RS2000 out of order

Dear IVIF users,

Unfortunately the RS2000 irradiator showed an ARC fault again and as such we strongly discourage any further use. In case of very precious ongoing experiments we can make use of the cesium irradiator. Contact us for further information. 

Thank you for your understanding.

COVID-19 lockdown exit phase 1

Dear IVIF Users,

The IVIF on-site activity has been authorized by the Dean under certains restrictions and specific sanitary rules:

  1. Researchers willing to use the facility must notify their own PI and must receive an official authorization from the FBM.
  2. Do not use the facility if you are sick or if you have been in contact with a COVID-19 infected person in the last 14 days.
  3. Make your reservation on IRIS before arriving. Only the person that booked the instrument is allowed to use it.
  4. Remote work will remain the norm until further notice. As such, please let us know ahead of time (by Friday at noon for the following week and only after having received the authorization from the FBM) if you need us to be physically there to help you. Be aware that most instruments can be remotely controlled. If you have issues please contact us.
  5. Only one person at the time in each room, as such if you need assistance we will first try remotely and only if required we will come. In that case, for offices outside of the animal facility you will need to exit the room first after cleaning up the working zone.
  6. Our activity depends on the animal facility operation, so please make sure you are following the rules suggested by the animal care takers (contact for info). Please pay extra attention to save masks as much as possible (2/day/person).
  7. For analysis workstations located outside the animal facility, only one person at the time is allowed. Make sure you respect the following rules:

thank you for your understanding, stay safe,


Info COVID-19

Dear IVIF users,

We received instructions from the Dean’s office concerning our activities. We should not come on site unless emergency or help with on-going experiments that have to be completed ASAP. Do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by email if you need help or assistance.

We will be able to trouble shoot by phone or to connect to the acquisition PCs by teamviewer. If not enough, then  we can come on site. Our visit will  be only for this particular matter. Once a week we will double check consumables and make sure you are not running out of isoflurane. If you have a particular protocol to apply that requires us, please tell us in advance so we can plan to be there. We have been asked to keep track of each move we do on site.

Thank you for your understanding.

Stay safe.

Xenogen IVIS lumina II move

Dear Users,

Please note the new date for the move May 26-27, as we had to postpone due to the lockdown.

The IVIS lumina II will be moving from the conventional animal facility to the IVIF facility in room 101 next door (see the map). The room is still included in the same sanitary status of the conv-animal facility C  meaning that you can still do longitudinal studies as usual. This will free up some room for the housing and centralized imaging activities to one area. The move will be followed by a maintenance, especially chaging LED connections that are from time to time on & off and will last two-days from April 16 – 17  May 26-27. Days have been booked already on the IRIS system.