We have the pleasure to welcome Wei Jiao PhD as post-doc. She is developing complicated CLEM workflows in order to assess what type of services the EMF will be able to offer in the future. Concentrating on neuroscience project, she will evaluate and make proofs-of-concept for new approaches before teaching them to the team. She will also provide these approaches as service once they have been fully proofed and are routine, meaning cost-efficient for our users.
Journée JOM à l’EMF
On 11th November, children can join their parents to work. EMF welcomed many groups of children who discover the magic of Scanning Electron Microscopy with our team, among them the details of a bee eye…
Welcome Olivia Muriel Lopez!
Olivia Muriel Lopez PhD is an expert in in-situ CLEM . She is working with us to offer this technique and others CLEM approaches to our users. She is working 50% with us and 50% with the group of Pr Sophie Martin. We are looking forward to work together!
the full cryo-workflow is installed…
We have installed the Leica ICE HPF and cryo-thunder! we can soon begin to feed our Aquilos 2 and deliver sections to the DCI!
Users can already be trained on the ICE and we will soon offer training for the cryo-thunder.
we are looking forward to help our users with this new workflow asking for patience as we are learning everything!