LIVES Science, Sports & Drinks on 29 August

A quick reminder about the upcoming LIVES-UNIL summer event, Science, Sports & Drinks, on Thursday, 29 August, at Anthropole 3185.


14:00-14:40: General Assembly of the CIR LIVES-UNIL

14:40-15:00: Coffee Break

15:00-16:30: Science Presentations

Anatolia Batruch: How Replications Can Be Useful to Improve Social Sciences

Michael Grätz: Social Science Genetics and Life Course Research

Nicolas Sommet: Causality as a Continuum of Plausibility Rather than a Dichotomy

16:45-17:45: Sports (Beach Volleyball, Football, Croquet) at the UNIL Sports Campus

18:00: Drinks by the Lakeside (right below the Sports Campus)

To help us plan the aperitif, please register here by 22 August.