Scientific conferences


de Lucia S, Charmillot T, Méan M, Chèvre N, Senn N, Kherad O. 2024. Less can be much more than you think: when smarter and greener medicine meet to create an eco-top5 list. Geneva Health Forum. 27-29 May 2024. Geneva.

Tisserand F, Faria M, Rodriguez DL, Thomas A, Gilardi F, Chèvre N. Multigenerational epigenetic effects of long-term exposure of Daphnia magna to diazinon. SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting. 5-9 May 2024, Seville, Spain.


Tisserand F, Reis C, Gilardi F, Thomas A, Chèvre N. 2023. Chronic exposure of Daphnia magna to diazinon: unconventional effect on reproduction and sensitivity of behavior as biomarker. 30 April-4 May 2023. SETAC Europe 33 nd Annual Meeting, Dublin, Ireland.

Traore Dosso A, Dufour R M, Gillet H, Kouamé K J, Chèvre N. Impact of gold mining storage tailings on groundwaters and surface waters: Case study of Hiré gold panning (southern Ivory coast): 2-3 May 2023. Traceability of gold. International Conference and Workshop. Palais de Rumine , Lausanne, Switzerland.


Traore Dosso A, Gillet H, Kouamé K J, Dufour R M, Chèvre N. Impact of gold mining storage tailings on groundwaters and surface waters: the case of Hiré (southern Ivory coast): 18-20 November 2022. 20th Swiss Geoscience Meeting. University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

Tisserand F, Gilardi F, Faria M, Melo De Almeida E, Thomas A, Chèvre N. Exposition multigénérationnelle de la Daphnia magna au diazinon : Réponses moléculaires et adaptation phénotypique. 15-16 septembre 2022. 25ème Journée Scientifiques. ccCTA, Diablerets, Suisse

Charmillot T, Castioni J, Chèvre N, Erkman S. 2022. Choosing an eco-responsible single-use hospital medical device: example pf a life cycle analysis for medicine cups. 1-3 June 2022. SGAIM Congress.Lausanne.

Cattin L, Boualit L, Guillet B, Chèvre N. 2022. A first step in the development of minimally invasive methods for measuring biomarkers in amphibians. 5-19 May 2022. SETAC Europe 32 nd Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark or remotely.

Melo de Almeida E, Tisserand F, Faria M, Chèvre N. Efficiency of several cytochrome P450 biomarkers in highlighting the exposure of D. magna to an organophosphate pesticide. 15-19 May 2022. SETAC Europe 32 nd Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark

Boualit L, Cayuela H, Cattin L, Ballu A, Chèvre N. 2022. Development of a new method for evaluating the toxicity of organophosphate insecticides on amphibians: The amphibian short term assay (ASTA) – Part II, Assessment of locomotor capacities. 5-19 May 2022. SETAC Europe 32 nd Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark or remotely.

Boualit L, Cayuela H, Cattin L, Chèvre N. 2022. Development of a new method for evaluating the toxicity of organophosphate insecticides on amphibians: The amphibian short term assay (ASTA) – Part I, assessment of biochemical morphological and life history traits. 15-19 May 2022. SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Danemark or remotely.

Tisserand F, Gilardi F, Faria M, Melo De Almeida E, Thomas A, Chèvre N. 2022. Multigenerational exposure of Daphnia magna to diazion: Molecular responses and life history traits. 15-19 May 2022. SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Danemark or remotely.

Benali I, Boualit L, Monbaron L, Tisserand F, Bouderbala M, Chèvre N. Great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) as sentinel species for biomonitoring anthropic pressure impact in two algerian west rivers. 15-19 May 2022. SETAC Europe 32 nd Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark or remotely.


Benali I, Boualit L, Bouderbala M, Chèvre N. 2021. Assessing the ecological state of a polluted river by the study of the ecological distribution and the physiological behavior of the gastropod Lymnaea Stagnalis. 1er Séminaire National sur les ressources naturelles face aux contraintes d’usage et du changement climatique SENACUC 2021. Mila, Algeria 04 July (google meet).


Chèvre N, Gregorio V, Plagellat C, Oriez A, Gaillard R. 2020. Risk assessment of mixture of micropollutants in large lakes: the case study of lake Geneva, Switzerland/France. 15-19 November 2020. SETAC North America, SETAC SciCon2.

