Related publications

Aebi, M. F., Caneppele, S., Harrendorf, S., Hashimoto, Y. Z., Jehle, J.-M., Khan, T. S., Kühn, O., Lewis, C., Molnar, L., Smit, P., Þórisdóttir, R. (2021). Key Findings of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2021 (6th ed.). Series UNILCRIM, (4) 2021.

Aebi, M. F., Caneppele, S., Harrendorf, S., Hashimoto, Y. Z., Jehle, J.-M., Khan, T. S., Kühn, O., Lewis, C., Molnar, L., Smit, P., Þórisdóttir, R. (2021). Original data of the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2021 (6th ed.). Series UNILCRIM, (2)2021. Retrieved from:

Aebi, M. F., Caneppele, S., Harrendorf, S., Hashimoto, Y. Z., Jehle, J.-M., Khan, T. S., Kühn, O., Lewis, C., Molnar, L., Smit, P., Þórisdóttir, R. (2021). European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2021 (6th ed.). Gottinghen University. 

Hacin, R., Meško, G., Aebi, M. F., & Flander, B. (2022). From Apparent Unity to Diversity: Penal Policies of (Former) Yugoslav Republics. European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 30(3-4), 329-354.

Linde, A., & Aebi, M. (2021). ¿Realmente theft quiere decir hurto? y otras equivalencias dudosas entre las definiciones legales y criminológicas de las infracciones: Consecuencias para el estudio de la delincuencia. Revista Española de Investigación Criminológica, 19(2).

Linde, A. & Aebi, M. F. (2020). La criminologie comparée à l’heure de la société numérique : Les théories traditionnelles peuvent-elles expliquer les tendances de la cyber-délinquance ? Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique, 73(4): 387-414.

Linde, A. & Aebi, M. F. (2020). Las encuestas de victimización como instrumento de medición de la delincuencia y de la inseguridad. In Murrià-Sangenis, M., Sobrino-Garcés, C. y González-Murciano, C. (Eds.). 30 Anis de l’Enquesta de Victimizació de l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona: Vigència i ús de les enquestes de seguretat a les metròpolis (pp. 247-256). Barcelona: Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona.

Aebi, M. F. (2019). Cross-National Comparisons Based on Official Statistics of Crime. In Natarajan, M. (Ed.). International and Transnational Crime and Justice (pp. 488-493). Second edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 

Caneppele, S., & Aebi, M. F. (2019). Crime Drop or Police Recording Flop? On the Relationship between the Decrease of Offline Crime and the Increase of Online and Hybrid Crimes. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 13(1): 66-79.  

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Aebi, M. F. (2018). A tribute to Martin Killias on the occasion of his receipt of the Beccaria Medal in gold of the Kriminologische Gesellschaft. In Boers, K. & Schaerff, M. (Eds.). Kriminologische Welt in Bewegung (pp. 773-780). Neue Kriminologische Schriftenreihe der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft e.V. Band 117. Mönchengladbach: Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH.

Aebi, M. F. & Jehle, J.-M. (2018). Introduction to the Special Issue on Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 24(1): 3-6. 

Campistol, C. & Aebi, M. F. (2018). Are juvenile criminal justice statistics comparable across countries? A study of the data available in 45 European nations. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 24(1): 55-78. 

Harrendorf, S. (2018): Attrition in and Performance of Criminal Justice Systems in Europe: A Comparative Approach. In: European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 24, pp. 7 – 36.

Harrendorf, S. (2018). Prospects, Problems, and Pitfalls in Comparative Analyses of Criminal Justice Data. Crime and Justice, 47, 159‑207.

Aebi, M. F. & Jehle, J.-M. (Guest Editors) (2018). Special Issue on Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 24(1): 1-119.

Harrendorf, S. (2017): Justizieller Umgang mit kriminellem Verhalten im internationalen Vergleich: Was kann „Comparative Criminal Justice“ leisten? In: Rechtswissenschaft, pp. 113 – 152.

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2016). Long-Term Trends in Crime: Continuity and Change. In Knepper P. & Johansen, A. (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of the History of Crime and Criminal Justice (pp. 57-87). New York: Oxford University Press.  

