
Each publication can be obtained by writing to: nathalie.chevre[dot]


Creusot N, Huba K, Borel C, Ferrari BJD, Chèvre N, Hollender J. Identification of polar organic chemicals in the aquatic foodweb: combining high-resolution mass spectrometry and trend analysis. Environment International. Accepted.

Gregorio V, Khajehnouri F, Chèvre N, Kienle C, Pointet L, Savioz A, Barbier S. 2023. Evaluation écotoxicologique d’une rivière avant remédiation. Déterminer un état de référence de pollution. Aqua&Gas 7+8.

Boualit L, Cayuela H, Ballu A, Cattin L, Reis C, Chèvre N. 2023. The Amphibian Short Term Assay (ASTA): Evaluation of a new ecotoxicological method for amphibians using two organophosphate pesticides commonly found in nature. Assessment of behavioral traits. 2023. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.


Cattin L, Boualit L, Guillet B, Chèvre N. 2022. Développement de méthodes peu invasives pour la mesure de biomarqueurs sur les amphibiens. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles 101 : 17-30.

Chèvre N. 2022. Ecotoxicologie des médicaments. Dans: Santé et environnement. Vers une nouvells approche globale. Senn et al. Eds. RMS Editions. p. 330-337.

Benali I, Bouderbala M, Chèvre N. Preliminary study for the establishment of the gastropod, Lymnaea stagnalis (Linné, 1758), as bio-sentinel to monitor the water quality of the north Algerian rivers. Case of the El-Malah river. Nat. Env. & Poll. Tech. 21(3): 1217-1225.

Melo de Almeida E, Tisserand F, Faria M, Chèvre N. 2022. Efficiency of Several Cytochrome P450 Biomarkers in Highlighting the Exposure of Daphnia magna to an Organophosphate Pesticide. Toxics 10 (8): 482.

Boualit L, Cayuela H, Chèvre N. The Amphibian Short Term Assay (ASTA): Evaluation of a New Ecotoxicological Method for Amphibians Using Two Organophosphate Pesticides Commonly Found in Nature. Assessment of Biochemical, Morphological and Life History Traits. 2022. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 41(11): 2688-2699.

Gonzalez Holguera J, Gaille M, Del Rio M, Steinberger J, Marti J, Bühler N, Kaufmann A, Chiapperino L, Vicerdo A, Schwarz J, Depoux A, Panese F, Arnsperger C, Chèvre N, Senn N. Transplating planetary health principles into meaningful primary care services. Frontiers Public Health.

Chèvre N. 2022. Impact du bâti et des infrastructures en matière de pollution environnementale et pistes d’action. Dans Jalons no 14. Développement durable. Etat de Vaud.


Zitouni N, Bousserrhine N, Missawi O, Boughatta I, Chèvre N, Santos R, Belbekhouche S, Alphonse V, Tisserand F, Balmassière L, Dos Santos SP, Mokni M, Guerbej H. 2020. Uptake , tissue distribution and toxicological effects of environmental microplastics in early juvenile fish Dicentrachus labrax. Journal of Hazardous Materials 403. On-line. DOI:

Chèvre N. 2020. Un monde d’après sans chimie de synthèse est-il souhaitable ? In: Tumulte postcorona, les crises, en sortir et bifurquer. Ménétrey A-C, Mahaim R, Recordon L. Eds. Editions d’en bas.

Jenny et al. 2020. Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world’s large lakes. Journal of Great Lakes Research.


Boualit L, Pichenot J, Besnard A, Helder R, Joly P, Cayuela H. 2019. Environmentally Mediated Reproductive Success Predicts Breeding Dispersal Decisions in an Early Successional Amphibian. Animal Behaviour 149: 107–120. (Affiliation L. Boualit, Fribourg, CH).

Cayuela H, Boualit L, Laporte L, Prunier JG, Preiss P, Laurent A, Foletti F, Clobert J, Jacob G. Kin-Dependent Dispersal Influences Relatedness and Genetic Structuring in a Lek System. Oecologia. (Affiliation L. Boualit, Fribourg, CH).

Milano M. Chèvre N. 2019. How water quality standards for pesticides affect the classification of the chemical status of rivers. Wires Water.


Copin PJ, Khajehnouri F, Chèvre N, Ben Hassena M, Shelton D. 2018. Etude des gels douches et des shampoings. Que cache la liste des ingrédients des produits cosmétiques? Aqua & Gas No6.

Chèvre N et al. Eds. 2018. Micropollutants in Large Lakes. PPUR – CRC Press.

