Mariana Falcão and Simone Rumac win ISMRM Study Group awards

Congratulations to Mariana Falcão for her second place in the Flow & Motion Quantitation Study Group meeting and to Simone Rumac for the best student abstract award in the Cardiac MR Study Group meeting.

Mariana Falcão’s abstract was titled “5D flow – a quantitative in-vivo comparison between Self-Gating and Pilot-Tone gating”, while Simone Rumac’s abstract was titled “Cardiac MR fingerprinting with a short acquisition window in healthy volunteers and 62 consecutive patients referred for clinical CMR”.

MREye: CIBM collaboration leads to imaging technique for the moving eye

Our collaboration with the LINE group of Micah Murray led to a revolutionary new imaging technique to track the moving eye. The technique, based on our free-running framework and developed by Benedetta Franceschiello and Lorenzo Di Sopra, was published in Progress in Neurobiology.

The press release of the University of Lausanne can be found here, while the article itself can be found here:

Franceschiello B, Di Sopra L, Minier A, Ionta S, Zeugin D, Notter MP, Bastiaansen JAM, Jorge J, Yerly J, Stuber M, Murray MM. 3-Dimensional magnetic resonance imaging of the freely moving human eye. Prog Neurobiol. 2020 Jul 9:101885.

Most downloaded MRM and JMRI articles of 2018-2019

Congratulations to Jessica Bastiaansen, Lorenzo Di Sopra and Jean Delacoste for being among the 10% most downloaded articles in Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (MRM) in the previous two years.

You can find the articles here:

Natively fat‐suppressed 5D whole‐heart MRI with a radial free‐running fast‐interrupted steady‐state (FISS) sequence at 1.5T and 3T. Magn Reson Med 2019 , Dec; 82(6):2118-2132

An Automated Approach to Fully Self-Gated Free-Running Cardiac and Respiratory Motion-Resolved 5D Whole-Heart MR Imaging. Magn Reson Med 2019 Dec; 82(6):2118-2132

Ultrashort echo time imaging of the lungs under high‐frequency noninvasive ventilation: A new approach to lung imaging. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2019 Dec; 50(6):1789-1797