Tisserand F, Lefranc M, Balmassière L, Cattanéo F, Chèvre N, Santos R. 2020. The superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity : optimization of a biomarker of exposure implicated in the oxidative stress response of organisms. 3-7 May 2020. SETAC Europe, SETAC SciCon.

Benali I, Bouderbala M, Grandjean D, de Alencastro L.F, Rouane O, Chèvre N. 2020. Classification of coastal sites in North western of Algeria using biomarker index and the Norwegian classification system (KECS) for monitoring pollution. 3-7 May 2020. SETAC Europe, SETAC SciCon.

Benali I, Boualit L, Bouderbala M, Chèvre N. 2020.Assessing a polluted river environment by the study of the biological and physiological responses in the gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis. 3-7 May 2020. SETAC Europe, SETAC SciCon.

Boualit L, Ballu A, Chèvre N. 2020. Amphibian’s eggs jelly coat : structure, functions and implication for amphibians ecotoxicology. 3-7 May 2020. SETAC Europe, SETAC SciCon.

Chèvre N. 2020. Is a blog helpful for communicating risk assessment’s subtletiesto the administration and to the society ? 3-7 May 2020. SETAC Europe, SETAC SciCon.


Boualit L, Chèvre N. 2019. Effects of pesticides and antibiotics on the early development of the model amphibian organism: Xenopus laevis. 20th European Congress of Herpetology, Milano, Italy.

Boualit L, Cayuela H, Santos R, Chèvre N. Effects of pesticides and antibiotics on the early development of the model amphibian organism: Xenopus laevis. 26-30 May 2019. SETAC Europe. Helsinki, Finland.

Balmassière L, Tisserand F, Pereira Dos-Santos S, Zitouni N, Espinat L, Bony S, Devaux A, Guillard J, Chèvre N, Cattanéo F, Santos R. Swimming in turbid water: impacts of suspended fine sediment exposure on brown trout physiology. Advances in the Population Ecology of Stream Salmonids. 20-24 May. 2019. Grenada, Spain.


Milano M, Chèvre N, Reyanrd E. Challenges in implementing legal frameworks for assessing water quality : the cases of the EU and Swiss approaches. 13-17 May 2018. SETAC Europe. Rome, Italy.

Borel C, Estoppey N, Ferrari B, Chèvre N. Les capteurs passifs comme outil de monitoring des contaminants organiques hydrophobes. Biennales FGSE. 12-16 February 2018. Lausanne, Switzerland.

Copin PJ, Khajehnouri F, Ben Hassena M, Chèvre N. Que cache la liste des ingrédients des produits cosmétiques ? Etude des gels douche et shampoings. Biennales FGSE. 12-16 February 2018. Lausanne, Switzerland.

Dell’Ambrogio G, Chèvre N, Werner I, Mitchell E, Ferrari B, Campiche S. Impact de trois néonicotinoïdes sur le collembole Folsomia fimetaria, dans les sols agricoles. Biennales FGSE. 12-16 February 2018. Lausanne, Switzerland.

Gyger M. Kjelberg F, Perga ME, Borel C, Ferrari B, Chèvre N. Quantification de la bioamplification des PBDEs dans la rivière La Sorge (VD). Biennales FGSE. 12-16 February 2018. Lausanne, Switzerland.

Copin PJ, Khajehnouri F, Mechouk C, Hauret A. Chèvre N. Quel effet a le cocktail de micropolluants ? Biennales FGSE. 12-16 February 2018. Lausanne, Switzerland.


Dell’Ambrogio G, Campiche S, Chèvre N, Mitchell E, Werner I, Ferrari B.  Impact of neonicotinoids on the collembolan Folsomia fimetaria in agricultural soils. 27th SETAC Europe. 7-11 May 2017. Brussel, Belgium.

Milano M, Chèvre N, Reynard E. Assessing river health in Europe and Switzerland. EGU. 23-28 April 2017. Vienna, Austria.


Bouchez A, Hoyois M, Eandi AC, Rimet F, Chèvre N. Evaluation des effets et du risque environnemental de 5 médicaments sur les microalgues d’eau douce. Forum Eco-Tox Rovaltain. 11-13 octobre 2016. Alixan, France.

Borel C,  Pena J, Ferrari B, Chèvre N. Frozen sediment in microcosm studies. SETAC Europe 26th Annual Meeting, 22-26 May 2016, Nantes, France.

