to the prison system for a new crime committed after the date of its release. The investigation conducted various tests to be allowed to describe the relationships between the variables and recidivism (link).
4. Cid, J. Martí, J. (2011), El procés de desistiment de les persones empresonades. Obstacles i suports. Barcelona, Centre of Legal Studies, CEJFE
Giving up the crime: the process followed by prisoners and their obstacles and supports. In this research a group of male inmates were interviewed some weeks before the end of their custodial sentence in order to analyze their narratives of abandon / persistence in criminal activity. The inmates were serving a prison sentence for property crimes and / or drug offences (link).
5. Blanch, M., Cañamares, A., Domínguez, G., Capdevila, M., & Ferrer, M. (2011), Updated recidivism rates of juveniles after serving supervised freedom or custodial sentences. Barcelona, Centre of Legal Studies, CEJFE.
The study updates juvenile recidivism rates in Catalonia (following an annual series that has been published during the last 5 years). The sample is compounded by juveniles after serving a penal measure (supervised freedom or custodial sentences). In this case, the young population (14-18 years old) that finished a penal measure in 2008 was followed until December 31, 2011. The results show an increasing rate of recidivism in the case of youngsters submitted to the community measure called supervised freedom is 28,7% and the rate of internment is 57.8% (link)
6. Carlos Soler Iglesias & César García Díez (2014), High-risk sex offenders: needs assessment and interventions for their social reintegration. Barcelona, Centre of Legal Studies, CEJFE.
This research studies the needs for social reintegration after prison of sex offenders in Catalonia and how these needs can be addressed using a model that has already worked in other countries: Circles of Support and Accountability (CoSA from now).
The goal is to understand how does CoSA work and what are the requirements to adapt this model to the correctional services in Catalonia. To achieve this goal, a quantitative analysis of the main features of the Catalan prison population of sex offenders has been made. Furthermore, the literature on the model CoSA has been reviewed and the application of this model in the UK has been analyzed in depth. Finally, the opinions of the experts and professionals that work with offenders in Catalonia were collected and some sex-offenders on conditional release were interviewed. Although in Catalan prisons there are programs to promote rehabilitation for sex-offenders, the research highlights the important role of social support as the key to reduce recidivism, as well as the importance of maintaining specialized treatment in the community. Circles model optimizes the effect of these processes, and combine both the public protection and the reintegration of sex-offenders.
The research conclusions show the key questions of the CoSA model that need to be adapted to establish this experience in Catalonia and a description of the implementation process.
7. Authors: Capdevila, C. M., et al., (2015). La taxa de reincidència penitenciària 2014 (The rate of prison recidivism, 2014). Barcelona, Centre of Legal Studies, CEJFE.
In Catalan here !
In Spanish here !
Summary: This research is the fourth in a series that began in 1987 on prison recidivism of released people in Catalonia. The results draw a fairly accurate snapshot of the unique features presented by the Catalan prison population. Maintaining the series also adds value to research because it allows showing the changes that have occurred over time in these characteristics. Also make possible to establish hypotheses that allow designing interventions aimed at reducing recidivism and promote the withdrawal crime. The decline in the rate compared to the previous study is 10 points (30% recidivism rate 2014). Recidivism depends on a multiplicity of relationships and variables. No change can be attributed to a single positive or negative factor, nor to assess the effectiveness of the prison system only after the result of this rate. What factors may explain this decline? After the technical research, there are some changes that have occurred in recent years which are considered as explanatory hypotheses.
In German: here
In French: here
Zusammenfassung: 2015 hat das Bundesamt für Statistik (BFS) eine Langzeitstudie zum Rückfall einer Kohorte von verurteilten Erwachsenen publiziert. Die vorliegende Publikation nimmt diese Thematik auf und präsentiert neue Analysen zum Rückfall. Im Fokus der zweiten Langzeitstudie stehen Personen, die als Jugendliche straffällig geworden sind. Ausgangspunkt bildet die Frage, wie viele einer Kohorte von 6649 in der Jugendstrafurteilsstatistik (JUSUS) erfassten Jugendlichen als Erwachsene rückfällig wurden und daher auch in der Strafurteilsstatistik (SUS) auftauchen. Untersucht werden ausserdem Merkmale der Jugendlichen sowie deren kriminelle Laufbahn, um so Aufschluss darüber zu geben, ob die einzelnen Variablen Einfluss auf das Rückfallrisiko im Erwachsenenalter haben. Weitergehende statistische Analysen zum Gewicht der einzelnen Variablen als Erklärungsfaktoren des Rückfallrisikos sind geplant.
Résumé: En 2015, l’Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS) a publié une étude sur la récidive d’un groupe de condamnés adultes. Faisant suite à cette recherche, la présente publication propose de nouvelles analyses sur le sujet de la récidive. Utilisant à nouveau une approche longitudinale, les analyses se concentrent cette fois sur un groupe de délinquants juvéniles. Ainsi, en suivant une cohorte de 6649 jeunes délinquants issus de la statistique des jugements pénaux des mineurs (JUSUS), il a été possible de savoir combien de ces jeunes ont été recondamnés par la suite en tant qu’adultes; ces derniers figurant alors dans la statistique des condamnations pénales des adultes (SUS). Un certain nombre de caractéristiques liées aux jeunes et à leur parcours délinquant ont été examinées, afin de savoir si chacune de ces variables influencent le risque de récidive à l’âge adulte. À l’avenir, il est envisagé de poursuivre l’analyse de ces variables à l’aide de tests statistiques plus poussés, permettant d’estimer le poids de chacun de ces facteurs explicatifs lorsqu’ils sont pris en compte de manière conjointe.
