
Andrea Serino is also the head of Neurscience R & D at MindMaze, a  neurotech company based in Lausanne that combines immersive virtual reality, interfaces for neuro-rehabilitation and 3D imaging.

The lab is part of the CRINN (Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en neuroplasticité et neuroréhabilitation) initiative. Together with institute de Lavigny and clinicians at the CHUV it aims for new discoveries in fundamental and translational research in neurorehabilitation.

NeuroScape@neurotech is a technological platform located at the CHUV. It is dedicated to clinical research with an accent on cognitive rehabilitation of patients suffering from neurological disorders using exergames. This is part of a larger collective effort initiated at the NeuroScape lab in the University of California San Francisco (UCSF).

One project of the lab studies the link between neuroscience and immunology, with the expertise in the immunological field of Dr. Jandus’ group from the Ludwig Cancer Research (UNIL CHUV, Department of oncology).

The modulation of peripersonal space representation during sleep is studied in collaboration with Dr. Siclari’s group from the “Centre d’Investigation et de Recherche sur le Sommeil” (CHUV).