Amacker N, Mitchell E, Chèvre N. Impact of Pesticides on Soil Protists. Elaboration of an ecotoxicological protocol for Euglypha rotunda (Rhizaria). 35ème réunion annuelle de la « Deutsche Gesellschaft für Protozoologie (German Society for Protozoology). 23-26 February 2016. Saignelégier, Switzerland.

Dell’Ambrogio G, Chèvre N, Mitchell EA, Werner I, Ferrari B. Impact des néonicotinoïdes sur le collembole Folsomia fimetaria dans les sols agricoles. Congrès annuel de la Société Suisse de Pédologie. Geneva, Switzerland, 4-5 February 2016.


Chèvre N, Büchi L, Anneville O, Rimet F, Bouchez A, Gregorio V. Risk of herbicide mixtures as a key parameter to explain phytoplankton fluctuation in a great lake: the case of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. 20th SETAC-GLB. Zürich, Switzerland, 7-10 September 2015.

Chèvre N, Gregorio V, Junghans M. On the appropriateness of using the common mixture toxicity models CA and IA on species sensitivity distributions: a theoretical approach. 20th SETAC-GLB. Zürich, Switzerland, 7-10 September 2015.

Benali, I, Boutiba Z, Grandjean D, De Alencastro LF, Rouane-Hacène O, Chèvre N. Impact of contaminants (PCBs, HAPs, metals) in wild mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from the Algerian west coast and development of biomarker index for monitoring pollution. 9th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. Geneva, Switzerland, 5-10 July 2015.

Copin PJ, Chèvre N. Modelling the effects of pulse exposure for several PSII inhibitors and algae. 9th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. Geneva, Switzerland, 5-10 July 2015.


Borgatta M, Hernandez C, Decorsterd LA, Quadroni M, Buclin T, Chèvre N, Waridel P. Shotgun ecotoxicoproteomics of Daphnia pulex: biochemical effects of the anticancer drug tamoxifen at environmentally relevant concentrations. 20th International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 24-29 August 2014.


Gregorio V, Chèvre, N. Assessing the risk of mixture of micropollutants in Geneva lake: from the theoretical approach to “in-situ” ecological effects. 11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-16 November 2013.

Copin PJ, Chèvre N. Enhancement of the representativeness of herbicide effect modelling in watercourses. 11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-16 November 2013.

Rossi L, Chesaux L, Chèvre N. Diffuse sources of micropollutants in a mid-size-lake: how to handle them? 11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-16 November 2013.

Margot J Kienle C Magnet A Weil M Rossi L de Alencastro LF Abegglen C, Thonney D Chèvre N, Schärer M, Barry DA. Treatment of micropollutants in municipal wastewater: Ozone or powdered activated carbon? 11th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15-16 November 2013.

Casado-Martinez MC, Campiche S, Chèvre N, De Alencastro LF, Ferrari BJD, Flück R, Rossi L, Santiago S, Vermeirssen E, Werner I. Sediment quality assessment in Switzerland: spatial and temporal patterns of contamination. 6th International Conference on Water Resources and Environment Research, Koblenz, Germany, 3-7 June 2013.

Borgatta M, Buclin T, Waridel P, Chèvre N. Are anticancer drug metabolites toxic to Daphnia pulex after chronic exposures? 23th SETAC Europe Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 12-16, 2013.

Copin PJ, Chèvre N. Modelling the effects of fluctuating herbicide concentrations on algae growth. 23th SETAC Europe Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 12-16, 2013.

Larras F, Gregorio V, Montuelle B, Bouchez A, Chèvre N. Are threshold derived from specific species sensitivity distributions protective for benthic diatom assemblage? The case of a four herbicides mixture. 23th SETAC Europe Conference, Glasgow, UK, May 12-16, 2013.


Gregorio V, Chèvre N, Junghans M. Utilisation des modèles de mélanges pour l’évaluation du risque avec les courbes de distribution de sensibilité des espèces: approche théorique. Colloque 2012 de la Société Française d’Ecotoxicologie Fondamentale et Appliquée, July 7-8, 2012.

Gregorio V, Chèvre N, Junghans M. On the appropriateness of using the common mixture toxicity models CA and IA on species sensitivity distributions: a theoretical approach. 6th SETAC World Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 20-24, 2012.

Borgatta M, Buclin T, Waridel P, Chèvre N. Acute and chronic toxicity of tamoxifen and its metabolites on Daphnia pulex. 6th SETAC World Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 20-24, 2012.

