First lake survey for Pascal

(C) D. Bouffard

Late June 2018…. We first wanted to get a hint into the spatial variability of surface CO2 on Lake Geneva. (Un)luckily, our initial plans were blown away by the 10 days of North wind over the lake, (coming with a nice whitening event by the way). The second attempt was however successful. Two consecutive nights of sampling, playing in between storms. Who said you cannot sample at winds >20 km/h ?







(C) D. Bouffard

New paper: A critical viewpoint on our scientific community

Sometimes, it is good to have a critical look on our way to conduct research. As part of the GDR GRET (a French scientific network on trophic ecology), we investigated the strength, weakness and opportunities of the French Research in Trophic Ecology from a pool survey.

We identified three (non-French specific) disruptions that can be seen as future opportunities to further this field of research:  (1) the lack of interfaces between microbial and Trophic Ecology, (2) research questions were linked to single study fields or ecosystem type, and (3) research activities still quite restricted to the ecosystem boundaries.

All three rupture points limit the conceptual and applied progression in the field of Trophic Ecology. Here we show that most of the disruptions within French Trophic Ecology are culturally inherited, rather than motivated by scientific reasons or justified by socio-economic stakes.

We plead there for a space for “Slow Science”, in order to find the  brain availability to tackle these questions.

Soon online!

Congratulations to Dr Bruel

Pr Bennion (UCL) awarding the title of “docteur” to Rosalie after her brilliant PhD Defense!

On May 2nd, Rosalie defended her PhD work, in face to the jury composed of Pr Bennion (UCL), Dr Straile (Uni Konstanz), Pr Dubois (ETH EAWAG) and Dr Nevalainen (Uni Helsinki)…

soon she will be on her way to Uni Vermont!