3. Links


  1. Selected editing step, Links in this example, and navigation to another step
  2. Back to search
  3. Save changes
  4. Show details
  5. Automatic link proposals
  6. Creator of the note
  7. Links of (co)authors, units and teams
  8. Fund selection
  9. Adding links manually

General Explanation and Important Notes 

The links make it possible to attribute the publication to the UNIL co-authors and to the units and teams in which the publication was made.

If you are the author, do not forget to add your own link! If it is a UNIL / CHUV publication, add the links to the units as well.

Automatic link proposals

Clicking on the buttonicon_propositions_auto will give you a list of potential links. These proposals are obtained from the authors, (co) directors, scientific editors and translators automatically recognized by the system. You just have to check the links that correspond to the publication that is edited to select them. If you do not see links that you need to add, you can do so by using the manual addition.


Adding links manually

You can use the search form at the bottom of the page to manually add links to the publication. To use it, you must first select the type of link. The fields available for searching vary depending on the type of link you are interested in.


Lien vers une personne



Search for a structure (search for units in this example)

Then just fill in one of the search boxes and click the buttonicon_search_text. The results will be displayed below the form. You can then select the result you want by clicking on the buttonicon_select_blue_on_white that corresponds to it. The selected link will then be added to the matching list in the selected links of the publication (field 7.).

4. Visibility


  1. Selected editing step, Visibility in this example, and navigation to another step
  2. Back to search
  3. Save changes
  4. Choice of visibility status
  5. Choice between: no embargo, a simple mode or an advanced embargos entry.
  6. Entry of embargoes

Visibility and its status

Visibility allows to define the scale of diffusion of a notice. One begins by entering it in a personal space and then it “pushes” it in different stages until its insertion in the collection of the publications of the UNIL. Passage through each state is not compulsory. It is also possible to add embargos to define when the publication document will be accessible for the Unil, Web and Serval states.


Possible states are:
The entry is only visible in MyUNIL, the portal of the University of Lausanne, by the authors and members of the related institutes.
The entry is visible to the users of the portal.
The entry is also visible on the UNIL website (like Unisciences).
This step does not directly modify the visibility but is required for a notice to pass to the Serval state. From this step, the entry is no longer editable except by validators and administrators.
The entrance is in the Serval depot and becomes visible everywhere. UNIL / CHUV publications are harvested by external servers and receive URNs if they have a main document.

Standard and advanced embargos entry modes

The choice to add embargos becomes available from state_2. The standard mode of entry, which corresponds to the choice “With the same embargoes for all documents and beginners on …” is then proposed only for publications that have a document.

Standard mode

The standard mode allows to choose an embargo duration for the diffusion in internal (MyUnil) and one for the public diffusion (websites, serval site, …). If the publication contains several documents, all will have the same duration of embargoes.


Advanced mode

The advanced mode, which corresponds to Advanced Choices, with embargoes beginning on … allows to fine-tune the embargos but it is, for this reason, more complex than the previous mode.

The choices offered in this input mode will vary according to your publication:

  • The choice of embargoes to be fixed depends on the visibility state selected for your publication. If your publication is in state state_2, only embargos  state_2will be offered. The more advanced you are, the more you will be able to choose embargoes.
  • The embargoes for each document will be proposed only if the document exists.

The interface will assist you during your modification of the durations of the embargoes. The durations of the other embargoes will be modified dynamically so that they remain coherent.

Example of a state_4 publication with one main document and two secondary documents:


  1. Embargoes on metadata. This embargo is applied to the publication itself.
  2. Embargoes on the primary document
  3. Embargoes on secondary document (s)

Other Institutions

Institutions concerned

Center for Business Law (CEDIDAC) – M.-H. Gadina

Swiss Institute for the Study of Art (SIK-ISEA) – A. Cantinotti

Museum of Geology – C. Schlegel-Rey

There is no Serval administrator in these institutions.


The contact persons for the BCU are

  • Andrea Cantinotti

    BCU – Quartier UNIL-Centre – Bâtiment Unithèque

    Tél 021 692 48 49

    e-mail: Andrea.Cantinotti@bcu.unil.ch

  • Marie-Hélène Gadina
    BCU – Quartier UNIL-Dorigny – Bâtiment Internef
    Tél 021 692 48 81
    e-mail: Marie-Helene.Gadina@bcu.unil.ch

1. Metadata


  1. Selected editing step, Metadata in this example, and navigation to another stepRetour à la recherche
  2. Back to search
  3. Save changes
  4. Filling aid
  5. metadata

Filling the form from an external source

Fill via (4.), will fill the metadata form from various external sources (eg: Pubmed, DOI). Choose the source that will be used in the list and enter the identifier corresponding to your publication in the chosen source. Then click on Fill. If you have already entered values ??in your form, the value entered in a field will only be replaced if a new value exists in the values ??from the external source.


Entering Authors

If your publication has fewer than five authors, it is recommended that you enter their names and first names in separate fields, which is easy to use, as in the example below.



On the other hand, for publications with more than 5 authors, a text entry in a single, more flexible text field is preferred. You will then have to enter one author per line, respecting the format “name, first name”. For the author field, which sometimes allows to enter a working group, the name followed by “[wg]” must be entered.


Help in entering a journal

The Fill Periodic and / or ISSN button will allow you to fill out the Periodic and ISSN fields from Sherpa / RoMEO. To begin, click on it to go to the periodic search screen.



You can either enter the journal title or the ISSN in the search field. Then click icon_search to start the search. You can then select the periodical in the results obtained by clicking on the correspondingicon_select_blue_on_white .



The Periodic and ISSN fields will then be filled in.



2. Files


  1. Selected editing step, Documents in this example, and navigating to another step
  2. Back to search
  3. Save changes
  4. Show details
  5. Tick ??for acceptance of copyright
  6. Main file
  7. Secondary files

Main file

The main document corresponds to the full text of the publication. For sustainability questions, it must be in PDF format. The PDF / A format should be promoted.

Secondary files

Secondary documents, up to a maximum of 10, can be added to the publication. They may correspond to appendices, explanatory documents, … but should not contain raw data from the search. The maximum size per subfile is 200 MB. Unlike the main document for which a long-term archive of UNIL / CHUV scientific publication(in the state_5state ) is planned, no long-term retention is available for secondary documents. The choice of formats is therefore much more free (click on the button icon_helpcorresponding to the secondary documents for the complete list).


Changing the type of a publication

From the details of a publication (see 6 of the help on the search), click on the “Change type” button.

Choose the type of publication (see 1) in which you want to convert this publication. The “Before” (see 2) and “After” (see 3) zones allow you to see the changes that will be made during the conversion. Once you are sure of your choice, click on “Continue” (see 4).

Adapt the metadata to match the new type selected. Then click “Save” to save the type and the metadata changes.