FGSE: Bourse Égalité

Dans le cadre de la Bourse Égalité, la Faculté des géosciences et de l'environnement (FGSE) met au concours un poste de Chercheuse postdoctorale ou chercheur …

Disaster-Resilient Societies (HORIZON) calls

Cluster 3, “Civil Security”, supports the implementation of EU policy priorities relating to security, including cybersecurity, infrastructure protection and disaster risk reduction. In addition, it …

SNIS: 2024 Call for Projects

The Call offers project grants for pluri-disciplinary teams working on international studies - i.e. relevant to the international agenda and for which international cooperation is …

Bourse SAV of 20’000 CHF

The “Bourse SAV” of CHF 20,000 is intended to enable the beneficiary to complete his or her scientific knowledge, in Switzerland or abroad. In principle, …

Institut Suisse de Rome: residencies

The Istituto Svizzero offers its residencies to emerging artists and researchers who wish to contribute to the future of art, science and innovation. The application …

INTERREG Alpine Space

Funding is available for transnational cooperation projects focused on a climate resilient and green Alpine region, enhancing biodiversity and green infrastructure, promoting energy efficiency and the …

ZKS Foundation Doctoral Exchange Grant

Grant funding to enable a doctoral student to work 6-12 months at another university on a collaborative research project in the fields of engineering (with engineering …

Early Career Postdoctoral Fellowship in FGSE

The Faculty of Geosciences and Environment offers up to six Early Career Postdoctoral Fellowships in Geosciences and Environment.  These positions are available for recent PhD …

ERC Consolidator Grant

The ERC Consolidator funds ground-breaking frontier research projects across all fields of science to support European leadership in world-class research. Support – up to 2€ million …

UNIL: Meet & Greet

The next Meet & Greet event will be held by UNIL Graduate Campus and Welcome Center. It is intended for PhD, postdoc and invited researchers. …