Data Scientist

I studied biology, evolution and conservation at Université de Lausanne. During my thesis, I specialized in neuroscience with brain stimulation. I investigated the effects of the excitatory modulation of the primary visual cortex on motor control. I’ve developed a strong interest in causal functional connetivity, machine learning and overall statistical analysis. I enjoy working on innovative projects aiming for clinical application, in collaboration with teams covering different fields of expertise.
Current projects:
Rehabilitation of attentional processes with VR-based games: behavioral, fMRI, and eye-traking analysis.
- Zeugin, D., Notter, M. P., Knebel, J. F., & Ionta, S. (2020). Temporo-parietal contribution to the mental representations of self/other face. Brain and Cognition, 143, 105600.
- Franceschiello, B., Di Sopra, L., Minier, A., Ionta, S., Zeugin, D., Notter, M. P., … & Murray, M. M. (2020). 3-Dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of the freely moving human eye. Progress in Neurobiology, 194, 101885.
ISO 690 - Zeugin, D., & Ionta, S. (2021). Anatomo-functional origins of the cortical silent period: spotlight on the basal ganglia. Brain sciences, 11(6), 705.
- Zeugin, D., Arfa, N., Notter, M., Murray, M. M., & Ionta, S. (2017). Implicit self-other discrimination affects the interplay between multisensory affordances of mental representations of faces. Behavioural brain research, 333, 282-285.
Department of Clinical Neuroscience, CHUV
Neuroscience Research Centre, CHUV
Pavillon 4, Av. de Beaumont 7070, 1005 LausanneCH-1011, Switzerland