PhD Movie: diffusion le 23 mai sur le campus UNIL-Dorigny à 18h30

Have you ever asked yourself « Why am I doing this Phd? » after another desperate day at the University. If your answer is yes, come and join us all to spend a nice evening laughing about all the crazy things that we have to deal with everyday. We promise you that « Piled Higher and Deeper », based on the famous comic strip created by Jorge Cham, will make you see your Phd and assistant work from another perspective!

The screening of the movie will take place the 23rd of May at the Internef Room 273 at 18:30. The movie lasts for about 1h and is FREE! The movie will be in English, unfortunately without subtitles, since it’s a small production…

No inscription required, but the room can only hold 200 people so try to get there on time!!!

If you want to have a little preview check out the trailer on

The ADAS committee