As you may have already heard, Agora is going to acquire another 3T MRI soon. The decision was made in response to a growing need for MRI imaging services and will enable a greater number of users to benefit from this attractive technology. The new MRI will also be a 3T from Bruker and it will equipped with identical coils to guarantee reproducible results on the two systems. The assigned room (B25a – 01 – 024) being quite large, it was possible to plan a confortable experimental space.
The entire process has been (slowly) rolling, and we are now approaching the final stages: construction works to adapt room 24 in the animal facility will start this summer and we hope to have the MRI delivered before the year’s end.
The interventions will take place in July and August and most of them will be conducted in the technical mezzanine, however, noise and inconveniences have to be expected.
The access to the construction site will be isolated from the animal facility using protective barriers through the corridor between the vestiary and the MRI room (see below) .
All neighbouring experimental rooms will be kept accessible while the men’s changing room will be closed during the whole intervention (more details will follow).