Swiss Open Research Data Grants

The Swiss Reproducibility Network (SwissRN) is organizing two half-day workshops for researchers in all empirical disciplines and at all levels at SwissRN institutional members in Switzerland: one about preregistration and registered reports (presented by Evie Vergauwe and Caro Hautekiet) and one about data and research management (presented by Eva Furrer and Rachel Heyard).

The half-day workshops will be held on the same day at four different locations: the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich (May 6th), the University of Bern (May 31st) and the University of Geneva (June 7th).

In the preregistration and registered report workshop, areas that will be covered include (1) Why and how to preregister a study?, (2) What the difference between a study preregistration and a registered report, and (3) How to deal with potential obstacles regarding study preregistration. The workshop consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. In the practical part, we will discuss situations one can encounter when preregistering a study or submitting a registered report and how to deal with these situations. Additionally, you will get the opportunity to preregister for a simplified example study to get first-hand experience with preregistration.

In the data management workshop, areas that will be covered include (1) How to manage your data and research projects best? (2) What are the FAIR principles? and (3) How can good metadata and documentation improve your research output? The workshop consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. In the practical part, you will get a first taste of version control using Gitlab.

Registration is free but required: In the registration form, you can choose to attend both or either of the workshops at your institution.