My research interests revolve around marine and aquatic environments dynamics. I use a combination of measurement platforms (as moorings, satellite, gliders) and modelling approaches to study physical and biogeochemical processes regulating water, nutrients, and organic matter dynamics. The objective of my current work is to combine a mechanistic hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model (SIMSTRAT-AED2) with machine learning methods (LSTM-RNN) to predict the surface CO2 dynamics in the Lake Leman. Accurate predictions of CO2 dynamics in lakes are crucial to understand whole-ecosystem C budgets, as well as to figure out the main drivers of CO2 and the impact of their future evolution. To this end, a long-term observations dataset (1980-2020) is used to validate the different modelling approaches. This post-doctoral position is part of the SNF-funded project CARBOGEN.
2021- 2023 : Post-doc “Hybrid modelling of the CO2 dynamics in the Lake Leman.” – University of Lausanne / IDYST – Lausanne (Switzerland)
2018-2020: Post-doc “3D biogeochemical modelling of the Gulf of Lion coastal zone (western Mediterranean) based on a pelagic benthic coupling (ANR AMORAD).” – University of Toulouse / Laboratoire d’Aérologie – Toulouse (France)
2017-2018: Post-doc “Contribution to the ANR DGA MATUGLI Program (Turbidity measurements from gliders). Integration of an ADCP on a glider.” – Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine (SHOM) – Brest (France)
2013-2016: Ph. D. in oceanology – “Impact of storm and flood events on suspended particulate matter dynamics in the Gulf of Lions. Contributions of gliders to a multi-platform approach.” – University of Perpignan / CEFREM – Perpignan (France)
Recent Publications
- Escoffier, N., Perolo, P., Many, G., Pasche, N.T., Perga, M.-E. (2023) Fine-scale dynamics of calcite precipitation in a large hardwater lake. Science of the Total Environment 864, 160699.
- Many, G., Escoffier, N., Ferrari, M., Jacquet, P., Odermatt, D., Mariethoz, G., Perolo, P., Perga, M.-E. (2022) Long-Term Spatiotemporal Variability of Whitings in Lake Geneva from Multispectral Remote Sensing and Machine Learning. Remote Sensing 14, 6175.
- Many, G., Ulses, C., Estournel, C., & Marsaleix, P. (2021). Particulate organic carbon budget of the Gulf of Lion shelf (NW Mediterranean) using a coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model. Biogeosciences.doi.org/10.5194/bg-18-5513-2021
Gentil, M., Many, G., Durrieu de Madron, X., Cauchy, P., Pairaud, I., Testor, P., … & Bourrin, F. (2020). Glider-Based Active Acoustic Monitoring of Currents and Turbidity in the Coastal Zone. Remote Sensing, 12(18), 2875.
Many, G., de Madron, X. D., Verney, R., Bourrin, F., Renosh, P. R., Jourdin, F., & Gangloff, A. (2019). Geometry, fractal dimension and settling velocity of flocs during flooding conditions in the Rhône ROFI. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 219, 1-13.
Many, G., Bourrin, F., de Madron, X. D., Ody, A., Doxaran, D., & Cauchy, P. (2018). Glider and satellite monitoring of the variability of the suspended particle distribution and size in the Rhône ROFI. Progress in oceanography, 163, 123-135.
Many, G., Bourrin, F., de Madron, X. D., Pairaud, I., Gangloff, A., Doxaran, D., … & Jacquet, M. (2016). Particle assemblage characterization in the Rhone River ROFI. Journal of Marine Systems, 157, 39-51. - Bourrin, F., Many, G., de Madron, X. D., Martín, J., Puig, P., Houpert, L., … & Béguery, L. (2015). Glider monitoring of shelf suspended particle dynamics and transport during storm and flooding conditions. Continental Shelf Research, 109, 135-149