e-mail: marco.mueller@siemens-healthineers.com
Department of Radiology
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
Rue de Bugnon 46, BH 7.74
1011 Lausanne, Switzerland
Marco is a Siemens Healthineers Onsite Scientist in Matthias Stuber`s team. His work focuses on the collaborative development and clinical translation of innovative MR imaging technology.
Marco has years of experience in developing clinical software and machine learning solutions, spanning from simulations to clinical implementation, and from MR imaging sequences to image reconstruction pipelines, particularly in MRI for cardio-vascular and cancer imaging. He has led numerous national and international research studies in multidisciplinary teams and gained more than six years of experience in translational research strategy.
Marco has a multidisciplinary background in physics, medicine, and business administration.