Self-Determination Theory in HCI: Shaping a Research Agenda

Last April and May, we participated as part of the chair committee at the CHI’22 Workshop on SDT. The workshop was divided into two sessions: the first one in virtual mode and the following one in person. 

During the sessions, participants presented their work in lighting sessions followed up by discussion sessions from which the following list of topics emerged: 

  1. Health and Behavior Change
    1. Need satisfaction in the diversity of socio-cultural background
  2. Gaming and Virtual Environments
    1. Using underutilized SDT concepts
  3. Social Computing
  4. Methods and measures
    1. More (domain) specific and adaptable measures
  5. Concepts and Models
    1. How to translate SDT theory into actionable design guidance?
  6. Translating Theory into Practice
  7. Measurement and Time
  8. Social Responsibility
  9. Internalization and Change

These topics define the path for the future research agenda in HCI. 

In addition to these sessions, participants also enjoyed keynote talks by one of the authors of the SDT, Richard Ryan. Yvonne Rogers and Marc Hassenzahl also delivered very inspiring keynote presentations. 

For further information, please visit the official workshop website.

About Gabriela Villalobos-Zúñiga

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