
You desire progressing in your education through evaluating it?

The ADAS and the CSE (Centre de Soutien à l’Enseignement, https://www.unil.ch/cse) suggests 3 different questionnaires made to cover the majority of the teaching that an assistant can be asked to give. These surveys can be modified in order to adapt to your needs. Make your choice.

Questionnaires (English versions on the bottom of the page)
  • Exercises evaluation: Treat with a series of course exercises usually made for the general application of theoretical concepts.

  • Seminar evaluation:  A seminar is all kind of oral presentation that can be prepared and done by students. (Journal clubs, Project presentation, …)

  • Practical’s evaluation: For all the courses including an applied practical part. This can be on the bench, in an informatics room or in the field.


Your Personal questionnaire

You can of course use one of our words questionnaires and modify it to suit your needs. And in case it adapts to many assistants we can add it online.

This opportunity of evaluating is offered to all assistants, it’s none obligatory neither public. Results will be treated by the CSE and exclusively returned to the concerned person.



  1. Select the adapted questionnaire for the course you want to be evaluated
  2. Download the survey and make the needed number of copies
  3. Make the students fill the surveys.
  4. Take the questionnaires back
  5. Send them by internal Mail to the CSE. (Secrétaritat du CSE, Unicentre, 1015 Lausanne). Do not forget to add your personal address for the results of the survey.
  6. Wait for the Results J

PS: When the questionnaires are being filled, it can be precised that it’s an anonymous survey. You can wait outside while the survey is being filled.