Amacker N, Mitchell E, Ferrari B, Chèvre N. 2018. Development of a new ecotoxicological assay using the testate amoeba Euglypha rotunda (Rhizaria; Euglyphida) and assessment of the impact of the herbicide S-metolachlor. Chemosphere 201. 351-360. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.03.001.

Copin PJ, Chèvre N. 2018. Modelling the effects of PSII inhibitor pulse exposure on two algae in co-culture. Ecotoxicology 27: 154-168.


Ripple WJ et al. (together with 15’364 scientists). World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice. BioScience, bix125.

Milano M, Chèvre N, Reynard E. 2017. Assessing watercourse quality: challenges in implementing European and Swiss legal frameworks. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25: 805-823.

Gruffel P, Chèvre N. 2017. Retardateurs de flamme. Une histoire sans fin?. Aqua&Gas 6: 96-107.

Copin PJ, Hauret A, Khajehnouri F, Mechouk C, Chèvre N. 2017. Cocktails de micropolluants. Prédiction de la toxicité des mélanges de micropolluants du Léman. Aqua&Gas 9: 22-31.

Daouk S, Chèvre N, Vernaz N, Daali Y, Fleury-Souverain S. 2017. Prioritization of active pharmaceutical ingredients in hospital wastewater. In: Hospital Wastewaters – Characteristics, Management, Treatment and Environmental Risks. Verlicchi P (ed.). Hdb Env Chem. Springer International Publishing AG. doi: 10.1007/698_2017_14.

Milano M, Reynard E, Chèvre N, Rubin JF. 2017. Diagnostic des eaux de surface. Application du système modulaire gradué au Boiron de Morges. Aqua & Gas 2: 58-64. Février 2017


Benali I, Boutiba Z, Grandjean D, de Alencastro F, Rouane-Hacene O, Chèvre N. 2017. Spatial distribution and biological effects of trace metals (Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd) and organic micropollutants (PCBs, PAHs) in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis along the Algerian west coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin 115:539-550.

Werner I, Aldrich A, Becker B, Becker D, Brinkmann M, Burkhardt M, Caspers N, Campiche S, Chèvre N, Düring, RA, Escher BI, Fischer F, Giebner S, Heye K, Hollert H, Junghans M, Kienle C, Knauer K, Korkaric M, Märkl V, Muncke J, Oehlmann J, Reifferscheid G, Rensch D, Schäffer A, Schiwy S, Scharz S, Segner H, Simon E, Triebskorn R, Vermeirssen ELM, Wintgens T, Zennegg M. 2016. German Language Branch in Zurich (7–10 September, 2015): Ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry—from research to application. Conference review. Environmental Sciences Europe 28:20. doi 10.1186/s12302-016-0088-3.

Daouk S, Chèvre N, Vernaz N, Widmer C, Daali Y, Fleury-Souverain S. 2016. Dynamics of active pharmaceutical ingredients loads in a Swiss university hospital wastewaters and prediction of the related environmental risk for the aquatic ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment 547: 244-253.

Copin PJ, Perronet L, Chèvre N. 2016. Modelling the effect of exposing algae to pulses of S-metolachlor: how to include a delay to the onset of the effect and in the recovery. Science of the Total Environment 541: 257-267.

Larras F, Gregorio V, Bouchez A, Montuelle B, Chèvre N. 2015. Comparison of specific versus literature species sensitivity ditributions for herbicides risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23: 3042-3052.


Chèvre N, Niwa N. 2015. Phytosanitaires et fertilisants. Dans: « Dictionnaire de la pensée écologique ». Bourg D et Papaux A. Editeurs. Presses Universitaires de France. pp 769-772.

Daouk S, Chèvre N, Vernaz N, Bonnabry P, Dayer P, Daali Y, Fleury-Souverain S. 2015. Prioritization methodology fort he monitoring of active pharmaceutical ingredients in hospital effluents. Journal of Environmental Management 160: 324-332.

Copin PJ, Chèvre N. 2015. Modelling the effects of pulse exposure of several PSII inhibitors on two algae. Chemosphere 137: 70-77.

Benali I, Boutiba Z, Merabet A, Chèvre N. 2015. Integrated use of biomarkers and condition indices in mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) for monitoring pollution and development of biomarker index to assess the potential toxic of coastal sites. Marine Pollution Bulletin 95: 385-394.

Borgatta M, Decosterd LA, Waridel P, Buclin T, Chèvre N. 2015. The anticancer drug metabolites endoxifen and 4-hydroxy-tamoxifen induce toxic effects on Daphnia pulex in a two-generation study. Science of the Total Environment 520: 323-340.