Copin PJ, Chèvre N. Effect modelling of intermittent discharge of herbicides in watercourses. 6th SETAC World Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 20-24, 2012.


Gregorio V, Junghans M, Chèvre N. 2011. Risk assessment of mixture of herbicides: the case study of lake Geneva. SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Perruchoud T, Gregorio V, Chèvre N, Mitchell E. Effects of three pesticides on the growth of Euglypha rotunda: is this species a good bioindicator? SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Borgatta M, Buclin T, Waridel P, Chèvre N. Ecotoxicoproteomics tests on Daphnia pulex: preliminary steps. SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Margot J, Magnet A, Thonney D, Chèvre N, De Alencastro F, Kienle C, Abegglen C, Barry DA, Rossi L. 2011. Elimination of micropollutants in wastewater treatment plants : Ozonation or activated carbon? Conclusions of a one-year pilot project. SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Chèvre N, Johnson DR, van der Meer J. 2011. Risk assessment of fungicides and bactericides: are we using the correct data? SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Chèvre N, Coutu S, Bader H-P, Scheidegger R, Rossi L. Substance flow analysis for micropollutants management in urban watershed. SETAC Europe 21st Annual meeting, Milano, Italy, May 15-19, 2011.

Flück R., S. Campiche, N. Chèvre and I. Werner, 2011. Ecotoxicological evaluation of sediments: Establishment of recommendations in Switzerland. Seventh International SedNet Conference on 6-9 April 2011, Venice, Italy.


Gregorio V, Bouchez A, Anneville O, Chèvre N. Evaluation du risque des mélanges de substances chimiques: application au cas du phytoplancton du Léman. Journées internationales de limnologie 2010. October 5-8, 2010, Thonon, France.

Gregorio V, Chèvre N. Evaluation du risque des mélanges de substances chimiques: phytoplancton versus périphyton. Ecologie 2010, 2-4 September 2010, Montpellier, France.

Rossi L, Rumley L, Chèvre N. Sampling-helper: a web-based tool to asssess the reliability of sampling strategies in sewer systems and receiving waters. June 27-July 1, 2010. Lyon. France.

Chèvre N, Gremaud D, Guignard C, Rossi L, De Alencastro L-F, Bader H-P, Scheidegger R. Substance flow analysis: a management tool for heavy metals in urban water systems. June 27-July 1, 2010. Lyon. France.

Flück R, Chèvre N, Campiche S. Sediment quality assessement: Review and discussion of the current methods. Workshop: Monitoring and data evaluation under the Water Framework Directive – Achievements, deficits and new horizons. June 16-17, 2010. Kirchberg. Luxembourg.

Kase R, Eggen R, Homazava N, Di Paolo C, Junghans M, Ashauer R, Fenner K, Perazzolo C, Gregorio V, Chèvre N. Aquatic risks of pesticides: comparison of different risk assessment strategies for surface waters in Switzerland. May 23-27, 2010. Seville. Spain.

Coutu S, Khodadadi S, Rossi L, Chèvre N. Multicriteria methods for assessing pharmaceuticals hazard for the environment. May 23-27, 2010. Seville. Spain.


Rossi L, Fankhauser R, Chèvre N. A new approach to assess sediment impairment due to urban wet-weather discharges. EGU 2009. 20-24 April 2009. Vienna. Austria.

Rossi L, Copin P-J, Barry AD, Bader H-P, Scheidegger R, Chèvre N. Micropollutants in the urban watersheds: substance flow analysis as management tool. EGU 2009. 20-24 April 2009. Vienna. Austria.

Chèvre N, Guignard C, Copin P-J, Bader H-P, Scheidegger R, Rossi L. Substance flow analysis as tool for sustainable urban water management regarding xenobiotics. Xenowac 2009. 10-13 March 2009. Paphos. Cyprus.


Copin P-J, Margni M, Chèvre N, Charles R, Klein A. Comparative assessment of the potential impact of pesticides used in the catchmment of lake Geneva. Sixth International Conference on LCA in the agrifood sector. 12-14 November 2008. Zürich. Switzerland.

Morasch B, Perazzolo C, Chèvre N, Grandjean D, De Alencastro LF, Kohn T. Entwicklung einer analytischen Screening-Methode für Mikroverunreinigungen in Schweizer Seen. SETAC GLB und GDCh. 3. Gemeinsame Tagung. 23-26 September 2008. Frankfurt. Germany.

