
New Article: Good leadership equals an excellent cocktail of skills

The magazine “Entreprise romande” has published an article about Leaderspritz, by Marianne Schmid Mast, Benjamin Tur and Tristan Palese. You can find the full article here.


Allez Savoir Magazine: Leadership, is a profession that can be learned.

Read the new article about Leaderspritz in the magazine “Allez Savoir!”. You can find the full article here.


The HR of the 21st century will keep a human face.

Read the new article in the Demain magazine. A magazine published by the Vaud chamber or commerce. You can find the full article via this link.


The importance of nonverbal behavior.

Prof. Marianne Schmid Mast has written a new post in her blog in Le Temps. It discusses the importance of nonverbal behavior. You can see it here.


Prof. M. Schmid Mast interviewed by Le Temps: “Leading the company of the future, that can be learned”

Professor Marianne Schmid Mast is interviewed by Le Temps and speaks about how the leaders of the future can train in virtual reality to polish their interpersonal skills. Read more about the article via this link.


What is the most important quality to be a good leader?

Prof. Marianne Schmid Mast has written a new post in her blog in Le Temps. It discusses about the most  important quality one must have to be a good leader. You can see it here.


Tristan Palese presents at the “My thesis in 180 seconds” competition

Watch Tristan Palese, a member of the MSM lab, present his thesis at the “Ma thèse en 180 secondes 2019” competition at the University of Lausanne.



Prof. Marianne Schmid Mast on “Dans la tête d’une timide” shows on RTS

Listen to Prof. Marianne Schmid Mast talk about shyness. The show sheds light on how the Virtual reality lab can help to overcome shyness.


The Virtual reality lab in “Dans la tête de…” on RTS

Don’t forget to tune into the latest episode of the show “Dans la tête de” for the 6th of March on RTS. This episode will feature the Virtual Reality lab and how it can help people overcome shyness. To learn more about the episode, click here.


Leaderspritz, the cocktail of interpersonal leadership.

Being experts in leadership, Prof. Marianne Schmid Mast and two members of her doctoral lab Tristan Palese and Benjamin Tur have published the book “Leaderspritz”. Learn more about the book via this link . You can purchase your copy of the book here.