Thanks to an investment from the faculty, I am pleased to announce the installation of a new IVIS lumina III at epalinges, building CLE C room 104A. It will offer a back up for the actual IVIS lumina II.
Category: News
October 8 – 2 pm -IVIF webinar on IMARIS
The facility is equipped with a full Imaris version (package for cell biologist, soon release of the 9.8 version) and it is very powerful for analyses of time lapses generated in vivo on our facility.
It is also a useful seminar for all researchers doing image analysis of all kind, light microscopy, incucyte, cell culture… So feel free to share the seminar to any interested person.
“Imaris the ideal solution to interactively analyze 3D/4D microscopy images “
Presenter : Dr. Georgia Geolfis
Regional Sales Engineer, Imaris from Oxford Instruments
Dr. Georgia Golfis gained her Ph.D. in Drug Design at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland in 2008. For the years after, she has worked as a postdoc at INSERM and as a Life Science Specialist at ThermoFisherScientific. For almost 10 years she has specialized in microscopy image analysis working as a Scientific Liaison Engineer in the Imaris team from Oxford Instruments.
Friday October 8th 2 pm – 3pm link to the online seminar
This course belongs to the list of seminars from the PhD in life science of the UNIL (0.5 ECTS for 6 seminars, please send your form electronically to alexandre and he will return it to you signed after the talk)
Imaris is the world-leading software offering cutting edge solutions for 3D/4D image analysis for microscopy. The newest version of Imaris provides a comprehensive image analysis workflow for researchers analysing large and complex images such as:
- Measurements of the dynamics associated with events in your timelapse images (e.g. cell divisions or cell contacts): changes to cell motility, morphology, or protein expression…
- Measurements of interactions between biological objects: co-localization, overlaps, proximity, distances distribution relatively to a random one, protein accumulation …
- Objects classification with Machine Learning
Imaris continuously improves to address the analysis bottlenecks within a complete and easy to use software package: deconvolution, stitching, support of multidimensional images (i.e. electron and light microscopy) or batch image processing and analysis pipeline.
Best regards
Alexandre Bénéchet
IVIF Workshop Radiotherapy August 31st
Webex and at Agora room 02/040
On the top of intravital microscopy, in vivo optical imaging, MRI, PET/CT and microCT our facility is also providing preclinical radiotherapy thanks to our focalized irradiator XRAD SmART at agora.
Lately we had the chance to welcome Adrien Arrigo to our facility. Adrien performed is master of science in public health at Lausanne and as experience on clinical radiotherapy. He joined the IVIF last June and in no time could set up Quality controls and protocols for proper preclinical Radiotherapy.
He accepted to also give you a talk so that you can have a good overview of the radiotherapy and what can be done in preclinical at our facility.
“Radiotherapy – A cancer Hunting Leader”
Presenter Adrien Arrigo, Msc
Tuesday August 31st 12 pm – 1pm link to the online workshop and room Agora 02/040
This course belongs to the list of seminars from the PhD in life science of the UNIL (0.5 ECTS for 6 seminars, please send your form electronically to adrien and he will return it to you signed after the talk)
TITLE: Radiotherapy – A Cancer-Hunting Leader
DESCRIPTION: This course will present the history of radiation therapy from its beginnings to current advances. Radiation is known, studied and used in many different ways and in many different fields. You will be led to understand its use in modern medicine to destroy cancers by various applications and physical principles.
- Brief history of radiations and radiotherapy
- Physical principles
- How it’s done !
- A typicall treatment day
Course duration : 1h
MicroPET/CT addition to the IVIF AGORA
IVIF workshop PET/SPECT/CT April 13th 12pm
Tuesday April 13th 12 pm – 13 pm link to the online workshopThis course belongs to the list of seminars from the PhD in life science of the UNIL (0.5 ECTS, please send your form electronically to and he will return it to you signed)
Course name : Molecular imaging with small animal PET/SPECT/CT
Course description:
The microPET/CPECT/CT are in vivo, (semi-)quantitative, molecular imaging modalities for small animal models of human diseases. It has a wide spectrum of application in biomedical research ranging from fundamental studies of healthy biology processes to molecular targeting of tumors or other associated pathological developments.
The seminar aims to present the basic principles of radioactivity and the three most common types of radionuclide decay. Then, the PET and SPECT techniques will be introduced and it will be explained how they are working from the radioactivity detection to the image generation. In addition, the concept of radiotracer will be defined and the most commons will be presented. Finally, examples of basic and advanced microPET/SPECT/CT applications will be shown.
Course objectives:
- Remind the basic concept of radioactivity
- Understand the PET and SPECT detection principles
- Learn about radiotracers
- Understand advantage and limitation of microPET/SPECT/CT through examples
Course duration : 30-45 minutes.