Vallotton N, Eggen RIL, Chèvre N. Effect assessment of fluctuating exposure of herbicides with different modes of action on algae. SETAC Europe 18 Annual Meeting. 25-29 May 2008. Warsaw. Poland.

Rossi L, Chèvre N. New guidelines for probabilistic risk assessment of wet-weather discharges in urban areas. SETAC Europe 18 Annual Meeting. 25-29 May 2008. Warsaw. Poland.

Copin PJ, Chèvre N, Charles R, Klein A, Margni M. Comparative assessment of the potential impact of pesticides used in the catchment of lake Geneva. SETAC Europe 18 Annual Meeting. 25-29 May 2008. Warsaw. Poland.

Chappuis PP, Chèvre N. Light compartmental modeling to evaluate long-term trends of Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in surface and groundwater in Switzerland. SETAC Europe 18 Annual Meeting. 25-29 May 2008. Warsaw. Poland.

Klein A, Edder P, Ortelli D, Rapin F, Chèvre N. Emergence of new pesticides in the lake Geneva due to industrial pollutions. SETAC Europe 18 Annual Meeting. 25-29 May 2008. Warsaw. Poland.

Vallotton N, Eggen RIL, Chèvre N. Deriving acute and time-dependent water quality criteria for herbicides in Switzerland. SETAC Europe 18 Annual Meeting. 25-29 May 2008. Warsaw. Poland.

Chèvre N, Kleijer A, Burkhardt M. Biocides and additives used in building materials: determination of a priority list regarding their impact in water. SETAC Europe 18 Annual Meeting. 25-29 May 2008. Warsaw. Poland.

Niwa N, Chèvre N, Rossi L. La nature en ville: un outil d’urbanisme pour concevoir la ville durale. Le cas de la gestion de l’eau. Atelier. Congrès Nature 3/08, 22 February 2008, Basel, Switzerland.

Johnson DR, Czechowska K, Chèvre N, van der Meer JR. Assessing the Effects of Fungicides on Aquatic Ecosystems using Single-Cell Isolation in Agarose Beads Coupled with Flow Cytometric Cell Sorting. Biology Meets Engineering conference (USGEB). 6-7 February 2008. EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.


Chèvre N , Vallotton N, Rossi L. Valeurs limites par temps pluie: comment prendre en compte la dynamique des polluants? Directive STORM. Journée de presentation. 13 November 2007, EPF Lausanne. Switzerland.

Chèvre N, Vallotton N, Rossi L. Risk assessment of urban runoff pollution in rivers: how to deal with time-varying concentrations? 6th International Conference NOVATECH. 24-29 June 2007. Lyon. France. Proceeding.


Chèvre N, Erkman S. Including mixture of pesticides in water quality criteria: the problem of dealing with multiple sources of contamination. SETAC North America 27th Annual Meeting. 5-9 November 2006. Montreal. Canada.

Chèvre N, Rutishauer S, Gomides Freitas L, Maniglio Y, Rossi L, Eggen R. The use of a test battery based on mode of action to monitor surface water: field studies. SETAC North America 27th Annual Meeting. 5-9 November 2006. Montreal. Canada.

Chèvre N, Tati E, Rapin F, Edder P, Erkman S. Risk assessment of mixture of pesticides in a European great lake. SETAC North America 27th Annual Meeting. 5-9 November 2006. Montreal. Canada.

Vallotton N, Eggen RI, Escher BI, Chèvre N. Effect assessment of sequential algae exposure to the phenylurea herbicide isoproturon. SETAC North America 27th Annual Meeting. 5-9 November 2006. Montreal. Canada.

Vallotton N, Eggen RI, Escher BI, Chèvre N. Risk assessment of single pulse exposure of herbicides with different modes of action. SETAC North America 27th Annual Meeting. 5-9 November 2006. Montreal. Canada.

Chèvre N. Les micropolluants dans les matériaux de construction: quel impact pour l’eau en ville? Quelles solutions pour protéger durablement sa qualité? Workshop GSE 2006 – Frontiers of Research in Industrial Ecology. University of Lausanne. 27.11-01.12.2006. Lausanne. Switzerland.

Moser D, Vallotton N, Eggen RIL, Chèvre N. Herbicidal pulse exposure of the green algae S. vacuolatus: a comparison of effects induced by the corn herbicides atrazine and S-metolachlor. Symposium on Farmers’ Decisions, Land Use and Environmental Impact. 19 October 2006. Univeristy of Zurich Irchel. Zurich. Switzerland.

