Open source projects

We publish in open source the codes of the programs made for research. You can find them on our GitHub profile.

Interview App

Research Project: Behavior-Change Technology to Support Job Seekers

Interview App is a tool dedicated to helping job seekers practise and review their interview videos. It is an asynchronous video interview system which records a candidate answering questions prompted on the screen. This project is being developed in collaboration with Prof. Dinesh Babu Jayagopi (IIIT Bangalore).

Code on GitHub.

Jobs for You (J4U)

Research Project: Behavior-Change Technology to Support Job Seekers

As a job seeker, it can be tough to find a job that suits you well. Traditional platform based on keyword search are not helpful to help job seekers identify other types of occupations they can do based on their prior experience. J4U is job is an innovative recommendation platform: using online cognitive and training surveys, it determines a user profile to propose jobs that require skills that are similar to the ones already acquired in prior occupations. This project is developed in collaboration with Prof. Rafael Lalive (UNIL), Prof. Matthias Kliegel (UNIGE), Prof. Michele Pellizzari (UNIGE), and Dr. Hélène Benghalem (UNIL).

Code on GitHub.

Skills Identifier

Research Project: Behavior-Change Technology to Support Job Seekers

This tool allows job seekers to input their prior occupations and their target occupations. Then it lists the skills they seekers have developed through their prior jobs that are also needed for the occupation they pursue in their next step in career. A clear understanding of these overlapping competences is useful to prepare resumes and cover letter for job applications. This project is developed in collaboration with Prof. Tawanna Dillahunt (University of Michigan, US).

Code on GitHub.


Research Project: Behavior-Change Technology to Support Job Seekers

This tool allows job seekers to receive expert feedback on their resume. For each section of the document, they receive a numerical score and textual feedback on how to improve it. This project is developed in collaboration with Prof. Tawanna Dillahunt (University of Michigan, US).

Code on GitHub.

Physical Activity App

Research Project: Behavior-Change Technology and Physical Activity

This App for iOS supports users towards the target activity of walking or running more during the week. The design of the app was grounded on the Self-Determination Theory and it provides supports along three Basic Needs: Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness.

Code on GitHub.