Congratulations to Jessica Bastiaansen for being a recipient of the women’s career grant of the University of Lausanne with her proposal ” Water-fat separated 3D MRI for highly specific identification and quantification of myocardial scar and fat infiltration“.
Top downloaded articles in MRM and JMRI
The study with Li Feng at NYU on 5D whole-heart MRI that we published last year was a Top 20 downloaded article in MRM, while the study of Roberto Colotti on isotropic T2 mapping of the knee was a Top 20 downloaded article in JMRI.
New PhD student Giulia Rossi
A warm welcome to our new PhD student Giulia Rossi! She will work on multi-echo UTE imaging and motion fields with Prof. Matthias Stuber and Dr. Christopher Roy.
Visiting professorship in Bordeaux
Congratulations to Prof. Matthias Stuber, who became an Invited Professor at LIRYC, a world-renowned center for cardiac electrical disorders at the Université de Bordeaux.