Vallotton N, Eggen RIL, Chèvre N. Taking fluctuating exposure measured in rivers into account in the definition of acute water quality for herbicides. Symposium on Farmers’ Decisions, Land Use and Environmental Impact. 19 October 2006. Univeristy of Zurich Irchel. Zurich. Switzerland.

Maillard E, Becker-van Slooten K, Chèvre N. Risk assessment of mixture of organophophates insecticides in European and US streams. Symposium on Farmers’ Decisions, Land Use and Environmental Impact. 19 October 2006. Univeristy of Zurich Irchel. Zurich. Switzerland.

Vallotton N, Eggen RIL, Escher BI, Chèvre N. Effect assessment of short herbicidal exposure to algae: a comparison between herbicides with different modes of action. SETAC Europe 16th Annual Meeting. 7-11 May 2006. The Hague. The Netherlands.

Chèvre N, Loepfe C, Fenner K, Singer H, Stamm C, Escher BI. Including mixtures in the determination of acute and chronic water-quality criteria for pesticides. Analytical Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Workshop. 15 Februar 2006, Geneva, Switzerland.

Chèvre N, Behra R, Eggen RIL, Rutishauer S, Schweigert N, Escher BI. The use of a mode-of-action based test battery as an innovative approach to monitor surface water quality. Analytical Chemistry and Ecotoxicology Workshop. 15 Februar 2006, Geneva, Switzerland.


Chèvre N, Loepfe C, Fenner K, Singer H, Stamm C, Escher BI. Including mixtures in the determination of acute and chronic water-quality criteria for pesticides. SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting. 13-17 November 2005, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Chèvre N, Behra R, Eggen RIL, Rutishauer S, Schweigert N, Escher BI. The use of a mode-of-action based test battery as an innovative approach to monitor surface water quality. SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting. 13-17 November 2005, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Vallotton N, Escher BI, Eggen RIL, Chèvre N. Time-varying exposure of algae to herbicides with different modes of action: effects at the population and subcellular level. SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting. 13-17 November 2005, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Rossi L, Chèvre N. Risk assessment of contaminated river sediments linked with urban wet-weather discharges. SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting. 13-17 November 2005, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Rossi L, Krejci V, Fankhauser R, Chèvre N. Probabilistic risk assessment of urban wet-weather discharges. SETAC North America 26th Annual Meeting. 13-17 November 2005, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Vallotton N, Escher BI, Eggen RIL, Chèvre N. Kurzzeitige Herbizid-Expositionen mit verschiedenen Wirkungsmechanismen: Effekte auf der Subzellular- und Populationsebene. SETAC-GLB. 28-30 September 2005, Basel, Switzerland.

Herensperger B, Chèvre N, Fenner K, Vallotton N, Escher B. Risikoanalyse von Atrazin und dessen primären Umwandlungsprodukten im Greifenseeeinzugsgebiet. SETAC-GLB. 28-30 September 2005, Basel, Switzerland.

Burkhardt M, Rossi L, Chèvre N, Gächter F, Boller M. Emissionen durch den Eisenbahnverkehr in der Schweiz sowie eine Möglichkeit zur Abschätzung der Umweltrelevanz. SETAC-GLB. 28-30 September 2005, Basel, Switzerland.

Rossi L, Krejci V, Fankhauser R, Chèvre N. Projekt STORM: Probabilistische Risikobeurteilung im Zusammenhang mit Abwassereinleitungen aus der Siedlungsentwässeung bei Regenwetter. SETAC-GLB. 28-30 September 2005, Basel, Switzerland.

Fenner K, Herensperger B, Singer H, Chèvre N, Schwarzenbach R. Einzugsgebietsmodell für die Vorhersage von Pestizid-Metaboliten Expositions­muster. SETAC-GLB. 28-30 September 2005, Basel, Switzerland.

Chèvre N, Loepfe C, Fenner K, Singer H, Stamm C, Escher BI. Berücksichtigung von Mischungen bei der Bestimmung von akuten und chronischen Wasserqualitätsanforderungen für Pestizide. SETAC-GLB. 28-30 September 2005, Basel, Switzerland.

Chèvre N, Behra R, Eggen RIL, Rutishauer S, Schweigert N, Escher BI. Anwendung einer wirkmechanismus-basierten Testbatterie für die Überwachung der Qualität von Oberflächengewässern. SETAC-GLB. 28-30 September 2005, Basel, Switzerland.

