The Competence Center Corporate Data Quality (CC CDQ) is a consortium research program in the field of corporate data management with a special focus on data quality management. It is carried out in close collaboration with renowned European enterprises from various industries. The work of the CC CDQ is driven by the requirements of innovative business models inspired by global market presence, technological innovation, worldwide business process harmonization, industrialized services, and customized operations. Success in these areas relies on consistent, accurate, complete, highly available, secure, and timely corporate data resources.
Project Approach
Based on latest scientific insights, the CC CDQ develops methods, architectures, reference models, and prototypes needed for efficient implementation of corporate data (quality) management. The participating companies build critical know-how and exchange best practices with peers in bimonthly consortium workshops and multiple bilateral projects. The core objective of the CC CDQ is to transfer theoretical preliminary work and scientific research results in the domain of data management to everyday business practice.
Christine Legner, Elizabeth Teracino, Konrad Schulte, Jingyang Wang
The CC CDQ is operated by CDQ AG in cooperation with the BISA Research Lab and the Business Engineering Institute St. Gallen. It is closely collaborating with ca. 20 industry partners, including AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bosch, Ericsson, Nestlé, SAP, Siemens and Swisscom.