Info COVID-19

Dear IVIF users,

We received instructions from the Dean’s office concerning our activities. We should not come on site unless emergency or help with on-going experiments that have to be completed ASAP. Do not hesitate to contact us by phone or by email if you need help or assistance.

We will be able to trouble shoot by phone or to connect to the acquisition PCs by teamviewer. If not enough, then  we can come on site. Our visit will  be only for this particular matter. Once a week we will double check consumables and make sure you are not running out of isoflurane. If you have a particular protocol to apply that requires us, please tell us in advance so we can plan to be there. We have been asked to keep track of each move we do on site.

Thank you for your understanding.

Stay safe.

Combo microCT/OI (Xray + Biolum/fluo)- Advanced training

Thanks to all the users participating to the advanced training on the combo optical imaging (Biolum/fluo) and microCT installed at the conventional animal facility CLE C. It was very instructive as it was very diverse, going from Fat pad in vivo imaging to lung nodules, bladder, Caecum and bones. We got a press release after that The University of Lausanne installs a high-end MILabs’ Duet Optical Imager in its core In-Vivo Imaging Laboratory