Aebi, M. F., Burkhardt, C., Hacin, R. & Tiago, M. M. (2016). A Comparative Perspective of Imprisonment Trends in Slovenia and Europe from 2005 to 2014. Journal of Criminal Investigation and Criminology / Revija za kriminalistiko in kriminologijo, 67(4): 430–442.

Linde, A. & Aebi, M. F. (2015). La pertinencia de la teoría de las actividades cotidianas a través del tiempo y el espacio: Un modelo multifactorial explicativo de las tendencias delictivas posteriores a la reunificación del continente europeo. In Miró-Linares, F., Agustina-Sanllehí, J. R., Medina-Sarmiento, J. E. & Summers, L. (Eds). Crimen, oportunidad y vida diaria: Libro homenaje al Profesor Dr. Marcus Felson (pp. 73-104). Madrid: Dykinson.

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (Guests Editors) (2015). Special Issue on Comparative Criminology: Parts I and II. European Journal of Criminology, 12(4-5): 379-561.

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2015). The epistemological obstacles in comparative criminology: A special issue introduction. European Journal of Criminology, 12(4): 381-385.

Aebi, M. F., Delgrande, N. & Marguet, Y. (2015). Have community sanctions and measures widened the net of the European criminal justice systems? Punishment & Society, 17(5): 575–597. 

Aebi, M. F., Linde, A. & Delgrande, N. (2015). Is There a Relationship Between Imprisonment and Crime in Western Europe? European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 21(3): 425-446.  

Heiskanen, M., Aebi, M. F., van der Brugge, W., & Jehle, J.-M. (Eds.) (2014). Recording Community Sanctions and Measures and Assessing Attrition: A Methodological Study on Comparative Data in Europe. Helsinki: HEUNI.  

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2014). Conviction Statistics as Measures of Crime. In Michalos, A. C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 1276-1281). New York: Springer.

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2014). National Victimization Surveys. In Bruinsma G. & Weisburd D. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (pp. 3228-3242). New York: Springer.

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2014). The persistence of lifestyles: Rates and correlates of homicide in Western Europe from 1960 to 2010. European Journal of Criminology, 11(5): 552-577.  

Jehle, J.-M., and Harrendorf, S. (2013): How to Record Data on Community Sanctions and Measures and the Work of Probation Agencies across Europe: The Approach of the European Sourcebook. In: Calderoni, F. and Caneppele, S. (Eds.), Essays in Honour of Ernesto Savona, Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 93 – 101.

Heiskanen, M., Aebi, M.F., van der Brugge, W. and Jehle, J.-M. (Eds.) (2014), Recording Community Sanctions and Measures and Assessing Attrition, A Methodological Study on Comparative Data in Europe, Helsinki: HEUNI.

Harrendorf, S. (2013): Towards Comparable International Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics. Where Do We Stand? What Can We Expect? In: Kuhn, A., Schwarzenegger, C., Margot, P., Donatsch, A., Aebi, M.F. and Jositsch, D. (Eds.), Kriminologie, Kriminalpolitik und Strafrecht aus internationaler Perspektive, Festschrift für Martin Killias zum 65. Geburtstag, Zürich: Stämpfli 2013, pp. 131 – 147.

Harrendorf, S. (2013): Methodische Überlegungen zu Möglichkeiten und Grenzen vergleichender Punitivitätsmessung auf der Grundlage internationaler Kriminalitätssurveys. In: Dölling, D. and Jehle, J.-M. (Eds.), Täter-Taten-Opfer. Grundlagenfragen und aktuelle Probleme der Kriminalität, Forum Verlag Godesberg: Mönchengladbach, pp. 785 – 806.

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2012). Crime Trends in Western Europe according to Official Statistics from 1990 to 2007. In van Dijk, J., Tseloni, A. and Farrell, G. (Eds.). The International Crime Drop: New Directions in Research (pp. 37-75). New York, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2012). The Growth of Victimisation Surveys in Latin America. In Groenhuijsen, M., Letschert, R. and Hazenbroek, S. KLM Van Dijk: Liber amicorum J.J.M. van Dijk (pp. 9-21). Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.