2.Maillard, C., & Zoder, I. (2015), Strafurteilsstatistik 1984-2014. Langzeitbeobachtung des Rückfalls eines Schweizer Geburtenjahrgangs (Neuchâtel: Bundesamt für Statistik)
In German: here
In French: here
Zusammenfassung: Die Unterscheidung von Erstverurteilten und Rückfälligen wird nach dem Modernisierungsprogramm der Kriminalitätsstatistik in der erneuerten Strafurteilsstatistik (SUS) jederzeit möglich sein. Heute ist dies nur anhand der Untersuchung einer Geburtskohorte möglich, deren gesamte gerichtliche Laufbahn anhand der Statistik erstellt werden kann. Aus diesem Grund hat das Bundesamt für Statistik (BFS) mit dieser Publikation die Möglichkeiten der neuen Statistik vorweggenommen und basierend auf einem chronologischen Ansatz eine Rückfallstudie ausgearbeitet, die einen schweizerischen Geburtsjahrgang verfolgt. Damit legt das BFS eine Langzeitanalyse vor, mit der die Elemente besser herausgearbeitet werden, die die Rate des ersten und des zweiten Rückfalls beeinflussen.
Résumé: Avec le projet de modernisation de la statistique de la criminalité, la nouvelle base de données de la statistique des condamnations pénales des adultes (SUS) permettra de clairement distinguer les primo-délinquants des récidivistes. Une telle distinction n’est aujourd’hui possible qu’en suivant une cohorte composée de personnes pour qui l’ensemble de l’historique judiciaire peut être établie. Partant, l’Office fédéral de la statistique (OFS) a décidé d’anticiper les possibilités qu’offrira la nouvelle base de données SUS et de mener – au travers de cette publication – une étude sur la récidive selon une approche chronologique fondée sur le suivi d’une cohorte. L’OFS propose, par là-même, une analyse sur le long terme permettant de mieux déceler quels sont les éléments qui influencent les taux de première et de seconde récidive.
3.Storz Renate (1997), Rückfall nach Strafvollzug. Rückfallraten, Kriminalstatistische Befunde zu Wiederverurteilungen und Wiedereinweisungen (Bern: Bundesamt für Statistik)
In German: here
In French: here
Zusammenfassung: Die vorliegende Publikation informiert darüber, wie viele der jährlich aus dem Strafvollzug Entlassenen ein weiteres Mal verurteilt oder erneut in eine Strafanstalt eingewiesen werden. Unterscheiden sich die Rückfallraten nach Tat-, Täter- und Strafmerkmalen? Welchen Einfluss haben die Dauer des Aufenthaltes in einer Strafanstalt, das Vorhandensein vorheriger Aufenthalte, Alter und Geschlecht sowie die Art des begangenen Delikts auf die Rückfallraten der Entlassenen? Schliesslich wird auf die zeitliche Konstanz von Rückfallraten hingewiesen.
Résumé: La présente publication renseigne sur la proportion des personnes libérées chaque année qui subissent une nouvelle condamnation ou retournent en prison. Les taux de récidive varient-ils en fonction des caractéristiques des délits, des auteurs de ces derniers et des peines prononcées? Dans quelle mesure la durée de la détention, l’existence de précédentes incarcérations, l’âge et le sexe, le genre du délit influencent-ils le taux de récidive? Cette publication met également en évidence la fait que le risque de récidiver est le plus grand dans les deux années suivant la libération.
This report provides key statistics on proven re-offending in England and Wales. It gives proven re-offending figures for offenders who were released from custody, received a non-custodial conviction at court, received a caution, reprimand, warning or tested positive for opiates or cocaine between July 2010 and June 2011. Proven re-offending is defined as any offence committed in a one year follow-up period and receiving a court conviction, caution, reprimand or warning in the one year follow-up. Following this one year period, a further six month waiting period is allowed for cases to progress through the courts.
2. R & S Bulletin 5/2014 Adult reoffending in Northern Ireland 2010-11
3. R & S Bulletin 6/2014 Youth reoffending in Northern Ireland 2010-11
4. R & S Bulletin 17/2014 Northern Ireland Reoffending Methodology: Methodology and Glossary Part 2
5. R & S Bulletin 18/2014 Adult Reoffending in Northern Ireland 2011/12
6. R & S Bulletin 19/2014 Youth Reoffending in Northern Ireland 2011/12
Web link for reports here.
7. Reoffending analysis for participants who completed course for drink drive offenders 2010 to 2013 (link).
8. Reoffenidng Analysis for Participants Sentenced to an Enhanced Combination Order October 2015 to December 2016 (link).