O. Meacock, S. Mitri (in press) Environment-organism feedback drives changes in ecological interactions. Ecol Lett [html][pdf]
P. Piccardi*, E. Ulrich*, M. Garcia-Garcerà, R. Di Martino, S. E. A. Testa, S. Mitri (2024) The evolution of reduced facilitation in a four-species bacterial community. Evolution Letters, 8:828–840. [html][pdf]
R. Di Martino*, A. Picot*, S. Mitri (2024) Oxidative stress changes interactions between two bacterial species. PLoS Biol 22:e3002482 [html][pdf]
A. Picot*, S. Shibasaki*, O. J. Meacock, S. Mitri (2023) Microbial interactions in theory and practice: when are measurements compatible with models? Curr Opin Microbiol 75:102354 [html][pdf]
S. Shibasaki, S. Mitri (2023) A spatially structured mathematical model of the gut microbiome reveals factors that increase community stability. iScience 26:107499 [html][pdf]
S. Sulheim, S. Mitri (2023) Spotlight: Breaking down microbial hierarchies. Tr Microbiol 31:426-427 [html]
B. Vessman, P. Guridi-Fernández, F. I. Arias-Sánchez, S. Mitri (2023) Novel artificial selection method improves function of simulated microbial communities. bioRxiv [html][pdf]
A. R. Dos Santos, R. Di Martino, S. E. A. Testa, S. Mitri (2022) Classifying interactions in a synthetic bacterial community is hindered by inhibitory growth medium. mSystems 7:e00239-22 [html][pdf]
P. Piccardi, G. Alberti, J. Alexander, S. Mitri (2022) Microbial invasion of a toxic medium is facilitated by a resident community but inhibited as the community co-evolves. ISMEJ 16:2644–2652 [html] [pdf]
N. I. van den Berg, D. Machado, S. Santos, I. Rocha, J. Chacón, W. Harcombe, S. Mitri, K. Patil (2022) Ecological modelling approaches for predicting emergent properties in microbial communities. Nature Ecol Evol [html] [pdf]
S. Shibasaki, M. Mobilia, S. Mitri (2021) Exclusion of the fittest predicts microbial community diversity in fluctuating environments. J Roy Soc Int 18:183. [html] [pdf]
S. Shibasaki, S. Mitri (2020) Controlling evolutionary dynamics to optimize microbial bioremediation. Evol Appl 13:2460-2471. [html] [pdf]
S. Testa, S. Berger, P. Piccardi, F. Oechslin, G. Resch, S. Mitri (2019) Spatial structure affects phage efficacy in infecting dual-strain biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Comm Biol 2:405. [html] [pdf]
F. I. Arias-Sánchez, B. Vessman, S. Mitri (2019) Primer: Artificially selecting microbial communities: If we can breed dogs, why not microbiomes? PLoS Biol 17(8): e3000356. [html] [pdf] Featured on PLoS Microbiome Channel.
P. Piccardi, B. Vessman, S. Mitri (2019) Toxicity drives facilitation between 4 bacterial species. PNAS [html] [pdf]
S. Mitri (2019) The Evolutionary Ecology of Microbes. In Reference Module in Life Sciences (Elsevier). [html]
R. Tecon, S. Mitri, D. Ciccarese, D. Or, J. R. van der Meer, D. R. Johnson (2019) Bridging the holistic-reductionist divide in microbial ecology. mBio 4:e00265-18. [html] [pdf]
R. Niehus, S. Mitri (2018) Handling unpredictable ecosystems. Nat Ecol Evol 2:1207–1208. [html] [pdf]
I. Frost, W. Smith, S. Mitri, A. San Millán, Y. Davit, J. Osbourne, J. Pitt-Francis, C. Maclean, K. R. Foster (2018) Cooperation, competition and antibiotic resistance in bacterial colonies. ISMEJ 12:1582-1593. [html] [pdf]
R. Niehus, A. Picot, N. Oliveira, S. Mitri, K. R. Foster (2017) The evolution of siderophore production as a competitive trait. Evolution 71:1443–1455. [html] [pdf]
M. Ghoul, S. Mitri (2016) The ecology and evolution of microbial competition. Trends in Microbiology 24:833–845. [html] [pdf]
F. Delevat, S. Mitri, S. Pelet, J. R. van der Meer (2016) Highly variable individual donor cell fates characterize robust horizontal gene transfer of an Integrative and Conjugative Element. PNAS 113:E3375-E3383. [html] [pdf]
J. Schluter, A. Schoech, K. R. Foster, S. Mitri (2016) The evolution of quorum sensing as a mechanism to infer kinship. PLoS Computational Biology 12:e1004848. [html] [pdf]
S. Mitri, K. R. Foster (2016) Pleiotropy and the low cost of individual traits promote cooperation. Evolution 70:488-94. [html] [pdf]