Copin PJ, Coutu S, Chèvre N. 2015. Modelling the effect of fluctuating herbicide concentrations on algae growth. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 113:214-222.

Casado-Martinez C, Ferrari BJD, Werner I, Chèvre N. 2015. Risikobewertung von Sedimenten. Methoden zur Bewertung der Sedimentqualität. Aqua&Gas no 4.

Borgatta M, Hernandez C, Decosterd LA, Chèvre N, Waridel P. 2015. Shotgun ecotoxicoproteomics of Daphnia pulex: biochemical effects of the anticancer drug tamoxifen. Journal of  Proteome Research 2015, 14(1): 279-291.


Brazzola G, Chèvre N, Wedekind C. 2014. Additive genetic variation for tolerance to estrogen pollution in natural populations of Alpine whitefish (Coregonus sp., Salmonidae). Evolutionary Applications 7: 1084-1093. doi:10.1111/eva.12216

Bouchez A, Larras F, Montuelle B, Rimet F, Chèvre N. 2014. Seasonal shift in the sensitivity of a natural benthic microalgal community to a herbicide mixture: impact on the protective level of thresholds derived from Species Sensitivity Distributions. Ecotoxicology. 23:1109-1123.

Gregorio V, Chèvre N. 2014. Assessing the risks posed by mixtures of chemicals in freshwater environments. Case study of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Wires Water: doi: 10.1002/wat2.1018

Chèvre N. 2014. Pharmaceuticals in surface waters: sources, behaviour, ecologica lrisk and possible solutions. Case study of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Wires Water 1: 69-86.

Daouk, S, Grandjean D, Chèvre N, De Alencastro LF, Pfeifer HR. 2014. The herbicide glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA in the Lavaux vineyard area, western Switzerland: proof of widespread export to surface waters. Part I: Method validation in different water matrices. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 48:725-736.


Gregorio V, Chèvre N, Junghans M. 2013. Critical issues in using the common toxicity models CA or RA on species sensitivity distributions: a theoretical approach. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 32: 2387-2395.

Margot J, Kienle C, Magnet A, Weil M, Rossi L, de Alencastro LF, Abegglen C, Thonney D, Chèvre N, Schärer M, Barry DA. 2013. Treatment of micropollutants in municipal wastewater: Ozone or powdered activated carbon? Science of the Total Environment 461-462: 480-498.

Chèvre N, Klein A. 2013. Suivi de la pollution du Léman. Des années 60 à nos jours. Aqua & Gas 5: 26-34.

Chèvre N, Gregorio V. 2013. Mixture Effects in Ecotoxicology. In: Blaise C, Férard JF. Encyclopedia of Aquatic Ecotoxicology. Springer.

Chèvre N, Vallotton N. 2013. Pulse Exposure in Ecotoxicology. In: Blaise C, Férard JF. Encyclopedia of Aquatic Ecotoxicology. Springer.

Daouk S, Copin PJ, Rossi L, Chèvre N, Pfeifer HR. Dynamics and environmental risk assessment of the herbicide glyphosate and its metabolite AMPA in a small vineyard river of the Lake Geneva catchment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32: 2035-44.

Chèvre N, Coutu S, Margot J, Wynn HK, Bader HP, Scheidegger R, Rossi L. 2013. Substance flow analysis as a tool for mitigating the impact of pharmaceuticals on the aquatic system. Water Research 47: 2995-3005.

Rossi L, Chèvre N, Fankhauser R, Margot J, Curdy R, Babut M, Barry DA. 2013.Sediment contamination assessment in urban areas based on Total Suspended Solids. Water Research 47: 339-350.


Bonvin F, Chèvre N, Rutler R, Kohn T. 2012. Pharmaceuticals and their human
metabolites in Lake Geneva: occurrence, fate and ecotoxicological relevance. Archives
des Sciences 65, 143-155.

Junghans M, Kase R, Chèvre N. 2012. Qualitätskriterien  für Pflanzenschutzmittel: Methode zur Herleitung von Qualitätskriterien für PSM in Schweizer Oberflächengewässern. Aqua & Gas 11, 16-22.

Sacchi L, Solcà N, Crivelli E, Chèvre N, de Alencastro LF, Veronesi M, Simona M,  Pfeifer HR. 2012.Microinquinanti nel Laveggio e nel Lago di Lugano presso Riva San Vitale. In : Pessina, A. ed., Lago Ceresio: indagine su DDT e sostanze pericolose. Commissione internazionale per la protezione delle acque italo-svizzere (CIPAIS), Programma quinquennale 2008-2012, Rapporto annuale 2011, 11-23.

