“Serious games” based on SAP ERP – ERPsim Workshop in Berlin

More than 50 European professors and lecturers participated in two ERPsim workshops co-organized by Jean-François Michon (HEC Montréal), Prof. Christine Legner (HEC Lausanne) and Dr. Sonja Hecht (TU Munich) at SAP’s Academic Conference in Berlin. The workshops’ goal was to introduce professors to game-based learning with ERPsim. ERPsim comprises a set of business simulations, developped by HEC Montréal, and runs on live SAP ERP systems. Participants make on the spot decisions regarding sales, pricing, product components, marketing investments, cash management, production sequencing and more, all by using the reports and transactions found in SAP. The workshop in Berlin covered a “hands-on” ERPsim session as well as the discussion of teaching experiences and pedagogical strategies for using ERPsim in class.