Team’s publications

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UPCOMING Khatun, S., Berg, J., Jézéquel, D., Moiron, M., Escoffier, N., Schubert, C., Bouffard, D., Perga, M.-E. LOng-range transport of littoral methane explains the metalimnetic methane peak in a large lake. Limnology and Oceanography.

UPCOMING Glines, M. et al. Coefficients in Taylor’s law increase with the time scale of water clarity measurements in a global suite of lakes. Ecology Letters.

NEW Perga, M.-E., T. Dittmar, D. Bouffard, and E. Kritzberg. The elephant in the conference room: reducing the carbon footprint of aquatic science meetings. Limnology and Oceanography Letters n/a. doi:

Perga, M.-E., Pessina, L.-A., Lane, S., Butera, F. 2024. From Newsworthiness to News Usefulness in Climate Change Research. Eos, 105,

Doda T, Ramón CL, Ulloa HN, Brennwald MS, Kipfer R, Perga M-E, . . . Bouffard D Lake surface cooling drives littoral-pelagic exchange of dissolved gases. Science Advances, 10, eadi0617.


Perga, M.-E., O. Sarrasin, J. Steinberger, S. N. Lane, and F. Butera. 2023. The climate change research that makes the front page: Is it fit to engage societal action? Global Environmental Change 80: 102675.

Frossard, V., Sabatier, P., Bruel, R. … .Perga ME (2023) Intense touristic activities exceed climate change to shape aquatic communities in a mountain lake. Aquat Sci 85, 71 .

M.E Perga, C. Minaudo, T. Doda F. Arthaud, H. Beria, H.E. Chmiel, N. Escoffier, T. Lambert, R. Napolleoni, B. Obrador, P. Perolo, J. Rüegg, H.N. Ulloa, D. Bouffard (2023). Near-bed stratification controls bottom hypoxia in ice-covered alpine lakes. Limnology and Oceanography.

Perolo, P., Escoffier, N., Chmiel, H.E., Many, G., Bouffard, D., Perga, M.-E. (2023) Alkalinity contributes at least a third of annual gross primary production in a deep stratified hardwater lake. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 8: 359-367.

Del Siro, C., Scapozza, C., Perga, M.-E., Lambiel, C. (2023) Investigating the origin of solutes in rock glacier springs in the Swiss Alps: A conceptual model. Frontiers in Earth Science 11.

Escoffier, N., Perolo, P., Many, G., Pasche, N.T., Perga, M.-E. (2023) Fine-scale dynamics of calcite precipitation in a large hardwater lake. Science of the Total Environment 864, 160699.


Many, G., Escoffier, N., Ferrari, M., Jacquet, P., Odermatt, D., Mariethoz, G., Perolo, P., Perga, M.-E. (2022) Long-Term Spatiotemporal Variability of Whitings in Lake Geneva from Multispectral Remote Sensing and Machine Learning. Remote Sensing 14, 6175.

Danger, M., Bec, A., Spitz, J., Perga, M.-E. (2022) Special issue: Questioning the roles of resources nutritional quality in ecology. Oikos 2022, e09503.

Perga, M.E., Bouffard, D., (2022) Introduction to Structures and functions of Inland Waters – Lakes, in: Tockner, T.M.K. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2nd Edition. Elsevier.

Escoffier, N., Perolo, P., Lambert, T., Rüegg, J., Odermatt, D., Adatte, T., Vennemann, T., Perga, M.-E. (2022) Whiting Events in a Large Peri-Alpine Lake: Evidence of a Catchment-Scale Process. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 127, e2022JG006823.

Lambert T, Perolo P, Escoffier N, Perga ME. Enhanced bioavailability of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in human-disturbed streams in Alpine fluvial networks. Biogeosciences. 2022;19(1):187-200.


Perolo, P., B. Fernández Castro, N. Escoffier, T. Lambert, D. Bouffard, and M. E. Perga. 2021. Accounting for surface waves improves gas flux estimation at high wind speed in a large lake. Earth Syst. Dynam. 12:1169-1189.

Monchamp, M.-È., R. Bruel, V. Frossard, S. McGowan, M. Lavrieux, M. Muschick, M.-É. Perga, and N. Dubois. 2021. Paleoecological evidence for a multi-trophic regime shift in a perialpine lake (Lake Joux, Switzerland). Anthropocene:100301.

Fernández Castro, B., Chmiel, H. E., Minaudo, C., Krishna, S., Perolo, P., Rasconi, S., & Wüest, A. (2021). Primary and net ecosystem production in a large lake diagnosed from high-resolution oxygen measurements. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR029283.

Wüest, A., Bouffard, D., Guillard, J., Ibelings, B. W., Lavanchy, S., Perga, M.-E., & Pasche, N.(2021). LéXPLORE: A floating laboratory on Lake Geneva offering unique lake research opportunities. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, e1544.