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Aebi, M. F. and Linde, A. (2012). Regional variation in Europe between homicide and other forms of external death and criminal offences (1970-2008). In Liem, M. C. A. and Pridemore, W. A. (Eds.). Handbook of European Homicide Research: Patterns, Explanations, and Country Studies (pp. 71-94). New York: Springer.

Gruszczyńska B. & Heiskanen M. (2012). Trends in Police-recorded Offences. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18, 83-10.

Harrendorf, S. (2012). Offence Definitions in the European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics and Their Influence on Data Quality and Comparability. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18, 23–53.

Jehle, J.M (2012). Editor Introduction . European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18, 11-3.

Jehle J-M (2012). Attrition and Conviction Rates of Sexual Offences in Europe: Definitions and Criminal Justice Responses. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18,145-161.

Lewis, C. (2012). Crime and Justice Statistics Collected by International Agencies. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18, 5-21.

Smit P., Van Eijk A., Decae R. (2012). Trends in the Reaction on Crime in Criminal Justice Systems in Europe in 1990–2007: A Comparison of Four European Regions. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 18, 55-82.

Aebi, M. F. (2011). Crossnational Comparisons Based on Official Statistics of Crime. In Natarajan M. (Ed.). International Crime and Justice (pp. 471-477). Cambridge / New York / [etc.]: Cambridge University Press

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2011). Tendances de la délinquance en Europe occidentale d’après les statistiques policières et les sondages de victimisation. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Kriminologie (Swiss Journal of Criminology), 10(1): 3-15.

Harrendorf, S. (2011): How to Measure Punitiveness in Global Perspective: What Can be Learned from International Survey Data. In: Kury, H. and Shea, E. (Eds.): Punitivity. International Developments, Vol. 1: Punitiveness – a Global Phenomenon?, Crime & Crime Policy Vol. 8/1, Bochum: Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer, pp. 125 – 148.

Aebi, M. F. (2010). Methodological Issues in the Comparison of Police-Recorded Crime Rates. In Shoham, S. G., Knepper, P. & Kett, M. (Eds.). International Handbook of Criminology (pp. 211-227). Boca Raton / London / New York: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.

 Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2010). El misterioso caso de la desaparición de las estadísticas policiales españolas. Revista Electrónica de Ciencia Penal y Criminología, 12(07), 1-30.

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2010). Las encuestas de victimización en Europa: Evolución histórica y situación actual. Revista de derecho penal y criminología, [3a época], 3, 211-298.

Aebi, M. F. & Linde, A. (2010). Is There a Crime Drop in Western Europe? European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 16(4): 251-277.  

Jehle, J.-M., and Harrendorf, S. (Eds.) (2010): Defining and Registering Criminal Offences and Measures: Standards for a European Comparison, Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen 2010.

Aebi, M. F. (2009). Self-reported delinquency surveys in Europe. In Zauberman, R. (Ed.). Self-Reported Crime and Deviance Studies in Europe (pp. 11-49). Brussels: VUBPRESS Brussels University Press.

Haymoz, S., Aebi, M. F., Killias, M. & Lamon, P. (2009). Comparisons of crime data based on general population surveys with criminal statistics in Switzerland. In Robert, P. (Ed.). Comparing Crime Data in Europe: Official Crime Statistics and Survey Based Data (pp. 127-140). Brussels: VUBPRESS Brussels University Press.

Aebi, M. F. (2008). Measuring the Influence of Statistical Counting Rules on Cross-National Differences in Recorded Crime. In Aromaa, K. & Heiskanen, M. (Eds.). Crime and Criminal Justice Systems in Europe and North America 1995-2004 (pp. 196-214). HEUNI Publication Series No. 55. Helsinki: HEUNI.

Aebi, M. F. & Balcells, M. (2008). The Prosecution Service Function within the Spanish Criminal Justice System. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14(2-3): 311-331.

