Developing a Methodology to Collect Data on Community Sanctions and Measures and Attrition Rates in Europe

The purpose of the DECODEUR project was to use the expertise available within the European Sourcebook Group and the Conférence permanente Européenne de la Probation (CEP) to improve and complement the standards developed so far for the definition and categorisation of community sanctions and measures.

The first aim of the project was to identify how sanctions and measures are imposed and measured initially by different European countries. Second, the attrition rate was analysed. Flow statistics can be used in order to follow the progress of a criminal case through the whole criminal justice system until a final decision is made. As many countries so far cannot provide such statistics, the project will also sought ways to interlink the different statistical databases. This information then led to the development of a new data collection instrument (questionnaire) to include both definitions and a methodology to provide specific indicators.

A more complete description of the criminal justice system led to the identification of how attrition rates differ, comparing the identification of suspects and the imposition of sanctions and measures between Member States and juveniles vs. adults. Finally, a report on project results describing the methodology and data availability for community sanctions and measures together with a database was produced.

The Decodeur Project lasted for 32 months (2011-2014). Four small conferences and a larger one was held during the course of the project.

Please find here the final publication of the Decodeur project: Heiskanen Aebi et al (2014 ) Recording Community Sanctions and Measures
