The mission of the Lausanne Genomic Technologies Facility (GTF) is to provide its user community access to and assistance with state-of-the-art nucleic acid analysis technologies.
We have the scientific and technical expertise in genomics to:
- Help you choose the most appropriate technology for your application
- Support you in optimizing your experimental design
- Conduct your wet lab experiment
- Sequence your libraries
- Perform primary data analysis
- Provide you with an expertise in biostatistical analysis
- Manage data distribution
Next Generation Sequencing data are stored on the archiving system of the GTF operated by the University of Lausanne high performance computing service.
The standard timeframe from sample submission to raw data delivery is generally shorter than 4 weeks. This may vary depending on current workload and the specificity of the request.
All library preparation and sequencing requests must be submitted through our LIMS system
Scientific Committee
- Anne Christine Butty (Faculty of Biology and Medicine, Deanship, University of Lausanne)
- Philipp Engel (Group Leader, Department of Fundamental Microbiology, University of Lausanne)
- Keith Harshman (Chief Operations Officer, Health 2030 Genome Center DNA Sequencing Platform)
- Bastien Mangeat (Head of Unit, EPFL Gene Expression Core Facility)