S. Mitri, E. Clarke, K. R. Foster (2016) Resource limitation drives spatial organization in microbial groups. ISME Journal 10:1471–1482. [html] [pdf]
R. Niehus, S. Mitri, A. Fletcher, K. R. Foster (2015) Migration and horizontal gene transfer divide microbial genomes into multiple niches. Nature Communications 6:8924. [html] [pdf]
S. Mitri, K. R. Foster (2013) The Genotypic View of Social Interactions in Microbial Communities. Annual Review of Genetics 47:247-73. [html] [pdf]
S. Mitri, J. Xavier, K. R. Foster (2011) Social Evolution in Multispecies Biofilms. PNAS 108:10839-46. [html] [pdf]
S. Mitri, J. Xavier, K. R. Foster (2012) Social Evolution in Multispecies Biofilms. In In the Light of Evolution: Cooperation, eds J. E. Strassmann, D. C. Queller, J. C. Avise and F. J. Ayala (The National Academies Press, Washington DC). [html]
Robots and Social Behaviour
J. Lehman, et al. (2018) The Surprising Creativity of Digital Evolution: A Collection of Anecdotes from the Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life Research Communities. arXiv. [html]
S. Hauert, S. Mitri, L. Keller, and D. Floreano (2014) Evolving Cooperation: From Biology to Engineering. In The Horizons of Evolutionary Robotics, eds P. A. Vargas, E. Di Paolo, I. Harvey and P. Husbands (MIT Press, Cambridge, USA). [html]
S. Mitri, S. Wischmann, D. Floreano and L. Keller (2012) Using Robots to Understand Social Behavior. Biological Reviews 88:31-39. [html]
S. Mitri, D. Floreano and L. Keller (2011) Relatedness Influences Signal Reliability in Evolving Robots. Proc Royal Soc B 278:378-383. [html] [pdf]
S. Mitri, D. Floreano and L. Keller (2009) The Evolution of Information Suppression in Communicating Robots with Conflicting Interests. PNAS 106:15786-15790. [html] [pdf]
S. Mitri, D. Floreano and L. Keller (2009) Evolutionary Conditions for the Emergence of Communication. In Evolution of Communication and Language in Embodied Agents, eds S. Nolfi and M. Mirolli (Springer Verlag, Berlin).
D. Floreano, S. Mitri and J. Hubert (2009) A Robotic Platform for Studying the Evolution of Communication. In Evolution of Communication and Language in Embodied Agents, eds S. Nolfi and M. Mirolli (Springer Verlag, Berlin).
S. Mitri, J. Hubert, and M. Waibel (2008) Social Behavior: From Cooperation to Language. Biological Theory 3:99-102. [html]
D. Floreano, S. Mitri, A. Perez-Uribe and L. Keller (2008) Evolution of Altruistic Robots. In Computational Intelligence: Research Frontiers, LNCS (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg), pp. 232-248.
D. Floreano, S. Mitri, S. Magnenat and L. Keller (2007) Evolutionary Conditions for the Emergence of Communication in Robots. Current Biology 17:514-519. [html] [pdf]
S. Mitri and P. Vogt (2006) Co-evolution of Language and Behaviour in Autonomous Robots. In The sixth international conference on the Evolution of Language (Evolang6) (World Scientific, Singapore), pp. 428-429.
PhD Thesis
S. Mitri (2009) The Evolution of Communication in Robot Societies. PhD thesis, Lausanne. [pdf]
Robots and Artificial Intelligence
S. Frintrop, A. Nüchter, K. Pervölz, H. Surmann, S. Mitri, and J. Hertzberg (2009) Attentive Classification. International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence in Engineering System 1:47-66.
S. Mitri, S. Frintrop, K. Pervölz, H. Surmann and A. Nüchter (2005) Robust Object Detection at Regions of Interest with an Application in Ball Recognition. In IEEE 2005 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA ’05), pp. 126-131.
A. M. Abdelbar, S. Ragab and S. Mitri (2004) Co-Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization Applied to the 7×7 Seega Game. In International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN).
S. Mitri, K. Pervölz, H. Surmann and A. Nüchter (2004) Fast Color-Independent Ball Detection for Mobile Robots. In IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics 2004 (MechRob ’04), pp. 900-905.
A. M. Abdelbar, S. Ragab and S. Mitri (2003) Applying Co-Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization to the Egyptian Board Game Seega. In The First Asian-Pacific Workshop on Genetic Programming, pp. 9-15.