Join us for Open Science Days 2024 and open your perspectives on the fascinating world of open science

For the first time in Switzerland, four prestigious academic institutions are coming together to offer you a unique event: four days dedicated to open sciences! The University of Lausanne (UNIL), the HES-SO, the Haute École Pédagogique du Canton de Vaud (HEP Vaud), and the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) are joining forces to promote collaboration, innovation and discovery in the field of research transforming, for 4 days, into centers of exchange, sharing and inspiration.

Please note, registrations will close on Wednesday August 28!

knowledge Day 1: 02/09/2024 Complete in person; possibility of online tracking! In this era of global information sharing, we will dive into the heart of the issues of open access. Together, we will explore ways to disseminate scientific publications as widely and free of charge as possible. How is the digital revolution redefining scientific communication? How can we put this communication at the service of society as a whole? What are the objectives of the Swiss national open access strategy and those of European bodies, such as Plan S? From artificial intelligence to research evaluation reform, we will discover what opportunities and challenges lie ahead.

Open Research Data: together towards new horizons Day 2: 03/09/2024 Complete in person; possibility of online tracking! Join us for a day focused on Open Research Data. We will discover how data sharing and open collaborations catalyze discovery, and how today’s complex challenges require transdisciplinary approaches to shape our collective future. Explore how the convergence of data transparency, open accessibility and interoperability can reshape how we approach complex scientific and social challenges in the age of artificial intelligence.

Open Educational Resources: cultivating the knowledge of all Day 3: 04/09/2024 Discover how open educational resources open new avenues for teaching and learning. Explore how sharing these resources can enrich your teaching methods, boost student engagement, and encourage lifelong learning. Teachers of all levels are welcome for a day specially dedicated to open educational resources.

Citizen science: science by and for all Day 4: 05/09/2024 Science is not reserved for experts! We believe that science is a collective quest and a common good. During this day, we will examine how citizen and/or participatory science allows everyone to become an actor and contributor to research in the process of co-construction with scientists, thus promoting the democratization of the production and dissemination of research. Know. Discover how non-scientists and scientists can develop research projects together, thus transforming our relationship with knowledge.

For more information on registration, click here