NEW PAPER OUT: lake waves’ impact on CO2 fluxes

Wind blowing over the ocean creates waves, which by increasing the level of turbulence, promote gas exchange at the air-water interface. In Pascal’s first PhD paper, we measured for the first time enhanced gas exchanges by wind-induced waves at the surface of a large lake. We adapted an ocean-based model to account for surface waves on gas exchange in lakes. We finally show that intense wind events with surface waves contribute disproportionately to the annual CO2 gas flux in a large lake.

First PhD paper out from Lexplore and a nice UNIL-EAWAG-EPFL collaboration.

Pascal’s Forced-diffusion flux chamber

Perolo, P., Fernández Castro, B., Escoffier, N., Lambert, T., Bouffard, D., and Perga, M.-E.: Accounting for surface waves improves gas flux estimation at high wind speed in a large lake, Earth Syst. Dynam., in press, 2021.

LeXPLORE, on paper

All the scientific and technical aspects of LeXPLORE, put together in an article led by the one who had dreamt this project for long.

Wüest, A.,  Bouffard, D.,  Guillard, J.,  Ibelings, B. W.,  Lavanchy, S.,  Perga, M.-E., &  Pasche, N.(2021).  LéXPLORE: A floating laboratory on Lake Geneva offering unique lake research opportunities. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, e1544.

Open access