Gregorio V, Büchi L, Anneville O, Rimet F, Bouchez A, Chèvre N. Risk of herbicide mixtures as a key parameter to explain phytoplankton fluctuation in a great lake: the case of Lake Geneva, Switzerland. Ecotoxicology 21: 2306-2318.

Flück R, Campiche S, De Alencastro LF, Ferrari B, Rossi L, Santiago S, Werner I, Chèvre N. Surveillance de la qualité des sédiments. Etat actuel des méthodes disponibles et mise en place de recommendations. gwa 4: 18-22.

Coutu S, Rossi L, Barry DA, Chèvre N. Methodology to account for uncertainties and tradeoffs in pharmaceutical environmental hazard assessment. Journal of Environmental Management 98: 183-190.

Flück R , Chèvre N, Campiche S, 2012. Surveillance de la qualité des sédiments en Suisse: État actuel des méthodes disponibles et mise en place de recommandations. Centre Suisse d’écotoxicologie appliquée. Eawag-EPFL. Lausanne, Switzerland.


Chèvre N, Erkman S. Alerte aux micropolluants. Pesticides, biocides, détergents, médicaments et autres substances chimiques dans l’environnement. Collection Le savoir suisse no 74. PPUR, EPFL, Lausanne, Suisse.

Rossi L, Rumley L, Ort C, Minkkinen P, Barry DA, Chèvre N. Samplinghelper web-based tool to assess the reliability of sampling strategies in sewers and receiving waters. Water Science and Technology 63: 2975-2982

Chèvre N, Guignard C, Rossi L, Pfeifer HR, Bader HP, Scheidegger R. Substance flow analysis as a tool for urban water management: the case of copper in Lausanne, Switzerland. Water Science and Technology 63: 1341-1348.

Bonvin F, Rutler R, Chèvre N, Halder J, Kohn T. Spatial and temporal presence of a wastewater-derived micropollutant plume in Lake Geneva. Environmental Science and Technology 45: 4702-4709.

Junghans M, Chèvre N, Di Paolo C, Eggen RIL, Gälli R, Gregorio V, Häner A, Homazava N, Perazzolo C, Kase R. 2011. Aquatic Risks of Plant Protection Products: A Comparison of Different Hazard Assessment Strategies for Surface Waters in Switzerland. Study on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment. Swiss Centre for Applied Ecotoxicology, Eawag-EPFL, Duebendorf.

Margot J, Magnet A, Thonney D, Chèvre N, de Alencastro F, Rossi L. 2011. Traitement des micropolluants dans les eaux usées – rapport final sur les essais pilotes à la STEP de Vidy (Lausanne). Ed. Ville de Lausanne.

Chèvre N. 2011. Modélisation des effets écotoxiques d’un micropolluant organique. Editions Universitaires Européennes. Saarbrücken, Germany.


Perazzolo C, Morasch B, Kohn T, Magnet A, Thonney D, Chèvre N. 2010. Prioritization, occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants in the Vidy bay (Lake Geneva): Part I: establishment of a priority list for environmental risk assessment. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29: 1649-1657.

Morasch B, Bonvin F, Reiser H, Grandjean D, de Alencastro LF, Perazzolo C, Chèvre N, Kohn T. 2010. Prioritization, occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals and other micropollutants in the Vidy bay (Lake Geneva): Part II: micropollutant removal in the wastewater treatment plant and during subsequent passage through the bay into raw drinking water. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29: 1658-1668.

Chèvre N, Niwa N, Rossi L. Micropolluants dans les eaux: la santé sera-t-elle un levier suffisant pour mettre en place une gestion intégrée? In: Richoz S, Boulianne LM, Ruegg J. 2010. Santé et développement territorial. Enjeux et opportunités. Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. Lausanne. Switzerland.


Vallotton N, Chèvre N. 2009. Ecotoxicology Research Developments Assessment Of Pulse Effects Of Herbicides With Different Models Of Action On Algae. In: Ecotoxicology Research Developments. Santos E.B. Editor. Nova Science Publishers.

Palomino D, Chèvre N. 2009. Nanoparticules: risques pour l’homme et l’environnement. gwa 12: 979-990.

