First time at EMF ?

For inquiries related to your project or for independent access to the facility, please contact EMF. For directions to our facility, please follow the instructions on our Contact page.

Our team specializes in electron microscopic techniques to answer biological questions. We image viruses, small model organisms (A. thaliana, C. elegans, Drosophila, D. rerio mice), and clinical samples. We provide EM instrumentation and support sample preparation for distinct applications. We train investigators to use our instruments and advise on experimental design and data analysis. For more complicated projects, we often arrange productive academic collaborations.

Independent users can access the equipment and the labs at the EMF after receiving training by an EMF team member, successfully completing a trial period, and undergoing a lab-safety check with EMF personnel.  For these users, independent access to the facility is possible during the open hours, with online reservation. It is also possible to use the EMF beyond the open hours on an independent basis, if special arrangement with the EMF is made, and the established regulations of the UNIL are fulfilled.