Former PhD Theses

PhD Supervisions at HEC Lausanne


Hippolyte Lefebvre: Rethinking Data Governance: A Viable System Model, 2024
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner.
Link to Dissertation on SERVAL (Open Access) 

Martin Fadler: Big Data and Analytics as a New Frontier in Enterprise Data Management, 2021

Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Commitee: Prof. Raphael Lalive, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Michalis Vlachos, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Patrick Mikalef, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Prof. Boris Otto, TU Dortmund

Link to Dissertation on SERVAL (Open Access)

Clément Labadie: Essays on Data Democratization in the Data-driven Enterprise (link), 2021
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Commitee: Prof. Felicitas Morhart, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Michalis Vlachos, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Öykü Isik, Institute for Management Development (IMD), Prof. Felix Wortmann, University of St. Gallen
Link to Dissertation on SERVAL (Open Access)

Dana Naous: Understanding User Perceptions and Preferences for Mass-Market Information Systems – Leveraging Market Research Techniques and Examples in Privacy-Award Design, 2020
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Commitee: Prof. Felicitas Morhart, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Kevin Huguenin, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Hanna Krasnova, University of Potsdam
Link to Dissertation on SERVAL (Open Access)

Johannes Schwarz: Essays on Business Model Management in the ulti-Business Model Organization, 2019
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Commitee: Prof. Felicitas Morhart, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Stéphanie Missonier, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Dennis Kundisch, University of Paderborn, Prof. Jonas Hedman, Copenhagen Business School
Link to Dissertation on SERVAL (Open Access)

Nicola Terrenghi: Design, Implement, Repeat – Essays on Business Model Management in Offline-Born Organizations, 2019
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Commitee: Prof. Felicitas Morhart,  HEC Lausanne, Prof. Yves Pigneur, HEC Lausanne, Jos van Hillegersberg University of Twente
Link to Dissertation on SERVAL (Open Access)

Kenny Lienhard: Routines in Patient Care: Essays on the Design and Use of the Information Technology Artifact, 2017
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Commitee: Prof. Olivier Cadot, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Mauro Cherubini, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Tobias Mettler, IDHEAP – University of Lausanne, Prof. Albert Boonstra, University of Groningen

Thomas Boillat: The Design and Uses of IT Artefacts for Individual Routines in Organisational Contexts, 2017
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Commitee: Prof. Marius Brülhart, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Yves Pigneur, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Alexander Mädche, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Andrea Giessmann: Designing Business Models for Cloud Services, 2015
Co-Supervisors: Prof. Christine Legner, Prof. Katarina Stanoevska, University of St. Gallen, Commitee: Prof. Yves Pigneur, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Niels Bjorn-Andersen, Copenhagen Business School, Prof. Alessandro Villa, HEC Lausanne

Kazem Haki: Essays on the Principles and Adoption of Enterprise-wide Architecture, 2014
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Commitee: Prof. Yves Pigneur, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Stephan Aier, Universität St. Gallen, Prof. Alain Wegmann, EPFL

Kunal Mohan: Understanding the acceptance and usage of project management methodologies, 2012
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Commitee: Prof. Yves Pigneur and Prof. Stéphanie Missonier, HEC Lausanne, Prof. Frederic Thiesse, Universität Würzburg / Germany

PhD Supervisions at EBS Business School

Stephan Gieffers-Ankel: Fachliche Standardisierung von Geschäftsanwendungsportfolios in Multinationalen Unternehmen, 2014
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Frederik Ahlemann

Daniel Möller: Perspectives on Information Systems Change – Exploratory Investigations into the Management of Radical and Continuous IS Change Initiatives, 2014
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Frederik Ahlemann

Jan Löhe: Perspectives on the Design of Architecture-driven IT Management – Three Essays on Implementation, Transformation, and Adoption, 2012
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Frederik Ahlemann

Johannes Lux: Perspectives on Enterprise Architecture Management – Understanding the Value Proposition of a Maturing Discipline, 2012
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Frederik Ahlemann

Frank Radeke: Understanding Strategic Change through Enterprise Architecture Management, 2012
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner,  Co-Supervisor: Prof. Frderik Ahlemann

Michael Kaiser: Empirical Investigations into the Management and Governance of Projects, 2011
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Frederik Ahlemann

Jessica Braun: Benefits Management and its Success, 2011
Supervisor: Prof. Gerold Riempp, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner

Götz Viering: Service-Oriented Architecture: Four Articles on Benefits and Effectiveness, 2010
Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Gerold Riempp

Benjamin Müller: Essays on Strategic IT Management – Understanding Strategic Positioning in IT Management and Assessing the Economic Potential of IT, 2010
Supervisor: Prof. Gerold Riempp, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner

Felix Obrist: Hybridität im Versicherungsvertrieb: Eine explorative Untersuchung und informationssystemorientierte Modellbildung am Beispiel der Kranken- und Motorfahrzeugversicherung in der Schweiz, 2010
Supervisor: Prof. Gerold Riempp, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner

Nils Urbach: Investigating the Success of Employee Portals: A Quantitative-Empirical Study, 2010
Supervisor: Prof. Gerold Riempp, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Christine Legner

PhD theses in the Competence Business Networking at the University of St. Gallen (HSG)

Tobias Vogel: Serviceorientiertes Business Networking : Referenzarchitektur und Gestaltungsprinzipien, 2010
Supervisor: Prof. Hubert Oesterle, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Rainer Alt, Project Manager: Dr. Christine Legner / Dr. Boris Otto

Kristin Weber (born Wende): Data Governance-Referenzmodell : organisatorische Gestaltung des unternehmensweiten Datenqualitätsmanagements, 2009
Supervisor: Prof. Hubert Oesterle, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Walter Brenner, Project Manager: Dr. Boris Otto / Dr. Christine Legner

Jan Werner Schemm: Stammdatenmanagement zwischen Handel und Konsumgüterindustrie: Referenzarchitektur für die überbetriebliche Datensynchronisation, 2009
Superervisor: Hubert Oesterle, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Elgar Fleisch, Project Manager: Dr. Christine Legner / Dr. Boris Otto

Daniel Hanhart: Mobile und Ubiquitous Computing : Anwendungen im Facility Management und serviceorientierter Architekturvorschlag, 2007
Supervisor: Prof. Hubert Oesterle, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Elgar Fleisch, Project Manager: Dr. Christine Legner

Roger Heutschi: Serviceorientierte Architektur : Architekturmodell und Umsetzung in der Praxis, 2007
Supervisor: Prof. Hubert Oesterle, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Walter Brenner, Project Manager: Dr. Christine Legner

Dimitrios Gizanis: Kooperative Auftragsabwicklung: Architektur, Praxisbeispiele und Nutzenpotenziale, 2006
Supervisor: Prof. Hubert Oesterle, Co-Supervisor: PD Dr. Andreas Hunziker, Project Manager: Dr. Christine Legner

Marc Alexander Cäsar: Service-Portale in Industrieunternehmen : Referenzarchitektur, Praxisbeispiele und Nutzen, 2005
Supervisor: Prof. Hubert Oesterle, Co-Supervisor: Prof. Thomas Bieger, Project Manager: Dr. Christine Legner