Yann Guenand

Now officially Dr Guénand!!
Research interest

I currently perform my PhD research at the interface between a support research unit (Segula Technologie) and academia (UNIL, EAWAG, INRA) . I am interested in the hydrological changes that high altitude lakes and reservoirs are subjected to as a result of climatic shifts and hydropower production. A second part of my work aims at linking these hydrological changes to modifications in water quality and carbon related processes. My study sites are two hydropower reservoirs and a natural lakes located up in the Belledone massif above 2000m asl in France, close to Grenoble. 

Carbon cycling in high-altitude lakes : compared hydrological control in natural lakes and hydropower reservoirshttp://www.theses.fr/s146749.

In that purpose, I combine environmental physical, chemical and biological surveys using field campaigns and high-frequency automated sensors to 3D hydrological modeling. The ultimate goal is to reach a 3D biogeochemical model of the study lake and reservoirs.

  • Perga M-E, Bruel R, Rodriguez L, Guénand Y, Bouffard D (2018) Storm impacts on alpine lakes: Antecedent weather conditions matter more than the event intensity. Global Change Biology, 24, 5004-5016.
  • Soulignac F, Danis P-A, Bouffard D, Chanudet V, Dambrine E, Guénand Y, . . . Anneville O (2018) Using 3D modeling and remote sensing capabilities for a better understanding of spatio-temporal heterogeneities of phytoplankton abundance in large lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44, 756-764.
  • Guénand, Y., M.-E. Perga, V. Chanudet and D. Bouffard (2020). “Hydropower operations modulate sensitivity to meteorological forcing in a high altitude reservoir.” Aquatic Sciences 82(3): 60.