Call for Papers for Reproduction at the Swiss Reproducibility Hackathon

The SwissRN Academy – the early career section of the SwissRN – is organizing a Reproducibility Hackathon at the Swiss Reproducibility Conference 2024 ( on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at ETH Zürich. During this event, participants will try to reproduce results from published research papers with openly available code and data. More information is available at:

For this purpose, the SwissRN Academy are currently looking for papers authored by researchers from Swiss research institutions. The papers should have publicly available code and data, and should be reproducible on a laptop within an afternoon. By submitting a paper, you will benefit from:

  • Feedback on the reproducibility of your work (participants will fill out a reproducibility report, which you will receive)
  • Recognition for your efforts to make your work reproducible
  • Opportunity to engage others in your research

If you are interested in contributing a paper, please submit it to and associate it with the “ReproHack at the Swiss Reproducibility Conference 2024” event during the submission process.

Best regards,

Samuel Pawel, on behalf of the SwissRN Academy (