Rantala, M. V., Bruel, R., Marchetto, A., Lami, A., Spangenberg, J. E., & Perga, M.-E. (2021). Heterogeneous responses of lake CO2 to nutrients and warming in perialpine lakes imprinted in subfossil cladoceran δ13C values. Science of the Total Environment, 782, 146923. doi:

Bruel, R., Girardclos, S., Marchetto, A., Kremer, K., Crouzet, C., Reyss, J. L., . . . Perga, M. E. (2021). Reframing Lake Geneva ecological trajectory in a context of multiple but asynchronous pressures. Journal of Paleolimnology, 65(3), 353-368. doi:10.1007/s10933-021-00176-y

Perga, M.-E., Syarki, M., Spangenberg, J. E., Frossard, V., Lyautey, E., Kalinkina, N., & Bouffard, D. (2021). Fasting or feeding: A planktonic food web under lake ice. Freshwater Biology, 66(3), 570-581. doi:

Otero, I., Darbellay, F., Reynard, E., Hetényi, G., Perga, M.-E., Rüegg, J., . . . de Bellefroid, B. (2021). Designing Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research on Mountains: What Place for the Unexpected? Mountain Research and Development, 40(4).


Wilson, H. L., Ayala, A. I., Jones, I. D., Rolston, A., Pierson, D., de Eyto, E., Grossart, H.-P., Perga, M.-E., Woolway, R. I., and Jennings, E. (2020) Variability in epilimnion depth estimations in lakes, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci.,

Guénand, Y., M.-E. Perga, V. Chanudet and D. Bouffard (2020). “Hydropower operations modulate sensitivity to meteorological forcing in a high altitude reservoir.” Aquatic Sciences 82(3): 60.

Jenny, J.-P., O. Anneville, F. Arnaud, Y. Baulaz, D. Bouffard, I. Domaizon, S. A. Bocaniov, N. Chèvre, M. Dittrich, J.-M. Dorioz, E. S. Dunlop, G. Dur, J. Guillard, T. Guinaldo, S. Jacquet, A. Jamoneau, Z. Jawed, E. Jeppesen, G. Krantzberg, J. Lenters, B. Leoni, M. Meybeck, V. Nava, T. Nõges, P. Nõges, M. Patelli, V. Pebbles, M.-E. Perga, S. Rasconi, C. R. Ruetz, L. Rudstam, N. Salmaso, S. Sapna, D. Straile, O. Tammeorg, M. R. Twiss, D. G. Uzarski, A.-M. Ventelä, W. F. Vincent, S. W. Wilhelm, S.-Å. Wängberg and G. A. Weyhenmeyer (2020). “Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes.” Journal of Great Lakes Research.

Perga, M. E., M. Syarki, N. Kalinkina and D. Bouffard (2020). “A rotiferan version of the punishment of Sisyphus?” Ecology 101(3): e02934.


Thomas, C., V. Frossard, M. E. Perga, N. Tofield-Pasche, H. Hofmann, N. Dubois, N. Belkina, M. Zobkova, S. Robert, and E. Lyautey. 2019. Lateral variations and vertical structure of the microbial methane cycle in the sediment of Lake Onego (Russia). Inland Waters. 9:205-226.

Lambert, T. & Perga, ME.Non-conservative patterns of dissolved organic matter degradation when and where lake water mixes Aquat Sci (2019) 81: 64.

Masset T, Frossard V, Perga ME, Cottin N, Piot C, Cachera S, Naffrechoux E (2019) Trophic position and individual feeding habits as drivers of differential PCB bioaccumulation in fish populations. Science of The Total Environment, 674, 472-481.

Four B, Thomas M, Danger M, Angeli N, Perga M-E, Banas D (2019) Using stable isotope approach to quantify pond dam impacts on isotopic niches and assimilation of resources by invertebrates in temporary streams: a case study. Hydrobiologia, 834, 163-181.


Majdi N, Hette-Tronquart N, Auclair E, Bec A, Chouvelon T, Cognie B, . . . Perga M-E (2018) There’s no harm in having too much: A comprehensive toolbox of methods in trophic ecology. Food Webs, 17, e00100.

Taranu ZE, Carpenter SR, Frossard V, Jenny J-P, Thomas Z, Vermaire JC, Perga M-E (2018) Can we detect ecosystem critical transitions and signals of changing resilience from paleo-ecological records? Ecosphere, 9, e02438.

Perga M-E, Bruel R, Rodriguez L, Guénand Y, Bouffard D (2018) Storm impacts on alpine lakes: Antecedent weather conditions matter more than the event intensity. Global Change Biology, 24, 5004-5016.

Frantz A, Perga M-E, Guillard J (2018) Parasitic versus nutritional regulation of natural fish populations. Ecology and evolution, 8, 8713-8725.

Perga M-É, Danger M, Dubois S, Fritch C, Gaucherel C, Hubas C, . . . Bec A (2018) Forces, failles et opportunités de la recherche française en écologie trophique. Comptes Rendus Biologies.

Bruel R, Marchetto A, Bernard A, Lami A, Sabatier P, Frossard V, Perga M-E (2018) Seeking alternative stable states in a deep lake. Freshwater Biology, 63, 553-568.

Frossard V, Rimet F, Perga M-E (2018) Causal networks reveal the dominance of bottom-up interactions in large, deep lakes. Ecological Modelling, 368, 136-146.