Tuesday April 13th 12 pm – 13 pm link to the online workshopThis course belongs to the list of seminars from the PhD in life science of the UNIL (0.5 ECTS, please send your form electronically to david.viertl@chuv.ch and he will return it to you signed)
Course name : Molecular imaging with small animal PET/SPECT/CT
Course description:
The microPET/CPECT/CT are in vivo, (semi-)quantitative, molecular imaging modalities for small animal models of human diseases. It has a wide spectrum of application in biomedical research ranging from fundamental studies of healthy biology processes to molecular targeting of tumors or other associated pathological developments.
The seminar aims to present the basic principles of radioactivity and the three most common types of radionuclide decay. Then, the PET and SPECT techniques will be introduced and it will be explained how they are working from the radioactivity detection to the image generation. In addition, the concept of radiotracer will be defined and the most commons will be presented. Finally, examples of basic and advanced microPET/SPECT/CT applications will be shown.
Course objectives:
- Remind the basic concept of radioactivity
- Understand the PET and SPECT detection principles
- Learn about radiotracers
- Understand advantage and limitation of microPET/SPECT/CT through examples
Course duration : 30-45 minutes.