Nicolas Verdes

I am a Master’s student in Digital Humanities with a minor in English, currently working as a student assistant for the research project The Language of the Labouring Poor in Late Modern England.

Before I started this position, I completed my Bachelor’s degree in English and in Film studies in 2023. I also had the chance of working for the Swiss Film Archive as well as in sociocultural animation.

My college education allowed me to take various linguistics courses, especially in sociolinguistics, and that is why I am very happy to have joined the LALP team. I find the project particularly interesting as its corpus is a great opportunity to discover the life and problems of everyday people from Late Modern England, and its methodology makes use of machine-based tools and technology to study a textual corpus. Hence, it combines both my prior experiences and current interests. My current task consists of the classification and typology of pauper letters.