Updates: Register for the Introduction to Using HPC Clusters and Requirements course delivered by the DCSR

The purpose of these courses is to teach you how to use the DCSR HPC clusters. There is a main course dedicated to using the cluster, but we think that some prerequisites are important, in particular: being comfortable with command-line usage of Linux, and being working with the Git version control system.

The courses will be organised as follows:

– course 1: Monday 11th September from 8:30 to 12:00 and 13:30 to 17:00 -> Introduction to Linux

– course 2: Tuesday 12th September from 8:30 to 12:00 and 13:30 to 17:00 -> Introduction to using the cluster + installing/using R/Python applications and containers

– course 3: Friday 15th September, from 8:30 to 12:00 -> Introduction to reproducible research using version control

We organise 3 distinct courses so that you can pick the ones you want/need. But:

– if you are new to using HPC clusters, course 2 is mandatory

– if you plan to use the cluster and you don’t know the Linux command line, course 1 and 2 are mandatory

– if you think reproducible research is important and you don’t know any version control system, course 3 is highly recommended

To register, please go to https://courses.unil.ch/ci and use your UNIL email (this is mandatory for practical sessions since we will need to attach your UNIL login to temporary projects).

The courses will be held in the auditorium of the Biophore building and the language is English. No online option will be available.