When the EMF helps to visualize the microbiome of bees…

We are proud to have contributed to the this study published in « Nature Microbiology ». Jean Daraspe has received the bee guts and prepare them for EM and NanoSIMs. Then he took TEM images of fields of view where the bacteriae are visible in gut before giving the samples to the group of A Meibom that has performed NanoSIMS on them… Many thanks to the group of Pr Engel to recognize the contribution of the EMF to this study and Congratulations for this pioneered work!

here the UNIL article

It made it to CQFD on the RTS radio for the francophones!

The new TEM arrived!

Between Christmas and New Year, we received 10 huge boxes, one being 1200 kg … The new Talos L120 is in his definitive new room and will be installed next week!

One year more is gone .. We wish all of you a great festive season and we will be ready to welcome you in 2024 … Your EMF team will welcome your new TEM Talos during the Christmas break !

Thanks to jean Daraspe for the animation

Des électrons pour visualiser comment une plante est influencée par la lumière

L’EMF est très fière d’avoir contribué à cette étude du groupe Fankhauser parue dans Science cette semaine. Damien De Bellis (TEM) et Antonio Mucciolo (cryo-SEM) ont mis toute leur expertise au service de ce projet. Ce projet a requis de faire des expériences risquées et demandant beaucoup de savoir-faire.

Un grand merci au Pr Fankhauser pour sa confiance et pour avoir reconnu la contribution de l’EMF par une présence dans les co-auteurs de nos deux collaborateurs!

Un excellent article en francais pour comprendre les enjeux de l’étude : https://www.rts.ch/info/sciences-tech/14494631-une-etude-lausannoise-explique-comment-les-plantes-determinent-dou-vient-la-lumiere.html

L’article original : https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adh9384