Burkhardt M, Zuleeg S, Marti T, Boller M, Vonbank R, Brunner S, Simmler H, Carmeliet J, Chèvre N. 2009. Biocides dans les eaux de façades. Solutions à trouver. ARPEA 241: 13-16.

Rossi L, Chèvre N, Fankhauser R, Krejci V. 2009. Probabilistic environmental risk assessment of urban wet-weather discharges: an approach developed for Switzerland. Urban Water 6: 355-367.

Johnson DR, Czechowska K, Chèvre N, Roelof van der Meer J. 2009. Toxicity of triclosan, penconazole, and metalaxyl on Caulobacter crescentus and freshwater microbial community as assessed by flow cytometry. Environmental Microbiology 11: 1682-1691.

Vallotton N, Eggen RIL, Chèvre N. 2009. Effect of sequential isoproturon pulse exposure on Scenedesmus vacuolatus. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 56: 442-449.


Kleijer A, Chèvre N, Burkhardt M. 2008. Biocides et protection du bois. Liste des substances chimiques à surveiller. gwa 12: 965-973.

Vallotton N, Eggen R, Chèvre N. 2008. Cours d’eau et herbicides. Effets des concentrations fluctuantes sur les organismes aquatiques. gwa 10: 787-795.

Chèvre N, Maillard E, Loepfe C, Becker-van Slooten K. 2008. Determination of water quality standards for chemical mixtures: extension of a methodology developed for herbicides to a group of insecticides and to a group of pharmaceuticals. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 71: 740-748.

Vallotton N, Moser D, Eggen R, Junghans M, Chèvre N. 2008. S-metolachlor pulse exposure on the alga Scenedesmus vacuolatus: effects during exposure and subsequent recovery. Chemosphere 73: 395-400.

Copin PJ, Chèvre N, Charles R, Klein A, Margni M. 2008. Comparative assessment of the potential impact of pesticides used in the catchment of lake Geneva. Proceedings of 6th Interbational Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector, November 12-14, 2008. Zürich, Switzerland.

Chèvre N, Brazzale AR. 2008. Cost-effective experimental design to support modeling of concentration-response functions. Chemosphere 72: 803-810.

Vallotton N, Eggen R, Escher B, Krayenbuehl J, Chèvre N. 2008. Effect of pulse herbicidal exposure on Scedenesmus vacuolatus: a comparison of two photosystem II inhibitors. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27(6):1399-1407.

Chèvre N, Edder P, Ortelli D, Tatti L, Erkman S, Rapin F. 2008. Risk assessment of herbicide mixtures in a large European lake. Environmental Toxicology 23(2): 269-277.


Chèvre N. 2007. Estimation de l’écotoxicité des substances retrouvées dans le Léman. Rapp. Comm. int. prot. eaux Léman contre pollut., Campagne 2006. 173-186.

Edder P, Ortelli D, Ramseier S, Chèvre N. 2007. Métaux et micropolluants organiques dans les eaux du Léman. Rapp. Comm. int. prot. eaux Léman contre pollut., Campagne 2006. 59-81.

Chèvre N, Rossi L. 2007. Micropolluants organiques dans les eaux de surface. Etat de la recherche. gwa 9: 679-687.

Chèvre N. 2007. Les micropolluants dans les eaux: quel risque pour l’homme et l’environnement? Bulletin de l’ARPEA 233. 8-11.

Chèvre N, Loepfe C, Fenner K, Singer H, Escher B, Stamm C. 2007. Pesticides dans les eaux superficielles de Suisse. Critères de qualité basés sur les effets des substances. gwa 7: 529-539.

Maillard E, Becker van Slooten K, Chèvre N. 2007. Les insecticides organophosphorés dans les cours d’eau: un risque non négligeable pour les organismes aquatiques. Bulletin de l’ARPEA 231. 13-17.


Rossi L, Fankhauser R, Chèvre N. 2006. Water quality criteria for total suspended solids (TSS) in urban wet-weather discharges. Water Science and Technology. 54(6-7): 355-362.

Stamm C, Siber R, Fenner K, Singer H, Chèvre N. 2006.Monitoring von Pestizidbelastungen in schweizer Oberflächengewässern. gwa 8: 629-636.

Chèvre N, Loepfe C, Fenner K, Singer H, Escher B, Stamm C. 2006. Pestizide in Schweizer Oberflächengewässern. Wirkungsbasierte Qualitätskriterien. gwa 4: 297-307.

Chèvre N, Loepfe C, Singer H, Stamm C, Fenner K, Escher B. 2006. Including mixtures in the determination of water quality criteria for herbicides in surface water. Environmental Science and Technology. 40(2): 426-435.


