Association of PhD students and Assistants of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine

ADAS is an association the represents PhDs and Postdocs and all members of the corps intermédiaire inférieur (maître-assistant-e-s, premier-ère-s assistant-e-s, assistants diplome-e-s) from the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) at the University of Lausanne. Initially founded in 1998 as the “Association of PhD students and assistants of the Faculty of Sciences”, its main mission is to establish contact with the dean’s office and other university entities to address any concerns related to work and thesis conditions. ADAS serves as a first point of contact for members who may be facing professional difficulties.

Formed by a team of 20+ members (PhDs and Postdocs), the association also plays an important role in organizing social and scientific events aimed at promoting the integration of young researchers and building a network of scientists within the faculty and beyond; conferences, career roundtables, soft workshops, get-together-barbecues, PubQuizes, and many more. Through these events, ADAS creates opportunities for knowledge sharing and fosters a sense of community among members. Furthermore, ADAS is committed to communicating the latest scientific knowledge to the general public. Overall, ADAS serves as a vital resource for PhD students and assistants at the FBM and strives to support their academic and professional development.