EasyPanel v2

EasyPanel is a new flow cytometry panel design tool accessible to all FCF users. Simply use your @unil.ch @chuv.ch address to register and start using it. The machine configurations from both the Biopole & Agora are already uploaded on the website. So please go check it out HERE.

Once you login into your session you can select your machine, pick the antigens you would like to study with added details like their co-expression and expression level. You have the option to lock some fluorochromes/antigens based on what is available to you already or let the software choose the best option for that particular configuration.

You will get a detailed table with the antibodies chosen and a link to order them on the validated distributors. You can also export the panel as Excel files to save it offline.

Alternatively, you can also evaluate the quality of already used panels and Easypanel will offer a better option to improve the quality of your data.

If you have any question, feel free to contact the FCF Team !