Chèvre N, Escher B. 2005. Pesticides, quel risque pour les eaux? EAWAG News 59f. 20-23

Chèvre N, Singer H, Müller S, Müller E. 2005. Les pesticides dans les cours d’eau en Suisse: évaluation du risque. Bulletin de l’ARPEA 223. 63-68.

Chèvre N, Brazzale AR, Becker-van Slooten K, Behra R, Tarradellas J, Guettinger H. 2005. Modeling the concentration-response function of the herbicide dinoseb on Daphnia magna (survival time, reproduction) and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (growth rate). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 62 (1): 17-25.

Burkhardt M, Rossi L, Chèvre N, Boller M, Steide L, Abrecht J, Gätscher F, Kuppelwieser H. 2005. Gewässerschutz an Bahnanlagen. Rapport Eawag. Dübendorf, Switzerland.


Chèvre N, Singer H, Müller S, Müller E. 2004. Evaluation du risque des pesticides dans les eaux courantes en Suisse. gwa 10: 739-751.

Blaise C, Gagné F, Chèvre N, Harwood M, Lee K, Lappalainen J, Chial B, Persoone G, Doe K. 2004. Toxicity assessment of oil-contaminated freshwater sediments. Environmental Toxicology. 19 (4): 267-273.


Chèvre N, Singer H, Müller S, Müller E. 2003. Risikobeurteilung von Pestiziden in Schweizer Oberflächengewässern. gwa 12: 906-917.

Chèvre N, Singer H, Müller S. 2003. Evaluation du risque des pesticides pour les eaux de surface en Suisse. Jahresbericht EAWAG 2003.

Chèvre N. 2003. Synthese Ökotox. Risk assessment of 6 different substances occurring in the Swiss rivers. Teilprojekt-Nr. 02/01. Fischnetz Projekt. EAWAG. Dübendorf. Switzerland.

Chèvre N, Gagné F, Blaise C. 2003. Development of a biomarker-based index for assessing the ecotoxic potential of aquatic sites. Biomarkers. 8 (3-4): 287-298.

Götz C, Chèvre N, Singer S, Müller S. 2003. Emme, Necker, Lichtensteiner Binnenkanal, Venoge: Gebietscharakterisierung, Pestizidmessungen, Toxizitätabschätzung. Teilprojekt-Nr. 01/15. Fischnetz Projekt. EAWAG. Dübendorf. Switzerland.

Chèvre N, Gagné F, Blaise C, Gagnon P. 2003. Application of the Rough Sets approach to distinguish between different aquatic polluted sites based on a battery of biomarkers. Comparison with traditional methods. Chemosphere. 51. 13-23.


Santiago S, Chèvre N, Becker van Slooten K, Benninghoff C, Pardos M, Dumas M, Thybaud E, Naudin S, Garrivier F. 2002. Guide pour l’utilisation des tests écotoxicologiques avec les daphnies, les bactéries luminescentes et les algues vertes appliqués aux échantillons de l’environnement. Groupe de travail Tests écotoxicologiques de la Commission Internationale pour la Protection des Eaux du Léman (CIPEL), Novembre 2002. Editeur: S. Soluval, 2108 Couvet. CH. Link.

Chèvre N, Becker-van Slooten K, Tarradellas J, Brazzale AR, Behra R, Guettinger H. 2002. Effects of dinoseb on the life cycle of Daphnia magna: modeling survival time and a proposal for an alternative to the no-observed-effect concentration (NOEC). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 21(4). 828-833.


Martins JMF, Chèvre N, Spack L, Tarradellas J, Mermoud A. 2001. Degradation in soil and water and ecotoxicity of rimsulfuron and its metabolites. Chemosphere. 45 (4-5). 515-522.

Chèvre N. 2001. Développement d’un indice intégrateur de danger pour la faune aquatique au moyen d’une batterie de biomarqueurs. Environnement Canada – Région du Québec, Conservation de l’environnement, Centre St-Laurent. Rapport scientifique et technique ST-217. 68 pages.


Brazzale AR, Chèvre N. 2000. Measures of the environmental impact of a pollutant in aquatic ecotoxocity studies. Technical Reports no 2000.3. Chair of Statistics (Prof AC Davison), Department of Mathematics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. Lausanne.CH.

Chèvre N. 2000. Etude et modélisation des effets écotoxiques d’un micropolluant organique sur Daphnia magna et Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata. Thèse no 2117. Février 2000. Département de Génie rural. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale. Lausanne. CH.