Elsner, B., Aebi, M. F., Aubusson de Cavarlay, B., Gillieron, G., Hakeri, H., Jehle, J. M., Killias, M., Lewis, C., Peters, J., Roth, E., Smit, P., Sobota, P., Turkovic, K., Wade, M. & Zila, J. (2008). When the Line is Crossed… Paths to Control and Sanction Behaviour Necessitating a State Reaction. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14(2-3): 101-122.

Wade, M., Aebi, M. F., Aubusson de Cavarlay, B., Balcells, M., Gillieron, G., Hakeri, H., Killias, M., Lewis, C., Roth, E., Smit, P., Sobota, P., Turkovic, K. & Zila, J. (2008). The Criminal Justice Approach: Case Exemples. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 14(2-3): 123-132.

Aebi, M. F. (Guest Editor) (2004). European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. Special Issue (Vol. 10 Nos. 2-3): Crime Trends in Western and Eastern European Countries, Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Aebi, M. F. (2004). Introduction. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 10, 107–110.Aebi, M. F. (2004). Crime Trends in Europe from 1990 to 2000. In Aromaa, K. & Nevala, S. (Eds.), Crime and Crime Control in an Integrating Europe: Plenary presentations held at the Third Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Helsinki 2003 (pp. 39-60). HEUNI Publication Series No. 44. Helsinki: HEUNI. .

Gruszczynska, B. (2004).Crime in Central and Eastern European Countries in the Enlarged Europe. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 10, 123-136.

Killias, M., Lamon, P. & Aebi, M. F. (2004). Switzerland. In Farrington, D. P., Langan, P. A. & Tonry, M. (Eds.). Cross-National Studies in Crime and Justice (pp. 249-286). Washington: Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice.

Lewis, C., Barclay G, Aubusson de Cavarlay, B., Morgado Costa, M.J., Smit, P. (2004).   Crime Trends in the EU. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 10,187-223.

Smit, P., R., Groen P-P, J.  and  (2004). Detection rates, an International Comparison. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 10, 225-253.

Aebi et al. (2003). 2nd European Sourcebook Key findings. Council of Europe.

Aebi, M. F. & Kuhn, A. (2002). Le taux de détention dépend-il du nombre d’entrées en prison, de la durée des peines ou du taux de criminalité? Revue internationale de criminologie et de police technique et scientifique 55/1 (2002): 17-36.

Aebi, M.F, Barclay, G., Jehle, J.M., Killias M. (2001). Un nuevo instrumento para la investigación criminológica. Boletín Criminológico, 53.  

Killias, M. & Aebi, M. F. (2000). Un confronto tra gli Stati Uniti e l’Europa. In Barbagli, M. (Ed.), Perché è diminuita la criminalità negli Stati Uniti? (pp. 239-258). Bologna: il Mulino.

Killias, M. & Wolfgang Rau (2000) The European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics: A New Tool in Assessing Crime and Policy Issues in Comparative and Empirical Perspective. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.

Barclay, G. (2000) The comparability of data on convictions and sanctions: are international comparisons possible?  European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 8, 13–26 

Jehle, J.M (2000). Prosecution in Europe: Varying structures, convergent trends – European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research volume 8, 27–42.

Killias, M. & Aebi, M.F. (2000). Crime Trends in Europe from 1990 to 1996: How Europe Illustrates the Limits of the American Experience. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 8 43-63 

Aebi, M. F., Killias, M. & Tavares, C. (2002). Comparing Crime Rates: The International Crime (Victim) Survey, The European Sourcebook Of Crime And Criminal Justice Statistics, and Interpol Statistics. International Journal of Comparative Criminology, 2(1), 22-37.

Hanns von Hofer (2000). Crime statistics as constructs: the case of Swedish rape statistics. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 

van Tulder, F. (2000). Crimes and the need for Sanction Capacity in the Netherlands : Trends and Backgrounds. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 8(1), 91‑106.  

Vagg, J., & Harris, J. (2000). False Profits : Why Product Counterfeiting is Increasing. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 8(1), 107‑115.  

Killias, M. (1995). The European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 3(4), 108-117.