Kupper T, Chèvre N, Burkhardt M, Rossi L, de Alencastro F, Boller M. Release of biocidal products into aquatic systems: determination and evaluation of sources, pathways and fate in urbanized areas. Symposium on the Environmental and Social / Economic Aspects of the Nonagricultural Uses of Pesticides. 5-7 September 2005, Homerton College, Cambridge, UK.

Rossi L, Fankhauser R, Chèvre N. Water quality criteria for total suspended solids (TSS) in urban wet-weather discharges. 10 th International Conference on Urban Drainage. 21-26 August 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Chèvre N, Behra R, Eggen R I L, Rutishauer S, Schweigert N, Escher B I. The use of a mode of action based test battery to monitor surface water quality. 12th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment. 12-17 June 2005. Skiathos. Greece.

Chèvre N, Loepfe C, Fenner K, Singer H, Stamm C, Escher B I. Including mixtures in the determination of water-quality criteria for pesticides. 12th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment. 12-17 June 2005. Skiathos. Greece.

Vallotton N, Eggen R, Escher B, Chèvre N. Short pulsed exposure of herbicides with different modes of action to algae: effects at the population and subcellular level. 2005. SETAC Europe 15th Annual Meeting. 22-26 May 2005. Lilles. France.


Chèvre N, Escher B. How to deal with mixture in regulatory settings? Workshop Internal Exposure – linking bioavailability to effects. 22-27 August 2004. Monte Verità. Switzerland.

Vallotton N, Chèvre N, Behra R, Escher B. Short pulse exposure of algae to herbicide: effects at the subcellular and at the population level. 22-27 August 2004. Monte Verità. Switzerland.

Chèvre N, Escher B, Singer H, Müller SR. Including mixture in the risk assessment of pesticides at different scales of a catchment. SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting. 18-22 April 2004. Prague. Czech Republic.

Rossi L, Chèvre N, Boller M. Probabilistic model as a screening tool to assess the risk of adsorbed pollutant on particles coming from wet-weather discharges. SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting. 18-22 April 2004. Prague. Czech Republic. Poster as PDF.

Chèvre N, Singer H, Müller SR. Monitoring program of pesticides for the comparison with Environmental Quality Standards in water: what should we consider? SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting. 18-22 April 2004. Prague. Czech Republic.


Chèvre N, Gagné F, Blaise C. A biomarker-based index to communicate the ecotoxic potential of aquatic sites. SETAC Europe 13th Annual Meeting. 27 April-1 May 2003. Hamburg. Germany.

Chèvre N, Krayenbühl J, Behra R, Müller S. Short pulses-repeated exposure scenario (SPRES): a tool to investigate effects on algae of high herbicide concentrations occurring in rivers during rain events. SETAC Europe 13th Annual Meeting. 27 April-1 May 2003. Hamburg. Germany.


Chèvre N, Leu C, Singer H, Mueller S. 2002. Pesticides in Swiss rivers: risk for the aquatic life and evaluation of the actual limit. Jahrestagung 2002 Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie. 6-8 Oktober 2002. Braunschweig. Germany.

Daniel O, Buechi R, Chèvre N, Umbrich M. 2002. PIERIS: the ecotoxicological database for plant protection products in Switzerland. SETAC Europe 12th Annual Meeting. 12-16 May 2002. Vienna. Austria.


Blaise C, Lee K, Chèvre N, Gagné F, Harwood M, Lappalainen J, Persoone G, Doe K. 2001. Comparative bioanalytical assessment of several solid phase toxicity tests conducted on oil-contaminated freswater sediments. 10th International symposium on the toxicity assessment. 26-31.08.2001. Québec City, Québec, Canada.


Blaise C, Lee K, Chèvre N, Gagné F, Harwood M, Lappalainen J, Persoone G, Doe K. 2000. Assessment of the hazard potential of oil-contaminated sediments with solid phase toxicity tests. Aquatic Toxicity Workshop 2000. 2-4.10.2000. St-John’s. Canada.

Chèvre N, Becker-van Slooten K, Tarradellas J, Brazzale A, Behra R, Guettinger H. 2000. Modelisation of the toxicity of dinoseb on Daphnia magna survival and reproduction. 3rd SETAC World Congress, 21-25.5.2000, Brighton, England.